Sanction....and removals of threads


Rocky Mountain High!!
Carefulone I understand you got a horse from these peeps..and lost your deposit..please explain how that happened...Any deposits I get are "Non Refundable"

I got ripped off, and your business is yours, and you probably fulfill your end of the bargain, my email gave me particulars to that so called deposit and they weren't fullfilled, I sued, won a judgement, they ran away from that judgement on the fact that they should be served in California, not on any facts, I had all the evidence, but the twosome didn't show up in court, instead they resold my horse to another woman in CA., the day they were to be in now goes to a higher court, the authorities have given me direction. Lost my Mom this year, I'll wait until the new year to bother.....

Hopefully the RMHA will sanction people who use them, but then that's a board decision, not mine to make.
How can you say this was "your horse" when YOU decided not to purchase it (subsequently losing your deposit)? I'm sorry, but I'm plain confused. I can say I myself have kept deposits on puppies I have sold, albeit not many, but a few over the 30 years I've been breeding.

A deposit is a good faith gesture from the purchaser signifying his intent to move forward with the purchase. A seller agrees to hold the goods for that person as a result. These horses are a valuable commodity, and bought/sold every day. As you know sales happen quickly. The seller agreed not to market that particular animal because it was committed to you, and to deliver it. When exactly did you decide not to accept delivery?

And can you provide the case number for your judgment win? Those are a matter of public record and posted on the internet site for the county in which they were filed.

AND I disagee with your "color" rationale. Color IS extremely important in any breed, or even species, especially when a genetic disorder rides on a color or modifier as does ASD and silver. AND for future generations, color and silver status plays an important role, when making breeding choices.

Like it or not, this breed is known for the gorgeous chocolate/whites. Be honest...what color did you choose in your first one? It's evident, since yours has ASD, that you chose the chocolate one, but you didn't do your homework, or have a prepurchase vet check done. Your horse's issues would have been evident had you done that. And that purchase wasn't from "the twosome" as you call them, either.

It is MY personal goal to produce the color this breed is known for, AND healthy ones, that gait naturally. Hence, my stallion choice is (hopefully) double silver, and most of my broodmares are black or homozygous black. The best possible combination to produce those color horses, and to have healthy offspring. I've also chosen super well gaited horses and pedigrees. OK...i'm finished now.


New Member
How can you say this was "your horse" when YOU decided not to purchase it (subsequently losing your deposit)? I'm sorry, but I'm plain confused. I can say I myself have kept deposits on puppies I have sold, albeit not many, but a few over the 30 years I've been breeding.

A deposit is a good faith gesture from the purchaser signifying his intent to move forward with the purchase. A seller agrees to hold the goods for that person as a result. These horses are a valuable commodity, and bought/sold every day. As you know sales happen quickly. The seller agreed not to market that particular animal because it was committed to you, and to deliver it. When exactly did you decide not to accept delivery?

And can you provide the case number for your judgment win? Those are a matter of public record and posted on the internet site for the county in which they were filed.

AND I disagee with your "color" rationale. Color IS extremely important in any breed, or even species, especially when a genetic disorder rides on a color or modifier as does ASD and silver. AND for future generations, color and silver status plays an important role, when making breeding choices.

Like it or not, this breed is known for the gorgeous chocolate/whites. Be honest...what color did you choose in your first one? It's evident, since yours has ASD, that you chose the chocolate one, but you didn't do your homework, or have a prepurchase vet check done. Your horse's issues would have been evident had you done that. And that purchase wasn't from "the twosome" as you call them, either.

It is MY personal goal to produce the color this breed is known for, AND healthy ones, that gait naturally. Hence, my stallion choice is (hopefully) double silver, and most of my broodmares are black or homozygous black. The best possible combination to produce those color horses, and to have healthy offspring. I've also chosen super well gaited horses and pedigrees. OK...i'm finished now.

pheww...take adeep breath..
Carefulone what did Happy do to you to bring out your best? Did you google search and see she bought a Rocky Horse?


New Member
My horse doesn't have ASD, I never said that, said he had cataracts and many of the that color do, and I have a receipt for the 500 dollar pre purchase exam I had done, he saw one spot and not the parrot mouth, so watch what you say about me. Yes, my homework was done, I just don't have to use 50 cent words to get a penny of thought across..... and no, that was not my first color, it was red choc., she was the first I saw, bought her....with a 900 dollar vet exam, for future brood mare material, and bought her with, any more trys on the put downs this evening....
As far as your idea of my deal with the twosome, you don't know what the hay your talking about, your listening to a con man, sorry. Again, I say it, and it's in court papers, this was 100 per cent satisfaction, prepurchase exam guarentee....I got neither, satisfaction nor the vet exam.....and the horse was sold, and diagnosed as severly lame....gosh big mystery on the possibility of why I didn't get that if this your mentor....good darn luck. Bad business begets bad business. If your in it for the long run you best find the eagles.....


