Same Sex Marraige

What do U think of gay marraige?

  • Same sex couples should be allowed to marry

    Votes: 29 38.2%
  • Same sex couples should be allowed to get into civil unions only

    Votes: 19 25.0%
  • No, it should never happen. Gays can't get married or unionized

    Votes: 24 31.6%
  • Marraige should be outlawed for everyone!

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters

Larry Gude

Strung Out

without question.
but how do you know that it is the same feelings that a homosexual has when he checks out my buttocks in public?

...if you know, without question, what you are attracted to, what would it take to get you to be attracted to the opposite? A Klondike bar?


In My Opinion
...if you know, without question, what you are attracted to, what would it take to get you to be attracted to the opposite? A Klondike bar?

you are skirting the question.
How do you know that homosexual activities are not just sick fantasies played out, or maybe a total mis-understanding of feelings?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You are just trying...

you are skirting the question.
How do you know that homosexual activities are not just sick fantasies played out, or maybe a total mis-understanding of feelings? back pedal out of the truth because it doesn't fit your world view.

Again, if you know what you are attracted to, what would get you to be attracted to the opposite? How does anyone know your or my attractions aren't some sick fantasy?

I make allowances for all sorts of things I don't understand and make no sense to me;

Being Cowboy fan.
Not liking beer.
Driving a BMW
Claiming to know what Barrack Obama stands for.

People like what they like and it has nothing to do with what you or I may like.


In My Opinion back pedal out of the truth because it doesn't fit your world view.

Again, if you know what you are attracted to, what would get you to be attracted to the opposite? How does anyone know your or my attractions aren't some sick fantasy?

I make allowances for all sorts of things I don't understand and make no sense to me;

Being Cowboy fan.
Not liking beer.
Driving a BMW
Claiming to know what Barrack Obama stands for.

People like what they like and it has nothing to do with what you or I may like.

and yet you cant accept the fact that I find homosexuality to be a mental defect?

again, think what I think or be wrong?

you can embrace the homosexuals all you want, and in any way. All Im asking is that I have the right to vote against their inclusion in various activities, and that I have the right not to find it acceptable.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

and yet you cant accept the fact that I find homosexuality to be a mental defect?

again, think what I think or be wrong?

you can embrace the homosexuals all you want, and in any way. All Im asking is that I have the right to vote against their inclusion in various activities, and that I have the right not to find it acceptable.'re really not listening. I don't embrace homosexuality any more than I embrace the Dallas Cowboys. I simply understand it for what it is instead of making it into spooks and hobgoblins like mankind so often does with things he doesn't agree with or understand.

Two gay people committing to be married, a legal union, is no more threat to you than you marrying a woman is to them.

You can dislike and hate queers all you like. What should concern you is your desire to interfere in their rights where you have no business. Such as gay marriage. That's why we have a constitution and a bill of rights. That way, people's dislike of each other can exist peacefully as certain rights are protected.


In My Opinion're really not listening. I don't embrace homosexuality any more than I embrace the Dallas Cowboys. I simply understand it for what it is instead of making it into spooks and hobgoblins like mankind so often does with things he doesn't agree with or understand.

Two gay people committing to be married, a legal union, is no more threat to you than you marrying a woman is to them.

You can dislike and hate queers all you like. What should concern you is your desire to interfere in their rights where you have no business. Such as gay marriage. That's why we have a constitution and a bill of rights. That way, people's dislike of each other can exist peacefully as certain rights are protected.
where am I interfering in their rights?
never did I say that I would chase them down with bats, or any other form of violent reaction.
I only said that since I do not think it acceptable, I would not vote for, or acknowledge a relationship on their part.

they can do what they want, just dont ask me to be part of it, or to condone it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

where am I interfering in their rights?
never did I say that I would chase them down with bats, or any other form of violent reaction.
I only said that since I do not think it acceptable, I would not vote for, or acknowledge a relationship on their part.

they can do what they want, just dont ask me to be part of it, or to condone it.

...were you asked to be part of a gay marriage?


In My Opinion
...were you asked to be part of a gay marriage?
again with the twisting, did somebody say I had been asked?

however if the subject were to come up for a public vote, I would vote no.
to vote yes would be condoning that "union" and I simply can not do that.

but then, you did know what I meant.


Well-Known Member
Again, what right is denied? It's a waste of time for the government to worry about the 3.5% of men and 1.5% of women this affects, especially when there are no rights denied.

It might not be as easy, but every "advantage" to the marriage certificate is there. If I'm missing one, please help me.