...but then Superjoey and his awesome strength...somehow gets up out of the rubble. In the darkness he struggles through, wondering, where is watercolor, and gay man #2...and where is his computer..how can he live with out the wonderwoman porn site " Oh the agony" he cries...stumbling to find any way out...all of a sudden, in a burst of light... the PMS league. All putting their best foot forward...Chest stuck out, hands on their hips...ready to fight fire with fire. Super joey, in complete awe...looks at each of them noticing, they are quite familiar looking, knowing that he had once seen them on this place called the somd forum...could it be true...could it...that they....
" Yes superjoey..we did, stop thinking we are not real. Obviously it shows women are powerful" said watercolor, and flashed her smile at him....in astonishment Joey said