Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott Shows True Segregationist Colors

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member

Originally posted by vraiblonde
I picked up the newspaper to find that a predominantly black school used a pimp theme for it's fashion show.

You've gone over to the dark side! :wink:


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by vraiblonde
I picked up the newspaper to find that a predominantly black school used a pimp theme for its fashion show.

I read the same article. What scared me was learning that younger people are redefining the word "pimp" to mean any type of ladies' man. It's not really a black thing, because white kids are using the word the same way.

Do these kids even know about the realities of prostitition? To me, it's not much different from Gone With the Wind rewriting the history of the Civil War. Or (getting back to the original subject of this thread), like Thurmond and Lott arguing that resistance to desegregation was all about preserving "state's rights."


Originally posted by Heretic
During the late 1800's thousands and thousands of Chineese were brought to America to work on the railroads for almost no pay.

How long has it been since the last slave has died? How long has it been since the last slaves grand children have died?

Ah, but don't forget sharecropping and segregation, which continued in MD and Virginia into the late 1960's.


Football season!
Originally posted by Heretic
During the late 1800's thousands and thousands of Chineese were brought to America to work on the railroads for almost no pay.

How long has it been since the last slave has died? How long has it been since the last slaves grand children have died?

So, you are saying that blacks just are not as smart as the chinese, and that is why more blacks are on welfare as compared to chinese? Seems the non-racist side is looking a little tainted.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
and another, dems4

I forgot another one!

I know about them but guess what these southerners were not true Democrats, they were just racist conservative southerners. We basically kicked them out of the party

I see..."triangulation"...I see...another Southern democrat who wasn't a "real" one...who abandoned his base except at election time...I see...a southern state where this fella excelled as a two term governor at keeping education, particularly among blacks, worst in the nation...for two terms...darn...what is his name??? I seem to remember the one black person he deemed qualified to work for him was Dr. Elders...

...oh, what is his name???


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't know what Heretic is saying but I'll tell you what I'm saying:

There's been no money to be made from exploiting Asians. There's a TON of it to be made from blacks. Just ask Jesse Jackson. Humans in general aren't very smart, regardless of ethnicity. If there had been 40 years of white liberals telling Asians that they were "owed" and they needed to be taken care of by their white massas, you would see more Asians on welfare and having social difficulties.

As it stands, there's money and power to be gained by convincing blacks that they're inferior and need a handout.

Democrats aren't stupid - they understand that if all blacks suddenly realize that they have just as much opportunity in this country as anyone else, they won't need big government to take care of them and they'll stop voting overwhelmingly for Democrat politicians.

No comment on how blacks are destroying their own selves with their pop culture?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Let's be honest, OK?

I can think of two people who work for this administration who are probably smarter than their boss and they both have more pigment than him to boot.

Secretary Powell and Director Rice.

These people are world class; character, accomplishment and dignity. I would vote for either one of them for my President which would make then the second and/or third black person I would have voted for for President, after Alan Keyes.

How they achieved what they have in life and who they are make them American heroes, both.

Now, the tough part for Bush bashers (Reagan bashers, et al) is accepting the intelligence and quality inherent in someone who is neither afraid of working with someone smarter than themself and the confidence to do so by choice.


Football season!
Black Pop Culture.. Dunno.. When I was a growing up, I was listening to rap music, enjoying movies like New Jack City, Boyz In The Hood, ..Juice.., Friday etc.. And I'm not on welfare or out shooting up people, so I don't think its the music or the movies doing it..

As for asians.. They are smart people.. They sit back and see how the welfare system here works and how easy it is to be a part of it.. But at the same time they are running their own companies or have decent jobs. Go figure.


Football season!
Re: Small...

Originally posted by Larry Gude
Let's be honest, OK?

I can think of two people who work for this administration who are probably smarter than their boss and they both have more pigment than him to boot.

Secretary Powell and Director Rice.

These people are world class; character, accomplishment and dignity. I would vote for either one of them for my President which would make then the second and/or third black person I would have voted for for President, after Alan Keyes.

How they achieved what they have in life and who they are make them American heroes, both.

Now, the tough part for Bush bashers (Reagan bashers, et al) is accepting the intelligence and quality inherent in someone who is neither afraid of working with someone smarter than themself and the confidence to do so by choice.

So what point are you trying to make?


Originally posted by SmallTown
So, you are saying that blacks just are not as smart as the chinese, and that is why more blacks are on welfare as compared to chinese? Seems the non-racist side is looking a little tainted.

Since we all have the same amount and type of brainmatter upstairs, I don't think it can be said that any group is inherently smarter than another. What can be said is that today's Oriental immigrants have a work ethic that native-born African-Americans do not. Many African-Americans have grown used to being taken care of by the government, while many Asians/Orientals are used to the only thing you get from the government being a bullet.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I was just not minding my own bizz when you made the point...

So, you are saying that blacks just are not as smart as the chinese, and that is why more blacks are on welfare as compared to chinese? Seems the non-racist side is looking a little tainted. someone else...

Sorry. I'll try to cut back on forum jumping...


Originally posted by SmallTown
So, you are saying that blacks just are not as smart as the chinese, and that is why more blacks are on welfare as compared to chinese? Seems the non-racist side is looking a little tainted.

Not at all I was replying to this post from you saying and trying to tell you that a big majority of the Chineese in America today were also shipped over as merely workers, treated as poorly as blacks and in some cases may have faced even worse discrimination in the late 1800's America than blacks did. So not orientals come here to go to college, many came because in China they were starving or being killed by their leaders.

"Comparing blacks and orientals?? You have one group that originally was shipped here merely as "workers" and were not allowed an education for quite some time.. Orientals come here on their own for college and opportunity."