Rocky Mountain High!!
he's not "telling" me anything, and I'm not asking him anything. I'm just trying to understand, based on what you are saying.

Did you make a deposit, then decide you didn't want the horse? Or did you get the horse and were not happy with it?

And is there a case number with the judgement in your favor?

Whew, the vet missed a parrot mouth? :faint: Didn't check to see when it was floated last?

BTW red chocolate (silver bay) IS chocolate it's a bay horse with silver, and can carry 2 copies of silver.

And i don't need a "mentor" :lol: i make my own choices in case you hadn't noticed. Did your "mentor" send you the parrot mouthed horse and not tell you? sorry i had to ask.
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Rocky Mountain High!!
BTW, ASD is not a "disease" itself, but a group of symptoms that when found together, make a diagnosis. Cysts and cataracts (among other things) are two of those symtoms.


New Member
Carefulone what did Happy do to you to bring out your best? Did you google search and see she bought a Rocky Horse?

Nope, all about wanting to do a 1031 in Maryland, getting on a site, somd, to see about the communities and the horse community....and hearing someone glorified that has no business being anything but chastised, from someone starting out in the business, with a husband in law enforcement. I thought I'd voice my opinion on a thread when I thought it releveant, in case she didn't know. Didn't know her name, I do now.
There are always reactions to actions and as in any civilized society, penalities for bad behavior......sometimes it just takes more time than others, but all good things that come from bad.....end, in one way or another. As far as the sanction Nazi., in "Californian" WHATEVER...I'm a lifetime member of RMHA and recently UMH. I want them to grow with dignity, with as much of the old "sell um anything" mentality gone.


New Member
And can you provide the case number for your judgment win? Those are a matter of public record and posted on the internet site for the county in which they were filed.

Yes Happy, if it would make a difference, I'd send you a copy, but surely you jest.....are you that lame to think I'd lie about this, I have so many papers.....unreal woman.


New Member
Whew, the vet missed a parrot mouth? Didn't check to see when it was floated last?

One of the "Premier" vets, Happy,....and lets stop name calling, and no you're not lame, just can't believe you'd think anyone would waste breath on something that isn't or wasn't or whatever
And Johnny went to Davis, they had a vet from N.C. do his exam, and he was familiar with the disorder, he didn't have ASD, but cataracts in one eye.


Rocky Mountain High!!
Carefulone what did Happy do to you to bring out your best? Did you google search and see she bought a Rocky Horse?

Nope, all about wanting to do a 1031 in Maryland, getting on a site, somd, to see about the communities and the horse community....and hearing someone glorified that has no business being anything but chastised, from someone starting out in the business, with a husband in law enforcement. I thought I'd voice my opinion on a thread when I thought it releveant, in case she didn't know. Didn't know her name, I do now.
There are always reactions to actions and as in any civilized society, penalities for bad behavior......sometimes it just takes more time than others, but all good things that come from bad.....end, in one way or another. As far as the sanction Nazi., in "Californian" WHATEVER...I'm a lifetime member of RMHA and recently UMH. I want them to grow with dignity, with as much of the old "sell um anything" mentality gone.
:lol: i can't believe you just said that....out loud! Sell 'em anything mentality gone....:lmao:
Were you told the horse you bought had a major defect? A parrot mouth and cataracts are major defects are they not? Who sold you this horse? You don't feel you got "ripped off" by purchasing a horse who had a parrot mouth which you weren't told about when you bought him? (Did i understand that part correctly?)

This is getting nowhere since you aren't answering the basic questions. Did you agree to purchase a horse, make a deposit, then decide you didn't want the horse? If so, when did you make that decision? Or did he arrive, and you were not happy with it.

I'm not sure if your "innuendos" are aimed at something you think I have done...or what, but frankly scarlett, I don't give a d@mn :lol:
Dig away sugar pie. You won't find anything on me :lol: Enjoy the hunt though.

I am sorry you feel you got "ripped off" by RockiesRUs, that's unfortunate, but bottom line, I haven't done anything. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
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New Member
:lol: i can't believe you just said that....out loud! Sell 'em anything mentality....:lmao:

Were you told the horse you bought had a major defect? A parrot mouth and cataracts are major defects are they not? Who sold you this horse?

This is getting nowhere since you aren't answering the basic questions. Did you agree to purchase a horse, make a deposit, then decide you didn't want the horse? If so, when did you make that decision? Or did he arrive, and you were not happy with it.

I'm not sure if your "innuendos" are aimed at something you think I have done...or what, but frankly scarlett, I don't give a d@mn :lol:
Dig away sugar pie. You won't find anything on me :lol: Enjoy the hunt though.

Does this mean you are guilty by association? I have learned, you can't blame everyone for you own mistakes


New Member
Whew, the vet missed a parrot mouth? Didn't check to see when it was floated last?

One of the "Premier" vets, Happy,....and lets stop name calling, and no you're not lame, just can't believe you'd think anyone would waste breath on something that isn't or wasn't or whatever
And Johnny went to Davis, they had a vet from N.C. do his exam, and he was familiar with the disorder, he didn't have ASD, but cataracts in one eye.

were you present or had someone on your behalf present during the pre-purchase exam?


Rocky Mountain High!!
She bought the horse from KY, she lives in California. I would hazard a guess and say nope. So a major defect wasn't mentioned by a seller (other than the people she is bashing), and she doesn't feel (or at least she isn't saying) she feels she was ripped off by them? :shrug: I don't get it, unless I'm misunderstanding.

And unless i've missed it, i still don't know exactly how they "ripped her off" if she made a commitment, then backed out of it, and lost her deposit because of that decision.

Oh and CarefulOne, I TRULY am very sorry to hear you lost your mom. How sad to go through that. I hope you are doing OK. :huggy:

PS I like to fight the issue not the person, so if you feel i am attacking you personally, I apoligize, because I'm not. I'm trying to define an issue (well several issues) that are currently unresolved, at least in my mind.

:yawn: and i've still got all my xmas wrapping to do...shame on me. But now i can't sleep :lol:
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New Member
And unless i've missed it, i still don't know exactly how they "ripped her off" if she made a commitment, then backed out of it, and lost her deposit because of that decision.

There are records on file along with almost 80 emails, sorry Happy, they lost and you would have in the same situation. Facts are facts, especially in writing.........I've said nothing here that I haven't said before, every thing has been in writing, and because they were concerned with making it right, with my chocolate boy(one bad sale can ruin someone, you know the old, the bigger they are, the harder the fall,) I was made more than happy. If you resolve an issue, people go away....there is always another horse to sell, when a deal goes bad, you take care of it, get someones wrath.

Thank you about my Mom, I cared for her for eight and a half years...she was 96, a great age for anyone....she died at home, on a hospice program, I slept by her on the floor for three days....I can say, I'll never again fear death.

By the way, and for the last time, and there are court records, there was no backing out on my part, but is always easier to believe those you know, but you really don't know digging necessary, but I do know a couple of things that would blow you away....literally blow you away......if you don't believe my little story, you would not believe this the lady says in the commercial for turning 100, never thought it'd happen, never crossed my mind.....

Well, going to try and get off this for a day or shopping is still ongoing.
And nothing personal here either, not towards you....and sparing is good for the brain, loads of ideas come with it.


New Member
And unless i've missed it, i still don't know exactly how they "ripped her off" if she made a commitment, then backed out of it, and lost her deposit because of that decision.

There are records on file along with almost 80 emails, sorry Happy, they lost and you would have in the same situation. Facts are facts, especially in writing.........I've said nothing here that I haven't said before, every thing has been in writing, and because they were concerned with making it right, with my chocolate boy(one bad sale can ruin someone, you know the old, the bigger they are, the harder the fall,) I was made more than happy. If you resolve an issue, people go away....there is always another horse to sell, when a deal goes bad, you take care of it, get someones wrath.

Thank you about my Mom, I cared for her for eight and a half years...she was 96, a great age for anyone....she died at home, on a hospice program, I slept by her on the floor for three days....I can say, I'll never again fear death.

By the way, and for the last time, and there are court records, there was no backing out on my part, but is always easier to believe those you know, but you really don't know digging necessary, but I do know a couple of things that would blow you away....literally blow you away......if you don't believe my little story, you would not believe this the lady says in the commercial for turning 100, never thought it'd happen, never crossed my mind.....

Well, going to try and get off this for a day or shopping is still ongoing.
And nothing personal here either, not towards you....and sparing is good for the brain, loads of ideas come with it.

Carefulone were you present or did you have someone represent you for the pre-purchase exam?


I may be wrong, but I don't think that THIS is the forum that will get your little Rocky drama's heard. This is a Southern Maryland horse forum. These people are in PA and I don't believe that Maryland is a hotbed for Rockies.

Also, there is ONE picture of the barn and it just looks like an old bank barn to me.