Sanction....and removals of threads


Rocky Mountain High!!
Oh and did i say get a signed contract or bill of sale?
50 times....but was it real?
Certainly Not memorex :lol:

Of course they are real. I took them and the 50,000 other signed sealed and delivered contracts I have used over the years as indisputable proof of how i do business, both for dogs and horses, i have contracts for the few horses I have sold to other people as well (one person is the secretary of a pretty big walking horse club, and her contract is dated well before any of this). I can have those people testify if i ever needed too. All that went to court. In fact I got a little teased because of all the contracts I have, and my organized binders. But that's just how i do things.

Did you read any of my website?? I use contracts for EVERYTHING, and have kept them ALL for over 30 years. anything else i can answer for you that's coming from "Oh rightous one"?
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New Member
but was it real?

Or seem to have the know how, and why in the world are you giving people the way to get out of what may in fact be a deceptive practice...just not affecting you yet? You are wrong though, things are alot different when done over the internet and long distance. If you think you'll make it big in your own little area of the world, great, but if you venture out, emails will be part....and usuable.
Now I'm asking again, and read your emails, this wasn't started about your colt, nor did I say you would have heartache because of him....different horse, different day, same dealer.
THis thread just won't go away.....sad for all.


Rocky Mountain High!!
but was it real?

Or seem to have the know how, and why in the world are you giving people the way to get out of what may in fact be a deceptive practice...just not affecting you yet? You are wrong though, things are alot different when done over the internet and long distance. If you think you'll make it big in your own little area of the world, great, but if you venture out, emails will be part....and usuable.
Now I'm asking again, and read your emails, this wasn't started about your colt, nor did I say you would have heartache because of him....different horse, different day, same dealer.
THis thread just won't go away.....sad for all.
So.....give me some details on what horse you are referring too? I really have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

Regarding "instructions on getting out of a deceptive practice" it's not about utilizing emails not affecting me. It's about doing business whether over the internet or in person. It's all the same. Doing business is doing business whether online or in person. It should all be handled the same way.

MY new kid thread was intended to share my joy, and it's turned into this, in fact every time i've posted something about my Rockies turns into something like this by you. AND it happens both in writing and behind the scenes as you pointed out.

I couldn't care less about "making it big" :lol: As someone once told me, in order to make a million in horses, you have to have a million. I don't intend to ever make it big. I leave that goal to those who produce hundreds of babies each year. That will never be us. I'm not real sure why my existence bothers some folks so much, I am but a drop in the bucket.
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Rocky Mountain High!!
Since you started it you can delete it and then it will go away. You can also stop replying. One sided conversations don't tend to last too long.

No.... they turn into phone calls made to breeders and stallion owners, intended to stir the pot with unsubstantiated gossip, and delving into peoples lives in inappropriate ways with the specific intention of doing harm, as has happened to me because of my attempt to share my joy at welcoming a new member of my family. I'm sure that didn't happen when you welcomed your new stud. So you're D@mn right I'm gonna fight back, because it's not fair.

BTW I've read a few other horsey and non horsey threads that just wouldn't go away so this is nothing new.
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New Member
darn, Happy, you are just what you what to be in life. By making it big, I wasn't talking about money, I was talking about what you have spoken about numerous times, your breeding program. I don't think I ever heard you talk of money, nor you from me. You even go after people who in confidence try and approach you in a dignified manner. Sorry to have even have used that form.


New Member
By the way, this thread WAS NOT started because of your colt. It was started to find out why threads get deleted and why people use this board for posts of sale horses.
Pure and simple.


Rocky Mountain High!!
By the way, this thread WAS NOT started because of your colt. It was started to find out why threads get deleted and why people use this board for posts of sale horses.
Pure and simple.
folks are allowed to post about horses (or any item) for sale if they have paid for advertising in the classified section.


Rocky Mountain High!!
darn, Happy, you are just what you what to be in life. By making it big, I wasn't talking about money, I was talking about what you have spoken about numerous times, your breeding program. I don't think I ever heard you talk of money, nor you from me. You even go after people who in confidence try and approach you in a dignified manner. Sorry to have even have used that form.


i apologize if you felt my response was somehow mean. I really didn't think it was, to the point maybe? but certainly not mean (but lemme re-read it and make sure). I can understand why you feel as you do, noone likes to loose money, but we have both had bad experiences with a broker, let's just leave it at that. 'k?
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