Same Sex Marraige

What do U think of gay marraige?

  • Same sex couples should be allowed to marry

    Votes: 29 38.2%
  • Same sex couples should be allowed to get into civil unions only

    Votes: 19 25.0%
  • No, it should never happen. Gays can't get married or unionized

    Votes: 24 31.6%
  • Marraige should be outlawed for everyone!

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters
But there was a medical reason for it. The :bs: is that someone was denied because they weren't married.

I've had to wait to see my wife. The last time she had surgery, they didn't let me go see her in the recovery room. That's normal, it isn't discrimination.

Gotcha. Distinction made.


New Member
If the issue of gay marraige was put on a ballat this fall, how would you vote? It will never be voted on but it should!

See story.....
Maryland Legislature to Address Same-Sex Marriage - Southern Maryland Headline News.

This is a very interesting topic. I am curious to know how many of you have a child, sister, brother, mom, dad, or someone who is very close to you that you love very much, and they are gay? If you do, would you want them denied the right to be themselves? Denied the right to love a person who they want to share their life with? Denied the right to have a child just because many people picture a child to have both a mother and a father, and not two mothers or two fathers? I hope that many people realize that just because a person chooses to share their life with someone of the same sex, it does not make them any less of a person. We do not have to account for their lives. They do not have to answer to you and I. We are not their judge.

I chose to share my life with a man. But if I would have chosen a woman like myself, than that would be my right. That right should not be denied!


In My Opinion
If there is supposed to be a clear separation between church and state, how can religion even begin to be brought up in this. If someone wants to be married to someone in a legal sense they should be allowed.

Someone said it earlier, there are a million other things more important to worry about besides who someone else marries. Everyone will answer for their sins one day, it's not our job to judge today...
well, I suppose that if one goes by the Bible, it is true that he should not judge the person, however it is also true that he should judge the sin and not be associated with it.
To accept homosexual relations as normal would be against most religious teachings.

Personally, I tend to think that those of us that are very much against homosexuality as a norm are born this way. there is nothing we can do about the way we feel.
I honestly can not remember when I decided to not condone homosexual activities, but I know that I can not condone it. When did others make a choice to accept it?

I find it very intollerant of the homosexual community not to accept my thoughts as a natural and good thing. If 2 or 3 percent of the population being gay is supposed to be enough to render it normal and acceptable, I challenge those that think this way to explain why it is not acceptable to be considered acceptable for a higher percentage of people that think its wrong.


It's a Jeep thang!

Why are we so consumed with this. There are far more important things going on in this world to be worried about.

I live by the belief, what happens behind closed doors is that couples business. I am sure there are some hetero couples engaging in activities that would make some people cringe...*grinning*...:wench::spank::buttkiss:

I will say this, the only issue I do have with some (not most, some) gay couples is their purposeful display of affection in public. I mean, I have no issues with holding hands, maybe even a quick peck on the cheek. Yes, I apply this to hetero couples also. I think it is not right (IMHO) for people to be engaged in lip-locks, hip grinding sessions while out in public. Yes, I am biased because I do find it difficult to answer the child's questions when she observes it.

I also agree with some comments I read, if it is okay for 2 girls to do it, then it should be okay for 2 guys. Equality means equality, not selective.

As long as they don't smoke in the bar or restaurant and pay their higher pay taxes, I say let them be.

(makes a prediction, I get at least 2 red karmas accusing me of being gay)

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You're more...

As long as they don't smoke in the bar or restaurant and pay their higher pay taxes, I say let them be.

(makes a prediction, I get at least 2 red karmas accusing me of being gay)

...likely to get karma bombed for the anti smoking comment around these parts!



well, I suppose that if one goes by the Bible, it is true that he should not judge the person, however it is also true that he should judge the sin and not be associated with it.
To accept homosexual relations as normal would be against most religious teachings.

Personally, I tend to think that those of us that are very much against homosexuality as a norm are born this way. there is nothing we can do about the way we feel.
I honestly can not remember when I decided to not condone homosexual activities, but I know that I can not condone it. When did others make a choice to accept it?

I find it very intollerant of the homosexual community not to accept my thoughts as a natural and good thing. If 2 or 3 percent of the population being gay is supposed to be enough to render it normal and acceptable, I challenge those that think this way to explain why it is not acceptable to be considered acceptable for a higher percentage of people that think its wrong.

Like I said, there is a separation of Church and State, so religion has no place in a state made decision.

Keep in mind this is a discussion not an attack on any person:

Personally I find it extremely closed minded for people, especially those who do not have any claim or stake in, someone elses business to try and regulate what they do. It isn't there place, it isn't there business.

I don't want to see hetero people making out in public, so when I say I don't want to see homo sexuals doing it, it isn't because i'm a phobe, it's because PDA is socially tacky and in poor taste.

But I respect your beliefs. Homosexuality isn't for me, but for me as another citizen of the world to try to say, "You can't do that because I don't agree." Is completly ludacris. I grew up in an area with strong religious ties, and the close minded society that comes with it.


Well-Known Member
Like I said, there is a separation of Church and State, so religion has no place in a state made decision.

Keep in mind this is a discussion not an attack on any person:

Personally I find it extremely closed minded for people, especially those who do not have any claim or stake in, someone elses business to try and regulate what they do. It isn't there place, it isn't there business.

I don't want to see hetero people making out in public, so when I say I don't want to see homo sexuals doing it, it isn't because i'm a phobe, it's because PDA is socially tacky and in poor taste.

But I respect your beliefs. Homosexuality isn't for me, but for me as another citizen of the world to try to say, "You can't do that because I don't agree." Is completly ludacris. I grew up in an area with strong religious ties, and the close minded society that comes with it.
Where would you draw the line on this? Would you accept multiple partners as law? Incestual relationships? How about full benefits required for friends as well as "partners", because you're really close too?

Personally, I think most people draw the line at the millenium old definitions, instead of trying out new ways. Religion or not, it's been the one definition for a long, long time.


Where would you draw the line on this? Would you accept multiple partners as law? Incestual relationships? How about full benefits required for friends as well as "partners", because you're really close too?

Personally, I think most people draw the line at the millenium old definitions, instead of trying out new ways. Religion or not, it's been the one definition for a long, long time.

I hardly see it fit to compare same sex marriages to Incestual relations, but the rhetoric of bigotry knows no boundry I guess.

I was just merely stating that it's not my place to tell someone else no. I guess it's all of yours. I truly hope that all of the people who spend their time worry about others they have no control over, don't ignore their own families and then have their children turn out to be gay...that would be ironic...

Let the red karma flow, just have the balls to sign it.


Well-Known Member
I hardly see it fit to compare same sex marriages to Incestual relations, but the rhetoric of bigotry knows no boundry I guess.

I was just merely stating that it's not my place to tell someone else no. I guess it's all of yours. I truly hope that all of the people who spend their time worry about others they have no control over, don't ignore their own families and then have their children turn out to be gay...that would be ironic...

Let the red karma flow, just have the balls to sign it.
I wasn't comparing the two. Interesting that you presumed I was.

I was asking about your lack of standards. You say it's not your place to say no to that, so I was asking what you would say no to, if anything. As I said in an earlier post, real studies (not the Kinsey one, but many actual scientifically based studies done repeatedly later) show the actual percentage of homosexual people to be around 3.5% for men, 1.5% for women. The vast majority of issues raised by homosexuals can be obtained through other means (living wills to answer the previous poster, wills, powers of attorney, etc.). So, the question seems very very wasteful to worry about when there are real issues out there. I do not agree that the millenium old definitions need changed, and the bulk of the problems can be solved in other ways (OMG, you'll have to pay for your own insurance!).

I wasn't comparing, please don't put words in my mouth.


I wasn't comparing the two. Interesting that you presumed I was.

I was asking about your lack of standards. You say it's not your place to say no to that, so I was asking what you would say no to, if anything. As I said in an earlier post, real studies (not the Kinsey one, but many actual scientifically based studies done repeatedly later) show the actual percentage of homosexual people to be around 3.5% for men, 1.5% for women. The vast majority of issues raised by homosexuals can be obtained through other means (living wills to answer the previous poster, wills, powers of attorney, etc.). So, the question seems very very wasteful to worry about when there are real issues out there. I do not agree that the millenium old definitions need changed, and the bulk of the problems can be solved in other ways (OMG, you'll have to pay for your own insurance!).

I wasn't comparing, please don't put words in my mouth.

I'm sorry, I guess I worded my last post too much towards you, and not to the people who are cowardly bombarding me with insults...thanks by the way..

You have a point. I would draw the line on incestual relations because for one they have the potential to reproduce, and we know what happens with inbred children. Like I said earlier I agree there are a lot more important things to worry about in the world. I guess my main arguement was with people who are just against homosexuals because they don't think it is right.

