Same Sex Marraige

What do U think of gay marraige?

  • Same sex couples should be allowed to marry

    Votes: 29 38.2%
  • Same sex couples should be allowed to get into civil unions only

    Votes: 19 25.0%
  • No, it should never happen. Gays can't get married or unionized

    Votes: 24 31.6%
  • Marraige should be outlawed for everyone!

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters


Lem Putt
It will never be voted on but it should!

Marriage is already defined as between a man and a woman in Maryland law.

If you are opposed to gay marriage, you would not want it to be on the ballot. Since you want it to be on the ballot, you must be in favor of gay marriage.

You can't be naive enough to think that this would not pass if placed on the ballot. It would be no different than the way the Presidential, Gubernatorial, and Senate elections go: most of the state would vote no, but PG, Baltimore, and Montgomery counties would vote yes, and you would have your way.

If you want it on the ballot, you must really be looking forward to marrying your "life partner."


He's a guy that thinks it's ok for 2 girls to go at it for his pleasure....but, not for theirs

and if 2 guys go at it, the entire world should come to a halt and kick them off


I'm "picky" myself.


All I know is, people will do as they please, whether it's "right or wrong".............

Big Fatty

I vote "yes" they should.

That way MightyMouse and I can finally tie the knot!


Well-Known Member
From a moral standpoint I'm against gay marriage as I beleive the teachings of the bible - marriage is between a man and a woman. Voting for same sex marriage would be compromising my beliefs and I think that voting immorally is something we have to answer for in our next life.....

I have heartache with my taxes paying for benefits going towards same sex couples.

Chuck and Larry were a fine couple and I thought the movie was entertaining.....

I tried being gay once and did not like it.......

Does KFC really use 11 herbs and spices? Wonder what 12 would taste like....



New Member
Well I don't like their lifestyle but who am I or anyone else for that matter to have the right to tell someone how to live in America. As long as they are law abiding citizens and paying taxes, I say more power to them.


If this gets passed (as some think it will) in Annapolis I am looking somewhere else to raise my kids. After the Saturday night special session tax raid, this could be the final thing to push me out of here.
