Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott Shows True Segregationist Colors


New Member
While speaking at the birthday party of Senator Strom Thurmond, Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott said that had Thurmond won the presidency in 1948, the nation would not have the problems that it does today. Here's the catch, Thurmond was running as a Dixiecrat, a segregationist bloc of the Democratic Party due to the party's support of civil rights legislation. Lott's remarks created an audible gasp from the party's attendees and also incited criticism from members of the Congressional Black Caucus, Democrats, as well as some Republicans. Bill Kristol attempted to remind Senator Lott in a telephone conversation that the Republican Party is the Party of Lincoln.
I'm sorry Mr. Kristol, but your party left Lincoln in 1964 when Barry Goldwater campaigned against civil rights because it violated states' rights. The party is anti-black and anti-minority and Lott's remarks prove it. Imagine if Thurmond had won the presidency in 1948, maybe the blacks would still have to sit in the back of the bus or maybe they would still go to inferior schools or drink from a different water fountain. While these remarks from Senator Lott are unfortunate, I am thankful that he uttered them for they show who he truly is as well as what is party is.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Dems, if you knew any less about political history, you'd 11 year old daughter or something. If the Republican party is so anti-black, please explain to me why the Republican President chose blacks to fill high-level government positions? What Democrat President did that? Answer: none. Not even our first "black" President, William Jefferson Clinton.

I'm coming back to give you a history lesson and take you to task for your racist comments - but right now I've got a new computer to put together. This sort of race-baiting infuriates me and, unfortunately, the Democrats are the masters of it.


It was a going away party for christ sake, of course he is going to say something nice about him, even if he didnt like him he would say something nice. At work when people leave and you have a going away party for them doesnt your boss usually say some bullshit that he doesn't mean? Its that way where I work. No matter how bad the boss hates the person he makes up some nice bullshit to say.

Personally I think Strom was in office a bit too long, all I have seen him do these last few years was drool on himself and fall asleep.


New Member
Why do Republicans choose blacks to be on their staffs and cabinets? Because they want the public to think they are inclusinve. This media ploy apparenly worked for you. Let's look at some of these appointees...
Clarence Thomas, characterized as an "Uncle Tom" by fellow African Americans and opposed to vital programs that have made the race come to their increased status in today's world.
Michael Steele often refers to his first experience with the Republican Party in which he was shuned by the white party members. Why did Ehrlich put Steele on the ticket? One reason: the color of his skin. In his speeches, Steele merely said one thing, let's make history brothers. He didn't mention that Ehrlich would neglect all the issues that the African-American community hold so dear.
The Republican Party is anti-black. You cannot deny that. Opposition to the civil rights act, proposed by a Democrat, opposition to affirmative action, proposed by a Democrat, opposition to welfare reform that uplifts people, proposed by a Democrat. Senator Jesse Helms receives a call from someone while on a TV show and the caller says "Thanks for keeping the ******s down." Trent Lott endorsing segregationist Strom Thurmond during the1948 Election. The move of southern whites, former Democrats and staunch segregationists, to the Republican Party.
And don't give me a litany of former Democrats that fought for segregation. I know about them but guess what these southerners were not true Democrats, they were just racist conservative southerners. We basically kicked them out of the party because we were sick of their racism.
Oh, and VRA, where did you go to college? Here's my track record: Major at UC-Berkley in political science, masters from Georgetown in international relations and a law degree from the University of Virginia. I find your statement of my intelligence to be very degrading.


Originally posted by demsformd
Why do Republicans choose blacks to be on their staffs and cabinets?

Heavens to betsy the democrats would never do something like that!

As far as Clarence Thomas children that do well in school are often ridiculed by a small minority of (black) peers for acting white, are these kids uncle Toms in training?

In college I had a good friend that was black, she and I were eating lunch one day at the student union and about 4 black men came over and asked her if she knew what color she was (because she was having lunch with a white guy). Does this make her an Aunt Tom?

Im sorry but I find the democratic side of race relations far more racist than the republican side.

Now I don't believe that Clarence Thomas should have ever been confirmed as a supreme court justice beause there was alot of doubt to what kind of person (not what kind of black person) that he was with the whole Anitia Hill thing. Since its a lifetime appointment I believe if there is a reasonable doubt about the person that they should not be. I also believe that there were more qualified judges out there, they just happened to not be black. But since he was going to be replacing a black justice the NAACP would have had a field day if a non-black had been chosen. I ask why couldnt just the best person (regardless of color) have been put into the job, I believe its because the democrats would have had a field day if Bush tried to appoint someone that wasn't black.

I left the democratic party because the most vocal segment (liberal) of the party seems to have thrown all common sense out the window, the Jesus freaks like Pat Robertson keep me out of the Republican party these people (ultra conservative) also have no common sense.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Dems, your hypocrisy knows no bounds. Nor does your racism.

So the only reason to choose a black person for a cabinet position is because he's a token? Not because he's smart or talented - couldn't possibly be that - but because of his skin color? Condoleeza Rice - token. Colin Powell - token. Is that what you're saying?
Major at UC-Berkley in political science
There's a surprise :duh: For such an "educated" person, you're not very smart.

The DEMOCRATIC party is anti-black - you CANNOT deny that.
  • They don't appoint blacks to cabinet positions
  • they patronize blacks like pets (very reminiscent of Gone With The Wind)
  • they lump all blacks into one all-encompassing phrase "black community", not realizing that blacks are as diverse as any other ethnic group
  • they don't even consider blacks real Americans - they call them "African-Americans", thereby setting them apart from "real" Americans like us whiteys.

You liberals just don't learn, do you? You can lose your butts in a major election and watch helplessly as conservatives take over the airwaves - yet you STILL keep on with your hypocrisy and racism. Do you just enjoy being part of a minority?


Vrai its not whether or not blacks are in positions of power, its whether or not "their blacks " are in positions of power.


New Member
Your right, I am dumb. I received a rating of 95 out of 100 on my thesis, was class president freshman year, and was congressional aide to Earl Hilliard from Alabama but I must not know what I am talking about.
Anyway, so we're racist because we refer to blacks in a politically correct way? Since we do not appoint blacks (which is not true) to the cabinet, we are racist? Let's look at this. Bill Clinton nominated the most black judges to the federal judiciary than any other president. Yet Trent Lott in all his wisdom decided the oppose many of these judges. A black woman nominee for Assistant Attorney General was denied appointment because the conservatives distorted her record and labeled her as "the quota queen." The first black Supreme Court justice, Thurgood Marshall, was appointed by a Democrat. Marshall was also appointed as the first black solicitor general by a Democrat. You know VRA, your belief that the Democratic Party is racist is incredibly false and I have to question where you received this wisdom. Why do 90% of the blacks in this nation vote for Democrats? Do you think that they are all that stupid? Would a Jew vote for Hitler? Tell me more about my party's racism, its quite amusing.


I never knew being black made one a good judge. No matter how good (or bad) a nominee is the opposing party always puts up some sort of opposition to them, that is a fact. But you obviously have no interest in addressing facts since the only way you respond to things is by name calling, typical lawyer.

"Bill Clinton nominated the most black judges to the federal judiciary than any other president. "

And if you want to starting tooting your own horn about how smart you are maybe you should atleast check your grammar in that particular post.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Dems, most Democrats are racist because skin color is an issue with them. It's not about the person or their abilities - it's about skin color. Calling Americans by some racist label - "African-American" - makes you a racist. Most blacks in this country have never even BEEN to Africa, let alone can claim any kind of nationality. And make no mistake - Africa is a NATION, not a color. I would expect you to know that, seeing as you're so edumacated and all. :duh:

When was the last time you saw a Republican making a big deal out of someone's skin color? But all you have to do to see Democrats do it is turn on the TV - or get on this forum.

Let's see who's the racist party, shall we? Who appointed the first black Secretary of State? Who appointed the first black National Security Advisor? Who gave Maryland its first black Lt. Governor? Was it the Democrats?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I can think of no single person who could better represent the modern liberal democratic school of personal destruction and character assassination than you.

Would a Jew vote for Hitler? Tell me more about my party's racism, its quite amusing.

You highlight your ignorance and your hatred. I detest your petty, small, ugly, empty little mind.

Whenever your ilk has nothing of substance at all to say (quite common from you) you run back to your vacuous little wretched cure all: Equating one more thing you can't make a civil argument about to one of the darkest periods in human history.

I dare you to use your real name so the world can associate your brilliant resume with its author.

If it is even partly factual I can think of no greater indictment of higher education than venom spewing "intellects" like you.

Shame on you.

As a PS, yes RFK directed and gave orders on a number of attempts on Castro’s life.

And for extra credit, name the only party who has a current member of congress who joined the KKK?

And finally,

I know about them but guess what these southerners were not true Democrats, they were just racist conservative southerners. We basically kicked them out of the party because we were sick of their racism.

One of them nominated Marshall you idiot.


It's too bad demformd... just when you start making sense you have to turn on the misinformed, ignorant, and obviously stereotyped dogma that makes your party look like a bunch of imbeciles.

The Republican Party is anti-black? Then I assume you consider the Democratic Party to be pro-black? If that's the case, please tell us how you guys have made life so much better for blacks in all your years of power? Yeah, you've helped out a few, but what about the masses? Black inner-city schools are still the worst, there are more black men in jail than any other group, there are more homicides among blacks, their income levels are the lowest, their welfare rates are the highest, their illegitimate birth rates are the highest along with the number of single moms and teenage births, etc. It looks to me that you'all have done a pretty crappy job of being the party of Blacks.

Instead what it looks like to me is that you have worked very hard to promote agendas that yield tokien results for just enough people to make it look like you're taking care of business, while ensuring that the bulk of the community remains downtrodden.

