Saddam captured!


Yo Gabba Gabba
I guess I should have elaborated in my first post. He deserves a trial by the Iraqi's. They deserve to make him pay for his crimes. The UN is a bunch of wimps and would go too easy on him IMO. The Iraqi's would hand down a suitable punishment.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
I know my words of tolerance & wisdom will fall on deaf & closed ears. But apparently you guys don't remember something called WWII. Even Goering, Hess & all the rest were given trials. What makes this different or the US more pious than it was 55 years ago?

You may say, oh well my fearless leader told me that Saddam killed a lot of people, yeah, this is the fearless leader that frightened us all into war with tales of invisible WMDs. Even the vilest of the vile deserves a trial. So put your handguns away rednecks!
Tolerance and wisdom? :killingme Give me a break, as you display neither.

He will receive a trial, don't know how fair, but it will be a trial by the ruling group in Iraq. The majority of crimes were committed against them and they should be the ones that determine his fate. If he goes before the UN or the World Court they will never give a death penalty, but the Iraqis on the other hand will turn it into a spectator event.


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by jlabsher
I know my words of tolerance & wisdom .....

Page #43 of the "You Know You're Talking to a Democrat When You Hear This" book.

Unbelievable way to start a post...whoa.. :jet:


Originally posted by jlabsher
I know my words of tolerance & wisdom will fall on deaf & closed ears. But apparently you guys don't remember something called WWII. Even Goering, Hess & all the rest were given trials. What makes this different or the US more pious than it was 55 years ago?

You may say, oh well my fearless leader told me that Saddam killed a lot of people, yeah, this is the fearless leader that frightened us all into war with tales of invisible WMDs. Even the vilest of the vile deserves a trial. So put your handguns away rednecks!

I believe that Saddam deserves the same trial and consideration as he gave those that he had tortured and killed. Let his own people give him a trial and then torture him until he breaks, then torture him somemore until he dies. You may not like our President, but I believe the only mistake he's made in this war is allowing bleeding heart liberals dictate how it is fought. Weapons were limited, i.e. cluster bombs, etc. Like I said the only mistake was not putting everything we had, in the way of weapons, into the battle. Should have turned the whole damn place into a glass parking lot.


Sorry about that chief.
Well spank my butt and call me Nancy but I don't think a trial by just the Iraqis will work. The arab world and skeptics in general will claim the trial is rigged.

The Iraqis should hold the trial but reps of many nations should be involved, including arab nations, that would help to dispel any talk of "fixing" the trial.

Yes, the Iraqis should be the main ones involved, as anyone knows he hasn't committed any crimes against anyone else.


Originally posted by jlabsher
Well spank my butt and call me Nancy but I don't think a trial by just the Iraqis will work. The arab world and skeptics in general will claim the trial is rigged. The Iraqis should hold the trial but reps of many nations should be involved, including arab nations, that would help to dispel any talk of "fixing" the trial.

Don't know who Nancy is but to quote myself, "Saddam deserves the same trial and consideration as he gave those that he had tortured and killed." And when I said,"Let his own people give him a trial", I meant the same, "trial and consideration as he gave those that he had tortured and killed." Nothing was said about letting the Iraqis single handedly try him. I really don't care who puts this piece of sh!t on trial, but the end result should be his eradication from this planet.
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New Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
Yes, the Iraqis should be the main ones involved, as anyone knows he hasn't committed any crimes against anyone else.

Hello?! Heard of a little joint called Kuwait? GHWB? I hope you're being sarcastic!

Let 'em take turns (assuming he survives each previous trial).


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Um, JLab, when our President was accused of a crime, where did the trial take place and who were the judge and jury? Hint: it wasn't the UN or any other country.

Saddam should be tried by the Iraqi Council (or whatever they've got set up there now). His crimes were against Iraqis - they should try him and decide his punishment. It's not our place to do it and the UN will just botch it like they do everything else.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Toxick
What a maroon.
It is my fervent hope that the Democratic Presidential candidates scream that long and loud (about the capture conspiracy). It makes them look insane.


Sorry about that chief.
Originally posted by vraiblonde

Saddam should be tried by the Iraqi Council (or whatever they've got set up there now). His crimes were against Iraqis - they should try him and decide his punishment. It's not our place to do it and the UN will just botch it like they do everything else.

Thanks, I agree with that, I just said in the interest of diplomacy & political transparency (something this administration thumbs its nose at) that foreign nations should somehow be involved, including arabic nations to attempt to dispel any accusations of impropriety that are certain to arise.


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Um, JLab, when our President was accused of a crime, where did the trial take place and who were the judge and jury? Hint: it wasn't the UN or any other country.

Saddam should be tried by the Iraqi Council (or whatever they've got set up there now). His crimes were against Iraqis - they should try him and decide his punishment. It's not our place to do it and the UN will just botch it like they do everything else.

Not to play devil's advocate :biggrin:

But in the past our presidents have been accused by people in this country. With regards of Iraq, we have accused (the world actually) saddam of these crimes and took him out of power... Not the Iraqi people.
Somewhere along the line, our reason for taking him out was because he was a threat to the world. So if that were the case, the trial should go beyond iraq.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What the world needs... is a nice long trial covering the entire UN authority period in question, say from the end of the first Gulf War.

It will be interesting to hear all about France and Germany and Russia and all the nice little things they've done for Saddam in the name of world peace (and in violation of UN sanctions).

Notice how suddenly France and Germany are interested in dropping the debts Saddam owes them ever since, oh, about 30 seconds after he was captured?

Here's a little cheat sheet for you:

If our good friends in Paris, Berlin and Moscow start sending real aid, the trial will be rather abbreviated.

If our god friends, our 'allies', start sending troops, there will be NO trial, at least not one where Hussein gets to say much more than "mggmmfmmdmgmmmphpgppfmmdm" as he is gagged and dragged off.

Over the next few months, Kerry and Dean will lose the 'get our good, GOOD friends involved' argument. They WILL get involved. Now.

That leaves us with the last straw, WMD.

Anyway you cut it, the weapons WERE there and the weapons inspectors were not allowed to verify destruction, just like it says in the IWR. Then we get stuck with the farce of Hussein arguing about Iraqi sovereignty as reason for standing up and being evicted to a pit and people in this country agreeing with him.

Then, as all of Husseins crimes against humanity are laid in the open, detail after detail, we get to listen why, once again, he should still be in power.

There IS evidence of Iraq/Al Queda relations. There will be more evidence uncovered now that Hussein can't terrorize anyone anymore. This should surprise no one.

The thing that still puzzles me is, given that Saddam and Osama have the same goal in mind in regards to the US, why would anyone EVER bet their integrity and their political future AGAINST cooperation between the two?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
Not the Iraqi people.
I'm going to give you the opportunity to retract that before I make mincemeat out of you. I'm sure you just misspoke and didn't really mean that the Iraqi people have no beef with Saddam.