Seasons Control Men...


Well-Known Member
migtig said:
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to aps45819 again.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to elaine again.

Go back in the bomb shelter before you get in trouble little girl! :lol:


Lem Putt
Qurious said:
Your one to talk....whens the last time you seen your kid? :popcorn:

The word is "you're", and I saw my kids two hours ago. They gave me hugs and told me they loved me. When is the last time you saw your kids? Was it in the bottom of the collection bottle at the free clinic?


This is fun right?
MMDad said:
The word is "you're", and I saw my kids two hours ago. They gave me hugs and told me they loved me. When is the last time you saw your kids? Was it in the bottom of the collection bottle at the free clinic?

:popcorn: :confused: :shocking: :yikes:


Luvin Life !!!
migtig said:
Summertime = fishing, boating, crabbing, camping, mudding
Fall = hunting, mudding
Winter = ain't much in the way of outdoor manly man activities, so let's get drunk and screw

Me thinks, you don't appreciate outdoor activites, that's why you are neglected in the warmer months. Well, that and the fact that you are stupid. Actually, on further refelection, the men in your life just look at you as an easy screw who they can call on a whim and get laid whenever they feel like it. They will never attempt to have a real relationship with you because you aren't worth it. You don't act like you are worth anything more to anybody. You appear to me, along with being stupid, to have no self respect. You are damaged goods. Until you get your head in order, ain't nobody gonna want to spend anytime with you except as an easy screw. Sad reality. And if you are acting all happy about it, it further proves you are stupid.
Don't take this the wrong way but I think I'm in love with you. :lmao:
Very well said though.


Luvin Life !!!
Qurious said:
In the summertime they all of a sudden need their space...

Fall comes and they call a few times just to see what you've been up to...

Winter time they've been doing a lot of thinking and reflecting and they realize that they let a good thing go and they want to try it again.... :lmao:

So I know what Im getting for Christmas..... :love:
Is this by chance the same guy you went celibate for only to let him dress your turkey a few weeks ago, to then ask you to be all honest and open about your past?