Same Sex Marraige

What do U think of gay marraige?

  • Same sex couples should be allowed to marry

    Votes: 29 38.2%
  • Same sex couples should be allowed to get into civil unions only

    Votes: 19 25.0%
  • No, it should never happen. Gays can't get married or unionized

    Votes: 24 31.6%
  • Marraige should be outlawed for everyone!

    Votes: 4 5.3%

  • Total voters

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I don't understand how anyone's taxes would go to a gay married couple. :confused:

...cus you don't understand the power of them queers! They's gonna take your money, make your children queer, lower your property value, and make everybody not like just them feel bad out they's decor.

Then, they gonna replace Ted Nugent with Ertha Kit, replace Monday Night Football with Monday Night Gay Catwalk and make us all eat quiche.



off the shelf
...cus you don't understand the power of them queers! They's gonna take your money, make your children queer, lower your property value, and make everybody not like just them feel bad out they's decor.

Then, they gonna replace Ted Nugent with Ertha Kit, replace Monday Night Football with Monday Night Gay Catwalk and make us all eat quiche.


I really don't like quiche :ohwell:


Lem Putt
We can't be lettin' them homos have our marriage tax penalty! We got to keep it for us straight people!


New Member
Marriage is already defined as between a man and a woman in Maryland law.

If you are opposed to gay marriage, you would not want it to be on the ballot. Since you want it to be on the ballot, you must be in favor of gay marriage.

You can't be naive enough to think that this would not pass if placed on the ballot. It would be no different than the way the Presidential, Gubernatorial, and Senate elections go: most of the state would vote no, but PG, Baltimore, and Montgomery counties would vote yes, and you would have your way.

If you want it on the ballot, you must really be looking forward to marrying your "life partner."

I am oppsed Gay Marriage, but I think Huckabee and the rest wanting to put it to bed per say by changing constitution is wrong and nonsense! First I think our constitution is a scared document and should not be messed with and its been changed enough already. 2nd it says they have no faith in our political process so they want to take the easy way out. If the system is so broke than fix it or go after the root cause.

If they would get rid of the 9th Circus court and the ACLU the country would be a much better place, and we wouldnt have as much liberal nonsese everytime we turn around.

Of course if the 80% of so called Christians really were, rather than folks wearing the label like a Liz Clayborn shirt the country would be altogether differnt. I heard the other day that when Washington was in office they would open congress with a 3 hour prayer, pretty good for a so called Diaest!


Well-Known Member people will take their allergies away, too. That's just how powerful they are. They're taking EVERYTHING! :jameo:
While I personally disagree with anything but one man and one unrelated woman joining in marriage, the concept of homosexual marriage is kind of a silly one to even take time to worry about. We're talking about a pretty small percentage of the population
Pro-homosexual website said:
How many people are exclusively homosexual?
Until recently, the popular press assumed a homosexuality rate of 10 percent. But in both Europe and the United States, more than a dozen national surveys in the early 1990s explored sexual orientation, using methods that protected the respondent's anonymity. Their results agree in suggesting that a more accurate figure is about 3 or 4 percent of men and 1 to 2 percent of women (Laumann & others, 1994; Smith, 1996).
Given the small numbers of people we're talking about, and the fact that each and every "advantage" legally afforded married people is available to homosexuals through other means (wills, living wills, powers of attorney, etc., etc.), it seems like a very, very insignificant thing to worry about when there are so many other things more important to take up the state's time and energy.


I think it should be up to the states, not the federal government. No where in the Constitution do I see where it gives the federal government permission to get into family issues!


Main Streeter
I think it should be up to the states, not the federal government. No where in the Constitution do I see where it gives the federal government permission to get into family issues!
The only area where I see the Feds getting involved is under interstate commerce/travel. If that wasn't a protection, than everyone would have to get a driver's license for every state they plan to drive in. I don't think the Feds can force a state to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples but I can see where they might have to recognize married same sex couples from other states just as we're allowed to drive in all 50 with our license issued by our state of residence.


Main Streeter
You can't be naive enough to think that this would not pass if placed on the ballot. It would be no different than the way the Presidential, Gubernatorial, and Senate elections go: most of the state would vote no, but PG, Baltimore, and Montgomery counties would vote yes, and you would have your way.
Actually, if it did pass ballot vote, it would be because most of the state voted yes. I know the frustration about PG, Monky Co and Baltimore controling votes but that's because that's were most Marylanders live. If the major population centers were in places Washington and Garrett counties and PG, Monky Co and Baltimore were comprised of fields and livestock, the votes would be different.


I bowl overhand
Honestly couldn't care less either way.

Married or unmarried would have no effect on me my taxes, my house payment or my take home pay.

THAT being said. Keep it private. I still believe a lot of what the gay community wants is so they can display their affection publicly.. at work, at the mall.. without recourse. As with hetero's they should keep it private. It's not socially acceptable to watch two hetero adult's make out at work, or at Wal-Mart, I don't want to watch two men do it either.

It's like the argument of gay teachers.. why did they need special laws? Unless they were married to another teacher at school, I had no idea if they were married straight, married or single, which is how it should be. Even the married teachers didn't make out in the school parking lot, or even hold hands in school. Same rules should apply.
I really don't know what the big fuss is about. I had a same sex marriage for almost 20 years... I was a man and stayed that same sex, she was a woman and stayed that same sex. We didn't change sexes, so as far as I'm concerned, that's a same sex marriage, right?


I think the gay/lesbian couples should have civil unions. If they are purchasing a home and are paying the utility bills and are "making a life together" sharing everything that a normal hetero couple, they should be entitled to the same things a hetero couple would if something were to happen to the other partner. I'm a live and let live person, I don't judge people by their color or their sexual preferences, thats everyones own personal business. I have my relationship with God and I have my own preferences for my ownself, who am I or anyone to tell me what I should have or not?


New Member
...cus you don't understand the power of them queers! They's gonna take your money, make your children queer, lower your property value, and make everybody not like just them feel bad out they's decor.

Then, they gonna replace Ted Nugent with Ertha Kit, replace Monday Night Football with Monday Night Gay Catwalk and make us all eat quiche.

Yeah, and Ryan Seacrest will host the Superbowl! - wait, what?