
Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
you're getting old, Gude..nothing is as good as old times, you need to realize that...

That is the one thing I thought as I saw the lame commercials and half time show. It wasn't directed at me, I am getting older and it must be really cool to a younger crowd.

It was still a great game and congrats to the Packer fans:howdy:


Football addict
Great Super Bowl.

I really enjoyed the Slash performance. It seems like the commercials get worse each year though.

Steelers shot themsevles in the foot. Glad to see the Pack and the NFC get the Lombardi.


This. ------------------>
Great Super Bowl.

I really enjoyed the Slash performance. It seems like the commercials get worse each year though.

Steelers shot themsevles in the foot. Glad to see the Pack and the NFC get the Lombardi.

I'm thinking Axl's head exploded during the Slash/Fergie performance.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
you're getting old, Gude..nothing is as good as old times, you need to realize that...

That's not true as a blanket statement. Giants v. Pats was the best super bowl, ever, and I thought and said so at the time.

This year was better officiated than Steelers v. Cards flag fest.

Next year will be better commercials if for no other reason than this year was worst, ever. :lol:

There will be sharper played games in the future. This year felt like those years when the two weeks was just forever and the rough play showed it. Some years, two weeks seems perfect.

I'm not arguing that 'everything' was better back in the day when we had Pinto's, Saturday Night Fever, Astro Turf, huge rim eye glasses and aluminum house wiring.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Oh, and the Cowboys field sucked, too. Why the hell were people slipping all over the place??? And when was the last time someone broker their collarbone (Woodson) just landing? No one breaks a collarbone any more. That tells me hard field. I don't recall any problems with that field regular season.



Methodically disorganized
Oh, and the Cowboys field sucked, too.

I'm surprised to see so many complaints about the halftime show. I consider it a foregone conclusion that the HT show will stink. They always get some performer(s) I don't like, or if I do like them, they do a medley of the 5 most overplayed songs ever. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Liked three commercials: The Doritos finger sucker. Doritos and grandpa. Roseanne getting poleaxed.

I told my wife and kids that she would screw up the anthem but I figured it would just take 10 minutes for her to finish. And what's with her face? It's fatter than Barry Bonds' head.

As far as the game? M'eh. I picked the Packers and it was never really in doubt.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I'm surprised to see so many complaints about the halftime show. I consider it a foregone conclusion that the HT show will stink. They always get some performer(s) I don't like, or if I do like them, they do a medley of the 5 most overplayed songs ever. :rolleyes:

Doing someone elses songs will always draw my wrath.

Paul McCartney did his work. As did a number of other people. Even Shinai lip snyced her own work. When you are lounge act writ large, go perform at a lounge.


Doing someone elses songs will always draw my wrath.

I must admit - this peeves me also. The G&R song isn't meant to be sung by a female and it appeared they had several ongoing 'sound' issues that are out of the realm of the performers. The ½ time show was what I expected. The Black Eyed Peas are more digitally produced and that, I think, makes it difficult to go live. I was more peeved about the National Anthem getting all jacked up. I could accept this if it was some kid but not a paid performer…. She should have been better prepared. She missed an entire verse and mixed up the words - come on... that's embarrassing.
Congratulations to the Green Bay Packers on joining the exclusive club that was formerly occupied by only the Washington Redskins and New York Giants.



I'm surprised to see so many complaints about the halftime show. I consider it a foregone conclusion that the HT show will stink. They always get some performer(s) I don't like, or if I do like them, they do a medley of the 5 most overplayed songs ever. :rolleyes:

I, personally, think the Superbowl is becoming way too commercialized. They try to squeeze as much glam and glitz as they can into a little 20 minute segue between quarters, and it detracts from the overall experience, IMO.

I think that next Superbowl halftime should consist of a 10-15 minute silence where football fans worldwide can reflect on the game they are watching and offer reverence and homage to Supers-bowl past.


They're out to get us
Next year will be better commercials if for no other reason than this year was worst, ever. :lol:

I initially quoted you to say that's not necessarily true, because if the lockout goes on too long then there won't even be a super bowl. But to be honest, I'd rather no commercials or crappy unhyped commercials opposed to ads that are supposed to be funny that fall short.


They're out to get us
I, personally, think the Superbowl is becoming way too commercialized. They try to squeeze as much glam and glitz as they can into a little 20 minute segue between quarters, and it detracts from the overall experience, IMO.

I think that next Superbowl halftime should consist of a 10-15 minute silence where football fans worldwide can reflect on the game they are watching and offer reverence and homage to Supers-bowl past.

I think they should cut the crap and just air the puppy bowl, lingerie bowl, or something equally entertaining.

I wonder if anyone will bother going to the one next year. It's supposed to be in Indianapolis. Come on now.


Methodically disorganized
I, personally, think the Superbowl is becoming way too commercialized.
That is supposed to be a joke, right? We're discussing an event where one of the main features is... the commercials. :lol:

Maybe it's the multi-million dollar commercials, the glitziness, the week-long pre-game, I don't know, but I wish they would cut out 90% of the excess and focus on the game. It is a GAME, after all, not a fashion show, or a concert, or a marketing target or whatever else they want to position it as. :ohwell:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That is supposed to be a joke, right? We're discussing an event where one of the main features is... the commercials. :lol:

Maybe it's the multi-million dollar commercials, the glitziness, the week-long pre-game, I don't know, but I wish they would cut out 90% of the excess and focus on the game. It is a GAME, after all, not a fashion show, or a concert, or a marketing target or whatever else they want to position it as. :ohwell:

No, it's a business, a defacto monopoly that has a vested interest in appealing to the lowest common denominator to protect that status. Football is merely a part of the business.

A game happens at your local high school. :buddies: