Sean Taylor shot!


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Heard today on Redskins radio that one fan has written to his local representative to try and ramrod more gun control legislation.:rolleyes: I'm sure that the person who shot Sean was carrying his properly registered handgun while walking around someone else's house at 1 in the morning.

OBTW for Vrai and Bob:

Preliminary reports from Dade County PD indicate that this was a RANDOM home invasion burglary. I'll try to find a link, but this is what CBS/WTOP is reporting as of 0100 29 Nov.

Here ya go...
Miami-Dade police vow to find Taylor's killer - 11/28/2007 -


New Member

Miami-Dade police said Wednesday they have no suspects in the Sean Taylor murder investigation and appealed for assistance from the public in solving the crime, saying evidence collected so far indicates that the Washington Redskins safety was a random victim of a botched burglary attempt.

Police have "no reason" to think the incident was anything other than an attempted burglary, one likely involving more than one intruder, Miami-Dade Police Department Director Robert Parker said at a news conference at police headquarters.

"There is nothing that indicates that this was something that involved Sean," Miami-Dade Police Department Director Robert Parker said. (By Lynne Sladky -- Associated Press)

IMHO-I find this very hard to believe.

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
The Black KKK

OOpsie..I see Green Hornet already posted this. :jameo:

Just cause..


FOX Sports on MSN - NFL - Taylor's death a grim reminder for us all

The "keepin' it real" mantra of hip hop is in direct defiance to evolution. There's always someone ready to tell you you're selling out if you move away from the immature and dangerous activities you used to do, you're selling out if you speak proper English, embrace education, dress like a grown man, do anything mainstream.

The Black KKK is enforcing the same crippling standards as its parent organization. It wants to keep black men in their place — uneducated, outside the mainstream and six feet deep.


I bowl overhand
Real good article on the cover of the Post's sport section.. about the unwritten street rules.. and how many othe black men have died in anonymity this year.. cases unsolved, and being univestigated, while Sean Taylor gets all the headlines and sorrow.

One they mentioned happened in a hallway, with other's present.. but not ONE person saw anything. Good thing none of them will be labeled a "snitch", of course they don't think that they could be next.


Relax, it's fedex
Did anyone listen to what Rolle of the Cardinals had to say ? Sounds rather interesting.....

I did last night on Sportscenter.. Was interesting to hear that.. Sounds like he was not living the life he wanted to be living, and that he basically didnt talk to his old friends because they were simply troublemakers


"Typical White Person"
Real good article on the cover of the Post's sport section.. about the unwritten street rules.. and how many othe black men have died in anonymity this year.. cases unsolved, and being univestigated, while Sean Taylor gets all the headlines and sorrow.

One they mentioned happened in a hallway, with other's present.. but not ONE person saw anything. Good thing none of them will be labeled a "snitch", of course they don't think that they could be next.

Stop "snitchin"!! Just ask Carmelo. Freakin' idiots, if the black community really wanted to clean up their streets they wouldn't adhere to these stupid ass "street rules"


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Rolle Statement

Now THAT is interesting and finally something that makes sense. However, the fact remains that Sean Taylor was hanging out with his old homies when his ATV was stolen and his SUV was shot up, not to mentoin when he beat up that kid and threatened him with a gun. So if he was trying so hard to break out of the hood, what was he doing there?


New Member
Rolle Statement

Now THAT is interesting and finally something that makes sense. However, the fact remains that Sean Taylor was hanging out with his old homies when his ATV was stolen and his SUV was shot up, not to mentoin when he beat up that kid and threatened him with a gun. So if he was trying so hard to break out of the hood, what was he doing there?

That is what I was referring too...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Because Taylor wasnt charged or admitted to the gun, he was charged for and on probation for the Assault, not the weapon.

Get your #### together and get a clue what you're talking about.

Taylor was charged with aggravated assault with a firearm and misdemeanor battery.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
So if he was trying so hard to break out of the hood, what was he doing there?

Palmetto Bay is not the hood.

Palmetto Bay, an upscale village of about 24,000 people that abuts Biscayne Bay in southern Miami-Dade County, was hit earlier this year by an uptick in burglaries. As of March, there had been 29 burglaries in Palmetto Bay, compared with 23 for the same period the year before, according to information provided to The Miami Herald at the time by former City Manager Charles Scurr.


New Member
I aplogize, he may have been charged originally with it, but what he admitted to doing was something different.

I believe one of the reasons they offered him that, is because the allegations came from Ryan Hill, with no corroborating evidence from anyone else (ie the police). The fact that the the prosecutor originally was going after Taylor, with enough counts that carried a minimum of a 16 year sentence, but then changed and offered the plea makes Hills allegations seem shaky.

So once again, besides the allegations from Ryan Hill, who stole Taylors ATV (no conflict there) where does the Gun brandishment come from? If its only from Hill, why are you supporting the actions of one Thug, while demeaning (with your Boys in the Hood Refrences) the actions of Taylor? What is your reasoning for believing Hill, when obviously even the prosecutor didnt?

dude, prosecutors plead you out to lesser charges all the time, it doens't mean that you were not guilty, just that they choose not to pursue the charges.

for instance, i have heard many time the police have dropped possesion charges against someone aressted for dwi and possesion. the prosecutors figured they had enough with the DWI and didn't need to waste the time having a trial if the defendant is willing to plead to the other charges.