Sanction....and removals of threads


Rocky Mountain High!!
Happy, careful what you say, Pam was not a plaintiff in this lawsuit, and you don't clarify that but make it look like "she" took what you thought was yours. Your free choice to do bidding and buying, but this was a court decision, and was court ordered, and not her lawsuit. Good to retract things like that.

If you'd like to provide a document number for this appeal, then you put that on this forum, unless you don't be careful about hear say information and your ultimate involvement.

Do yourself and me a favor, get me a copy of that appeal, or the number and I'll get you a copy.

Carol - I called Tom and requested permission to post the number for the Petition for preliminary and permanent injunctive relief, NO.2007 SU 1061-Y01. This appeal was filed by Tom to stop Pam and Gene from selling the horses they had confiscated, claiming they were in the process of filing a suit that included an agisters lein. They strategically waited until after this hearing to file their suit against Tom, and when that lawsuit was finally filed, the agister's lein was NOT a part of it, because it didn't exist. I also have a copy of that suit, but you can get it from Pam, since you are such close gossip buddies.

The final outcome of that petition hearing is available to the public if you call the York County court of common please office, and pay them 10 bucks. They'll send a copy right to you. I won't post it here although I have it in electronic form, because the details that don't pertain to me, are not my business to publish.

I will tell you that that ruling Clearly states that I provided evidence IN COURT UNDER OATH in the form of their RMHA registration papers, cancelled checks and a bill of sale, that those 2 colts were MINE, MONTHS BEFORE they were confiscated, and should not have been included in any sale Pam and Gene may have been entitled to, because these babies were no loger Tom's. Coincidentally, well prior to the hearing, Pam and Gene allowed me to "have" my Palomino mare, and NOT the two colts, although I provided the exact same proof of purchase for all three horses.....curious don't you think? They kept the promising colts and not the 12 y/o broodmare?

In a petition of this type, the only way an owner can win a permanent injunction for no sale is for the owner to prove the item is "invaluable" and can't have a dollar amount placed on it.

The judge ruled that since the colts had a declared value, that value could be recouped in a civil lawsuit, and that I should sue Gene and Pam to regain my losses.

What it did NOT do was give them permission to actually SELL the horses I had already purchased, and had tried to retrieve prior to a March 31st deadline, but couldn't get on the property to get, because of altercations between Tom and Gene/Pam (pictures like you already have, emailed to you by Pam). The judge specifically noted in his ruling that I had provided solid proof that they were MINE and not Tom's, yet they STILL sold them, KNOWING that. Now, what would you call that?? I would encourage you to pay the 10 bucks and read it for yourself.

As soon as the hearing was over, Pam called Ruth at the RMHA, and told her to reissue the paperwork on them, because they had a "court order" stating they could be sold. Subsequently, they sold those colts to the Appels with re-issued paperwork.

Their names are: KY Joe RMHA number 2006014320, and;
RRF's Captain Hook RMHA number 2006014498.

I STILL hold the ORIGINAL RMHA paperwork on both colts. Go ahead and give Ruth a call and ask her if she has a copy of an actual court order telling her MY colts could be sold, or a copy of an agisters lein. THEN talk to me about how Pam/Gene are "victims" and I'm not.
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Rocky Mountain High!!
additionally. just prior to my retrieving Smoking Socks (the palomino mare), PAM herself told me on the phone, to come get all three of them. then...she changed her mind and kept the colts, but allowed me to have a shipper get the mare. I STILL don't have a valid reason for that. NOR do i have a valid reason Ruth allowed those papers to be reissued, since I have the original paperwork, bought and paid for. If that was a board decision, it doesn't show up in any meeting minutes that I've seen.


New Member
Happy, haven't read but the first part, I'm talking about the number of the appeal Tom says he and Andrea won in my case, it doesn't exist.......(What you got into because of your involvement is yours for the making.)
It did not happen, very simply Tom Smyth is a liar.
As far as the lawsuit with their landlord, you got tangled up with a felon, things happen when you hang with someone like him, your free choice as you say, it comes with consequences. Does it hit home, yes, I've talked to a minimum of 20 people who have been taken. and no, they did not back out of a business deal, just got screwed....and the remark from this mistake of life in more than one case is, they won't live long enough to get money from me....Sorry you were involved, but it will happen more than this once, believe me. You have another heartache on your hands now, no drama here, but in fact you do. You best ask Tom, he may come clean with you....but maybe not.

I'm done being involved with cold and callous people, people who go to bat for the rejects in life, not under privileged, but people who think if one has money, it's theirs for the taking. People who seem to have the same horse trader mentality. You reap what you sew, no position in life will make anyone immune to whatever the future will bring.

Now, I do.....(even though I only rescue the dogs that are sold at Christmas) have a life, I intend to enjoy it.


New Member
To all on this forum.....................My name is Barb from NJ. I got the address for this forum from a person in Baltimore with whom I share a common complaint. I was in the horse market for my eleven year old daughter. I saw an ad for a couple Rocky Mountain Horses in York, PA which belonged to Pam Cover. I made a trip to York to visit and ride a couple of the seven horses she had for sale. (I did notice one of the horses,NORM, I rode that day is now again for sale on AGDirect with a picture of Pam riding him.) My daughter and I really liked a horse named Cocoa. When we rode him he stumbled quiet alot and Pam said he needed reshod. I agreed to purchase Cocoa(Suddenly Stormy) pending a pre sale exam. Pam Cover asked for a thousand dollar deposit on a seventy-five hundred dollar horse and assured me it was fully REFUNDABLE if he didnt pass the pre-sale exam. I paid the deposit and scheduled a pre-sale the next week. Londonderry Vet Hospital did the exam and called me while there and said the horse was OFF in the front left leg and he wouldnt pass the exam. He told me that he thought it was temporary and ask if I would like him to come back in a week. I told him sure but make certain Pam Cover knows the horse failed and I would call her later that day. I talked to Pam Cover later that day and told her I wanted my deposit returned and tell the Vet not to redo the pre-sale exam. She didnt tell him and he returned the next week and he passed Cocoa at that time and called to inform me of Cocoa's passing the exam. I told the Vet that I had cancelled the purchase and Pam was supposed to cancel the exam. I paid the Vet for two pre-sale exams. I called Pam to complain about her not cancelling the exam. She said Cocoa passed the second exam and he was now ready to go. I told her I had already canceled the sale after he failed the first exam and didnt want a horse with a reoccuring problem. I ask her why she hadnt already sent my deposit back and she said it was hers to keep and not to call her any more. Pam Cover told me I didnt have anything in writing and It would be my word against hers if I took her to court. She knew the horse was lame when I was there and he was tripping. She also told me he didnt has ASD. Come to find out he DID. The Vet informed me of that also. I continued to try to collect my deposit from Pam Cover but she wouldnt aswer any more of my calls. If anyone has any doubt to my story email me and I'll give you all of the informatioin. Pam Cover is a dishonest horse trader. She had seven horses for sale the day I was there. My daughter rode three of them. Pam Cover also told me that Cocoa didnt have any other health issues but the Vet who did the exam informed me he had treated Cocoa seven time in the last four months. Several visits was for allergies and hives. Two visits was for previous lameness. Pam Cover knew all of this and still tried to sell me an unsound horse and kept my deposit. My mistake was not getting anything in writing. I'll never make that mistake again.
Buyers beware and treat every horse salesperson like a crook. Barb


New Member
To all on this forum..............I also know that Pam Cover sold the same horse (COCOA) less than two weeks later to a lady in WV and took her for 3500.00. The lady paid a deposit and took the horse (she had a satisfaction guarantee) and returned it witin the time period and never got her deposit back. Thats 4500.00 I know she got on this one lame horse. I wouldnt believe a word Pam Cover says. She is a liar and dishonest horse trader. I'll try to find the lady's information in WV. I did run into Pam Cover at the horse expo in MD last winter and she was there trying to sell someone else a horse.


New Member
Lessons learned

There must be a RMHA board you can be taking your complaints to. Unless your afraid to have these specific complaints posted. Small circles? Seems you are all bitter for contracts not being in writing? 1/2 your fault out of convience? Saving money on another trip long distance what have you. Please take your grievences to when they matter or p.m. each other. Seems you are having a open pissing match and not accomplishing anything. Why not be real folks and exchange your phone numbers and discuss this amongst yourselves.


To all on this forum..............I also know that Pam Cover sold the same horse (COCOA) less than two weeks later to a lady in WV and took her for 3500.00. The lady paid a deposit and took the horse (she had a satisfaction guarantee) and returned it witin the time period and never got her deposit back. Thats 4500.00 I know she got on this one lame horse. I wouldnt believe a word Pam Cover says. She is a liar and dishonest horse trader. I'll try to find the lady's information in WV. I did run into Pam Cover at the horse expo in MD last winter and she was there trying to sell someone else a horse.


