Seeking Good Psychiatrist


My 401K is now a 201K
Terry - Don't go away, it's okay, really.

However....perhaps you should have posted in the Health forum; I understand folks are much more sensitive there.


SEABREEZE 1957 said:
Terry - Don't go away, it's okay, really.

However....perhaps you should have posted in the Health forum; I understand folks are much more sensitive there.

haha please let terry go about her miserable life..I don't want those crazy types making me miserable..haha :lmao:


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
Do you ask FatMomma for diet tips? Go to Mainman for fashion advice? Pixie for marital tips? Rack'm and Mike for sensitivity training?

No. No you don't.

Post of the week!


Cleopatra Jones
vraiblonde said:
Do you ask FatMomma for diet tips? Go to Mainman for fashion advice? Pixie for marital tips? Rack'm and Mike for sensitivity training?

No. No you don't.

My advice.... Don't do it! :killingme


New Member
Terrylt7 said:
Could anyone refer me some really good Psychiatrist in Charles County or surrounding area.
Having suffered from mental illness myself for some 30 odd years, I would highly recommend that you not see a doctor, but that you deal with it the way I do. Just pack all the bad stuff away into a tiny ball in your head. It's worked great for me so far! :yay:
twobit said:
Having suffered from mental illness myself for some 30 odd years, I would highly recommend that you not see a doctor, but that you deal with it the way I do. Just pack all the bad stuff away into a tiny ball in your head. It's worked great for me so far! :yay:
Does it keep growing and eventually get big enough for you to eject it... like a fur ball...:confused:


New Member
kwillia said:
Does it keep growing and eventually get big enough for you to eject it... like a fur ball...:confused:
Ya know, I don't know. I haven't had to release mine yet. But I bet when I do, it will be a helluva great show!


Super Genius
kwillia said:
Does it keep growing and eventually get big enough for you to eject it... like a fur ball...:confused:
I was thinking it would just increase in density until it goes super-nova :burning:
ylexot said:
I was thinking it would just increase in density until it goes super-nova :burning:
Aaaaaa... that makes sense... we have a few posters on here that are pretty regular with their super-novas...:lol:


New Member
nitwhit3286 said:
haha please let terry go about her miserable life..I don't want those crazy types making me miserable..haha :lmao:

LOL My miserable life?? You assume my life is miserable? Wrong! I have a job, and a great husband, huge house on the water ...Im not gona go on and on. Your can make a stupid statement about how miserable my life is...thats just the immaturity thingy again. On the other hand....your 20 or something and a stay at home dont throw that word miserable around quite yet hun.


NOT Politically Correct!!
twobit said:
Ya know, I don't know. I haven't had to release mine yet. But I bet when I do, it will be a helluva great show!

Make sure you give the police your forum user name so we know it's you where reading about... :coffee:


New Member
SEABREEZE 1957 said:
Terry - Don't go away, it's okay, really.

However....perhaps you should have posted in the Health forum; I understand folks are much more sensitive there.

Yes you are probably right. I have lived in southern maryland all my life but I think alot of this is just the way people are here. Have a good one.


New Member
donbarzini said:
If I remember the beginning of this thread correctly Vrai started out very nice and respectful. She merely asked for a few minor specifics to narrow down the options. This was to prevent giving you faulty information. It wasn't until you "blew up" at a few of our "sensitivity-challenged" brethren that this thread truly degenerated into yet another :jerry: episode.

My advice to you is this: Anyone who comes on a public forum where they don't know anyone to :drama: deserves EXACTLY what just happened.

ADVICE......everyone loves advice :lmao:


NOT Politically Correct!!
Enough silly sh!t, who needs help??? <img src="">


Baby blues
Terrylt7 said:
LOL My miserable life?? You assume my life is miserable? Wrong! I have a job, and a great husband, huge house on the water ...Im not gona go on and on. Your can make a stupid statement about how miserable my life is...thats just the immaturity thingy again. On the other hand....your 20 or something and a stay at home dont throw that word miserable around quite yet hun.

AHH! Another MPD... figures.... :lmao:


New Member
Tinkerbell said:
AHH! Another MPD... figures.... :lmao:

Well Ms Tinkerbell instead of using your three little letters there, be brave spell it out, not everyone is in the groove of things around here and know what that means. Its kind of like me saying to you.....AHH...another MCL. See you have no clue what that means, in fact I just made it up. :lmao: I think I may know what its pertaining to but sure dont want to jump the gun, so if you would most kindly explain. I mean come would only be fair to know what Im being called. Also have you read ALL the post? Hun you have a good day. Whatever they are watch out for those MPD. :lmao: