I called the hosp right before I answered this thread...his temp is up most of the time...it is down right now to almost 100 which is low for how he has been running..They moved the intubation tube to a trache in the neck a few days ago..they did him off 2 hrs a day for a couple days then for a whole day..he is now most of the time breathing on his own...He is not responding though still they say...though he did open his eyes for me and turn his head toward me the other day..but a look like no one was home...We go tomorrow to meet with everyone for the prognosis etc...I am thinking about talking about some serious decisions tomorrow so we will see...
They talked to me at the hospital...they excepted her...She is doing GREAT today...she has been up since 9 am and I am getting her ready for bed now..she has drank like a pig all day like 6 glasses of different stuff....She has been bright and alert..watched TV etc...I am sure she did not like the 5 days in the bed..she is used to being up ALL the time...Hospice called today but I was working so I will call them back tomorrow...Mom even walked to the potty for me today from the wheel chair 4 steps..as always...lifted her legs for her diaper...just like always...they tried to give me pills to calm her down I never filled them..they are crazy..she just does not like strangers...lol...I am real happy with how she looks etc...so I am calmer....and did with less pink pills for myself today...
I will call you Barb...thanks

I have heard nothing but nice things for sure...they got me a new bed side commode today..I had an old one but was missing the tub part..so I have 2 one for the bathroom and one for the bed room...I have a friend giving me a dresser to put her extra stuff in now as most of her stuff is in the bathroom but when she gets so I have to do her in the bed room I need room for stuff..I need a few more things but I will work on it...mostly need to rearrange stuff and get room..
Remember I had that last Thursday the day after mom went to the hospital..I had high blood pressure, migraine and had to cancel dogs..they kept me a few hours and then said it was stress...then I went to my family dr and they gave me a cute pink pill...seems to help..but over all I am happier with mom home...
I have had mom here since 1996 and I have been with Bill for 25 or 26 yrs..so with both gone I was a mess..mom does not talk to me..Bill will not shut up..I do not think we have even been a day or two without talking even if one is out of town..so for me not to talk or yell at him for 2 weeks it is getting depressing..I really do not feel good about this at all... thanks all...
Ps a friend filled my fridge with read to eat home cooked food..I am eating well..thanks guys..I love ya...well most of ya...