Seeking Good Psychiatrist


mv = margaritaville
Terrylt7 said:
Well Ms Tinkerbell instead of using your three little letters there, be brave spell it out, not everyone is in the groove of things around here and know what that means. Its kind of like me saying to you.....AHH...another MCL. See you have no clue what that means, in fact I just made it up. :lmao: I think I may know what its pertaining to but sure dont want to jump the gun, so if you would most kindly explain. I mean come would only be fair to know what Im being called. Also have you read ALL the post? Hun you have a good day. Whatever they are watch out for those MPD. :lmao:
I think you need a hug. MainMan please give this nice lady a hug.



Super Genius
Terrylt7 said:
Well Ms Tinkerbell instead of using your three little letters there, be brave spell it out, not everyone is in the groove of things around here and know what that means. Its kind of like me saying to you.....AHH...another MCL. See you have no clue what that means, in fact I just made it up. :lmao: I think I may know what its pertaining to but sure dont want to jump the gun, so if you would most kindly explain. I mean come would only be fair to know what Im being called. Also have you read ALL the post? Hun you have a good day. Whatever they are watch out for those MPD. :lmao:
She probably thought that somebody going to a shrink would know about Multiple Personality Disorder :shrug:


Terrylt7 said:
LOL My miserable life?? You assume my life is miserable? Wrong! I have a job, and a great husband, huge house on the water ...Im not gona go on and on. Your can make a stupid statement about how miserable my life is...thats just the immaturity thingy again. On the other hand....your 20 or something and a stay at home dont throw that word miserable around quite yet hun.

oh please I am far from miserable...I have been miserable...hooked up to platelets and blood and chemotherapy at the same time in a hospital bed for over a week at the time..I know that things aren't that terribly bad for you...and I am happy as a lark to be if you want to assume go right on ahead and I will laugh my happy ass off!! :0


New Member
ylexot said:
She probably thought that somebody going to a shrink would know about Multiple Personality Disorder :shrug:

Why should I? I dont know anything about MPD. I go to a family doc also and I dont know every disease they handle. Initials? LOL So when I go back to shrink I will say hey doc.........I need to know names and initials for everything you treat.LOL Some of you are way to much. :lmao: Appreciate your input though. :razz:


Baby blues
Terrylt7 said:
Well Ms Tinkerbell instead of using your three little letters there, be brave spell it out, not everyone is in the groove of things around here and know what that means. Its kind of like me saying to you.....AHH...another MCL. See you have no clue what that means, in fact I just made it up. :lmao: I think I may know what its pertaining to but sure dont want to jump the gun, so if you would most kindly explain. I mean come would only be fair to know what Im being called. Also have you read ALL the post? Hun you have a good day. Whatever they are watch out for those MPD. :lmao:

:killingme Wow, you're really a lively one! And so witty!

If you read any further, it means "Multiple Personality Disorder." On forums like this, it means you have several user names on here and this is just another one of those. But then, you know that already, being an MPD and all. :yay:


New Member
nitwhit3286 said:
oh please I am far from miserable...I have been miserable...hooked up to platelets and blood and chemotherapy at the same time in a hospital bed for over a week at the time..I know that things aren't that terribly bad for you...and I am happy as a lark to be if you want to assume go right on ahead and I will laugh my happy ass off!! :0

And I am sorry you had to go through all that. But what gave you the right to say MY life was miserable. You have no idea just as I dont about yours.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
My god, we're so mean to the newbies! And they do absolutely NOTHING to provoke such hateful vitriol!