It's that same kind of intolerance that gives way to sexism, racism, and other forms of hate and discrimination.


In My Opinion
Like I said, there is a separation of Church and State, so religion has no place in a state made decision..
I only brought up religion to show why some would be agianst it. I prefer not to use religion in this argument. It is really not needed to prove that it is not a normal human trait.

Keep in mind this is a discussion not an attack on any person:
it is though, as soon as someone says they are agianst homosexual marriage, they are labled as a bigot.

Personally I find it extremely closed minded for people, especially those who do not have any claim or stake in, someone elses business to try and regulate what they do. It isn't there place, it isn't there business.
I agree, and I can not wait until the homosexual community stops trying to convince, or force acceptance of their lifestyle on me.
go ahead and do it, but dont expect me to acknowledge any value in your relationship.

I don't want to see hetero people making out in public, so when I say I don't want to see homo sexuals doing it, it isn't because i'm a phobe, it's because PDA is socially tacky and in poor taste.
We agree.

But I respect your beliefs. Homosexuality isn't for me, but for me as another citizen of the world to try to say, "You can't do that because I don't agree." Is completly ludacris. I grew up in an area with strong religious ties, and the close minded society that comes with it
proves my bigot theory. if they dont agree, then they are close minded? how about, if the homosexuals dont agree with the christians, the homosexuals are the ones that are close minded?

I hardly see it fit to compare same sex marriages to Incestual relations, but the rhetoric of bigotry knows no boundry I guess. .
again with the bigotry, and at least with incest the parts are meant to go together, as vile as it is, I do see where it could be a natural thing.
Any time you pull your winky out of the cave and there is a chance of a butterbean being stuck to his helmet, its just might be the wrong cave in the first place.

I was just merely stating that it's not my place to tell someone else no. I guess it's all of yours. I truly hope that all of the people who spend their time worry about others they have no control over, don't ignore their own families and then have their children turn out to be gay...that would be ironic...

but it is your place to tell others how they should feel about certain acts?
see, I just cant understand this at all. Basically what you are saying is that unless people agree with your side of the argument, they are bigots.

does the word hypocrit mean anything to you?

Let the red karma flow, just have the balls to sign it
Why should anyone give you red Karma simply for stating your opinion?


In My Opinion
I'm sorry, I guess I worded my last post too much towards you, and not to the people who are cowardly bombarding me with insults...thanks by the way..

You have a point. I would draw the line on incestual relations because for one they have the potential to reproduce, and we know what happens with inbred children. Like I said earlier I agree there are a lot more important things to worry about in the world. I guess my main arguement was with people who are just against homosexuals because they don't think it is right.

It's that same kind of intolerance that gives way to sexism, racism, and other forms of hate and discrimination.

sexism and racism are based on race and sex, things that can not be changed and are normal conditions.
trying to include homosexuality into these catagories is nothing more than an attempt at giving it some credibility.

homosexuality is abnormal. Sex and race are not.


sexism and racism are based on race and sex, things that can not be changed and are normal conditions.
trying to include homosexuality into these catagories is nothing more than an attempt at giving it some credibility.

homosexuality is abnormal. Sex and race are not.

Ah but there are those who would argue that homosexuality isn't a choice they are born with it.....

sexism and racism is based on race and sex...homosexuality is based on sexual orientation.

You said i was being your view i may have been, but what you are doing is spinning what i say to meet your's fine we all do it. I could also say that as you said you wanted to keep religion out of it you went back and said that it's closed minded for homosexuals to not accept christians.

I know we are beating a dead horse, so I just want to say that I appriciate your maturity and respect in debating this. It's obviously one of those things that people won't agree on because they are different. It mainly stems from our religious beliefs, a subject for a different thread, one I really don't feel like getting into...I don't accept the sin, but I accept the sinner, we're human, we're faliable, and forgiveness is divine.

And to the person who called me a ### lover, you are right, I am. My uncle is gay, and I love him. Just because he chooses a different lifestyle doesn't make him any less a member of my family.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's not...

Ah but there are those who would argue that homosexuality isn't a choice they are born with it..... argument, it's a fact. No one told me to be turned on by women and no one told me to look at men and :barf: in terms of sexual attraction. I was born that way and no parade or book or TV show or any part of our culture can change that any more than it can change my skin color.

It's as simple as that. Gay people look at the same sex the way straight people look at the opposite sex. Even then, there are variables. Not everyone likes blonde's or brunettes or tall or short or black or white and so on and so forth.