Scientists Harvest Stem Cells Without Destroying Embryo


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
I find it hysterically funny to express my pro-abortion sentiments in a group of liberals. They go on and on about a "woman's right to choose" and "unviable tissue mass" but the second you say they're right, the ensuing child would have been a worthless drag on society, suddenly they do backflips to prove that the dead spawn of some crack whore is just as valuable and deserving of respect as anyone else. But they are in favor of killing it anyway.

ooooooh, and now i'm a supposed liberal too :jameo:


New Member
vraiblonde said:
I find it hysterically funny to express my pro-abortion sentiments in a group of liberals. They go on and on about a "woman's right to choose" and "unviable tissue mass" but the second you say they're right, the ensuing child would have been a worthless drag on society, suddenly they do backflips to prove that the dead spawn of some crack whore is just as valuable and deserving of respect as anyone else. But they are in favor of killing it anyway.


Who says I'm a liberal? :confused:


New Member
Some science is just not right. All this bioengineerin and stem cell stuff is the work of Satan. Us scientists are not supposed to play God and create new humans and such. Look at what they done to cows. Sad faced, lazy milk factories. Look at pigs, aint worht nothin cause they are gene engineered to produce bacon and nothin alse.

Some fella could create a heard of women who make enough breast milk to feed 100 babies, keep em penned up in special milk houses and treat them bad cause they aint real women just clones with big udders.

They could gene engineer a gabillion soldiers that aint afraid of nuthin and cause they aint real people just clones nobody would care if they get kilt and then wars would never end. Our clones would fight their clones and it would be mayhem. Like in that movie Star Wars. Watch that movie and none of those space people look happy.

I am real disappointed in scientists now days cause they are messin with stuff thay aint supposed to.
sugarmama said:
Good question. Maybe it's the tard coming out, b/c if you wrote it, why would you say you didn't? That's why me and MR keep quoting you... and you're STILL denying it. :smack:
Perhaps you meant to say it a different way, but what you did in fact say was that all poor people should abort their babies b/c it's better than the alternative. That's basically the gist of it.
I read her words and took it to mean that she thinks people who are of a mindset to want to end the life of their unborn child via abortion should be allowed to do so as they child is not wanted and is probably better off as an aborted mass rather than born.


New Member
kwillia said:
I read her words and took it to mean that she thinks people who are of a mindset to want to end the life of their unborn child via abortion should be allowed to do so as they child is not wanted and is probably better off as an aborted mass rather than born.

1. Not everyone reads into things the same way. That's NOT how I read it.

2. It makes no sense to me that Vraitard is so against embryonic stem cell research, but completely in support of abortion as a crime deterrent. :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
kwillia said:
I read her words and took it to mean that she thinks people who are of a mindset to want to end the life of their unborn child via abortion should be allowed to do so as they child is not wanted and is probably better off as an aborted mass rather than born.
Stop it - you're ruining my fun. :mad:



I thought the debate in here died a whle back. I didn't know this was going to turn into a "attack-vrai-flame-fest".

Else I woulda stayed a little longer! :jet: :huggy:


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sugarmama said:
2. It makes no sense to me that Vraitard is so against embryonic stem cell research, but completely in support of abortion as a crime deterrent. :shrug:

I think it makes perfectly good sense - and it was explained about 50 pages back...

It's one thing to euthanize, or otherwise kill, someone. (abortion)
It's quite another to desecrate their corpse. (stem-cell harvesting)