This is no different from the "Feed a man a fish/teach a man to fish" story that's been handed down since biblical times. The Republicans feel that it's better to teach a man to fish and give him the resources to fish, rather than take the Democrat's approach of breeding dependency. Your Liberal policies have done nothing more than turn the Black community into a zoo with you guys as the zoo keepers. Please excuse the Republicans for wanting to offer people a better life.


Asperger's Poster Child
Demsformd, do you really think you're helping your party when you claim the Democrats are free of racism? You don't see that there's no real difference between Lott and Robert Byrd?

Prejudice has nothing to do with party allegiance. In my experience, it's about upbringing.


Football season!
Originally posted by Bruzilla

The Republican Party is anti-black? Then I assume you consider the Democratic Party to be pro-black? If that's the case, please tell us how you guys have made life so much better for blacks in all your years of power? Yeah, you've helped out a few, but what about the masses? Black inner-city schools are still the worst, there are more black men in jail than any other group, there are more homicides among blacks, their income levels are the lowest, their welfare rates are the highest, their illegitimate birth rates are the highest along with the number of single moms and teenage births, etc. It looks to me that you'all have done a pretty crappy job of being the party of Blacks.

Uhm, sorry to jump in here, but what the heck does that have to do with EITHER party? Last I checked, the US Government is not a babysitter.

And I'm not saying they are not qualified for the position, but you would have to be a fool to think it is only coincidence that Bush has appointed so many minorities. It was a very smart move politically and we'll see how that may changes the numers come 2004.. Republicans are so quick to react to anything that is said about them, that sometimes they don't even realize that political moves they have made are actually good.. But I also understand you can't go around saying you are simply doing things for political gain (see my post about the economic shakeup).


Smalltown, maybe you haven't been following the news since 1963 or so, but the United States Government has been a babysitter for the Black community for quite some time now. And we're rapidly taking on the role of babysitter for the immigrant Hispanic community as well.

I would ask that people compare these roles to how we treat the Oriental community. These people receive the least amount of government assistance, yet they are by far the most proseperous immigrants and minority in this country. Kinda makes you think.


Football season!
The government can't hold your hand and make you learn while at school, they can't take the liquor bottle out of your hand, they can't put the condom on your penis.. People who blame the government for their faults are just looking for excuses to not succeed.

Comparing blacks and orientals?? You have one group that originally was shipped here merely as "workers" and were not allowed an education for quite some time.. Orientals come here on their own for college and opportunity.


I've got news for you smalltown... there are a LOT more Orientals arriving on our shores than just the ones that you hear about performing great feats of academia at our colleges. A LOT MORE. There are thousands and thousands of Chinese and other Oriental immigrants arriving legally, and illegally, every year. They usually speak little or no English; they have little or no knowledge or experience with things like cars, electricity, etc.; and they often have little work experience outside of agriculture and some light industry. What they do have is the benefit of coming from cultures where there is little or no social spending... i.e., you don't work - you don't eat.

Most of these new arrivals do not make a B-line for the nearest welfare office. Instead they usually go to cultural centers that are run by people from these countries who have already established themselves. These centers help the new arrivals find jobs and housing, and provide support until the new arrival gets on their feet. After that it's up to the individual to make it, and most of them do very, very well. They tend to not take handouts from the government and rely on each other instead. Most new businesses in the inner cities are owned and operated by Orientals. Go by the Farmer's Market in Charlotte Hall on any cold and rainy Saturday. There often isn't anybody selling stuff except for the Korean and Chinese merchants. They may barely make enough to cover their costs, but they'll be there.

This is the difference between coming to expect the government to care for you, and growing up relying on yourself. These folks might be selling pirated t-shirts or bussing tables in Chinese restaurants, but their making a solid effort to improve themselves. Compare that to the Black communities who have grown accustomed to having the government provide for them.

And by the way, show me one, just one, African American living today who was shipped over here against their will. Show me just one. Slavery's been gone for going on 150 years, and the injustices of segregation have been gone for close to 40. It's time people stopped using those as a crutch. There are far too many very successful African Americans in this land to believe that there is no opportunity for them.
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During the late 1800's thousands and thousands of Chineese were brought to America to work on the railroads for almost no pay.

How long has it been since the last slave has died? How long has it been since the last slaves grand children have died?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If one wants to point a finger at who's to blame for the problems of blacks in America, one might consider taking a hard look at what passes for black pop culture these days. I saw a commercial for some "black" movie that's coming out and the teaser said, "HO!" (with a picture of a black female), "HO!" (picture of a different black female), "HO!" (third black female). I was never so offended in my life. This is a film made BY blacks FOR blacks. Hot on the heels of that, I picked up the newspaper to find that a predominantly black school used a pimp theme for it's fashion show.

What message does that send to black youth? Not to mention the message it sends to whites. I do not feel it's appropriate to refer to black women as "ho". But the black entertainment industry apparently disagrees with me.