We here in Southern Maryland DON'T CARE. We are not a Rocky board, we as a group are not Rocky owners, sellers, breeders, trainers, or fans.


Here is the address for *GASP* a Rocky Mountain Horse Forum - RMH Forum

Psst, do you think they understand the big print and blunt statments?
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New Member
To all on this forum..............I also know.....that you just got a look at the sales tecniques by the man himself. NJ. that's my state, be glad to come speak with you when I'm home.

Both NJhorsewoman and Sunsetfarms are an auto biography, as they say, the stories are true, only the names have been changed, I think you can fill in the blanks.

Now if those of you that know and protect, if you now haven't seen the sociopath nature involved in some writings, than as they say, don't let it bit you in the....


New Member

We here in Southern Maryland DON'T CARE. We are not a Rocky board, we as a group are not Rocky owners, sellers, breeders, trainers, or fans.


You are the first person who said this in a nice, and your right....although BIG way....HA...But you are right, and to you I'm sorry. Have a Merry Christmas.


New Member
There must be a RMHA board you can be taking your complaints to. Unless your afraid to have these specific complaints posted

There is a board, there are scores of complaints, verified and HENCE, the people that are santioned, kicked out, SMYTH and SHAFFER. NO complaints have been filed on the woman who has been Slandered on this board, so yes until there is more slander, I will back off. I really did mean it Phyxius.....


New Member
To all on this forum..............I also know.....that you just got a look at the sales tecniques by the man himself. NJ. that's my state, be glad to come speak with you when I'm home.

Both NJhorsewoman and Sunsetfarms are an auto biography, as they say, the stories are true, only the names have been changed, I think you can fill in the blanks.

Now if those of you that know and protect, if you now haven't seen the sociopath nature involved in some writings, than as they say, don't let it bit you in the....

I think we have all been taken one way or another in our life by some dis-honest people. We have learned to protect ourselves from this happening another time. Fight your cause in courts and may you have a happy outcome. Move on and look out for yourself. You have been educated, in losing money and being too trust worthy in long distance business transactions.


New Member
PMSmare I have learned and agree that it is partly my fault. Pam Cover taught me a valuable lesson. I have moved on and in the scheme of things it wasnt much to pay for such an eye opening experience. I have since bought two horses and used my "life lessons" to help protect myself. I dont know why this "Carefulone" seems so protective of Ms. Cover. My story is true and I can easily be contacted. Barb


New Member
PMSmare I have learned and agree that it is partly my fault. Pam Cover taught me a valuable lesson. I have moved on and in the scheme of things it wasnt much to pay for such an eye opening experience. I have since bought two horses and used my "life lessons" to help protect myself. I dont know why this "Carefulone" seems so protective of Ms. Cover. My story is true and I can easily be contacted. Barb

In the same way Happy doesn't have a problem w/ the people Careful was skewered by. She hasn't had an issue yet. When and if she does she'll become a convert w/ the rest of you. It's a shame you had a bad experience, glad you could learn from it. Hope any future deals go well!


New Member
In the same way Happy doesn't have a problem w/ the people Careful was skewered by. She hasn't had an issue yet. When and if she does she'll become a convert w/ the rest of you. It's a shame you had a bad experience, glad you could learn from it. Hope any future deals go well!

Thank you, so right...and Merry Christmas.......I know both Pam C. and Tom Smyth, I choose to go the the path of wan't a hard choice.

Now as asked, I'm not only talking about Rockys. I started this thread because I wondered why one was removed, not to get into a spitting match.

I too have many more horses than Rockys, and I enjoy the ride, but that's where it ends, as my first love, I'll keep on keeping on with my Quarterhorses. I have two great 4 year olds, raised them both.... that I trust, they're every bit as smooth a ride, good breeding does that in any breed, and both have superior minds.
Going to Point Reyes for a Christmas ride tomorrow, taking my quarter for a change.
Hope you all have a safe day tomorrow and enjoy friends and family.


New Member
Uh oh....better clarify before I'm called names, I know the both people, Pam and Tom in the same manner, phone conversations, or mail. One I've done business with, and Pam, I met through "like" life experiences...

AGAIN....Merry Christmas....Point Reyes is the beach by the way, it is an awsome ride.
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