Ok so blacks that come to America directly from Africa are different than blacks born in America? Should there be different laws for true African-Americans and native born black Americans.


New Member
Colin Powell and Condi Rice are very admirable and qualified appointees. If you look closer at these two Republicans, however, you will see that they are much more liberal than any of you. Pro-choice, anti-death penalty, Powell opposes the flag-burning amendment. The see the GOP as a better party for foreign affairs, which does have its merit. Take that out of the equation and these two people are Democrats. I am very thankful that Powell is there. I think he's the only thing that keeps our nation out of nuclear war.
Black pop culture, as well as white pop culture, is destructive to our youth. Britney Spears shakes her butt all over town, Eminem, or whatever his name is, "sings" about ravaging his girlfriend. Every generation's culture is seen as destructive, I know that mine was. It is wrong and it does need to be rectified WITHOUT government intervention. The government has no business to tell people what their culture should be. Mothers and fathers should teach their children how to live better lives.
I just cannot see how 90% of the blacks in this nation could be so fooled by the Democratic Party. I just cannot. We provided them their ability to vote, live in the same neighborhoods, and sit at the same counters. Yet we're racist? I just do not understand your logic.
My posts earlier were a little too divisive, I will try to soften my tone. Sorry.
More to come later...


demsformd there are many different forms of racism, most racism isnt cross burning, lynching, etc its just the most visible. Most racism is subconsious and not even intended. I believe thinking someone is (fill in the blank) because someone is (fill in the blank) is just a wrong assumption to make and is stereotyping and prejudice.

Now lets look at the definition of prejudice. It means making a decision before knowing all (usually very few) of the facts. I think lumping somone into a disadvantaged category because of their skin color is pre-Judging them.

Remember about 10 years back the American Disibilities Agency had a commercial with a guy in a wheel chair and his friends said they didnt know how to treat him because he was in a wheelchair and he replied "How do you treat a disabled person?....Like a person"

I also believe until we as a society quit taking race, creed, color, disability, etc etc into consideration for anything that discrimination can not be extinguished. Now if we do quit will discrimination end right away? hell no, but I think thats the only way to start the process.

Above you said the government has no buisness telling people what their culture should be. I agree whole heartedly, but I also believe they have no buisness in telling people how to think and a government with a policy of affirmative action is basically telling people to think of minorities as different, even less capable.

If you talk to just about any person you know Im sure you will find some sort of adversity in their life. Some people are tall, fat, ugly, stupid etc and those attributes can cause people to pre-judge you, some things (especially disabilities) make living far more difficult than being a minority and Im sure that anyone can claim some sort of disadvantage when applying to college, for a job etc


New Member
Good points, Heretic. I disagree with your characterization of Affirmative Action. This program, unlike quotas (which I oppose), requires businesses to accept the minority or woman applicant for a job if all other things are equal. This is a feeling held by the vast majority of Democrats, remember Clinton's "mend, but don't end it." It is my greatest expectation of this nation to move beyond race, but the vast majority of people cannot, blacks and whites alike. We must address the issue and I just feel the my party is much more apt in this aspect.
As for our earlier debate about how many blacks that Republicans have appointed, I want to bring this up. Republicans appoint their blacks, we elect them. In the last Congress there were over thirty black members of Congress and all but one was a Democrat.


The true problem lies in the fact that often things aren't equal but a company is pressured into going out of its way to hire a minority, so bad infact that the companies hire the first minority that applies and hopes for the best.

Just about any field has natural rifts in what gender, race, creed ,etc make up its ranks. Im am an engineer and I swear 90% of us are white males. When in my freshman year the male/female ratio is about 60/40 but after a couple years and about 75% of those that entered the program (male and female) drop out it is about 80/20, then some of the women get frustrated because its just a bunch of men playing with their toys (cars, computers, etc etc) and they too change their majors. Its not because they were made uncomfortable in the field, its because they felt uncomfortable because there weren't more people like them. People naturally group in groupls "like me" I think its an instinct derived for survival reasons in our evolutionary history. But ask any company when they have a group of young engineers interviewing if there is a woman or a minority in that group 9 times out of 10 that will be their first choice because they feel they "have to" hire that person.

Actually I consider how you refer to Affirmative Action what I call equal opportunity, Affirmative Action goes beyone equal opportunity in my opinion.
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Originally posted by demsformd
Republicans appoint their blacks, we elect them

Ha that sounds alot like affirmative action to me.

Anyways Im not a republican, Im just anti-liberal because I think they have lost all common sense.


Football season!
Originally posted by Heretic

Ok so blacks that come to America directly from Africa are different than blacks born in America? Should there be different laws for true African-Americans and native born black Americans.

There should not be any special laws, period.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by demsformd
Good points, Heretic. I disagree with your characterization of Affirmative Action. This program, unlike quotas (which I oppose), requires businesses to accept the minority or woman applicant for a job if all other things are equal. This is a feeling held by the vast majority of Democrats, remember Clinton's "mend, but don't end it." It is my greatest expectation of this nation to move beyond race, but the vast majority of people cannot, blacks and whites alike. We must address the issue and I just feel the my party is much more apt in this aspect.
As for our earlier debate about how many blacks that Republicans have appointed, I want to bring this up. Republicans appoint their blacks, we elect them. In the last Congress there were over thirty black members of Congress and all but one was a Democrat.

Demsformd, I think affirmative action gets so much flak because in practice, it becomes a quota system.

Look at this from this perspective: There are still a lot of white people who believe that blacks are genetically lazy. Any type of quota system only gives them justification for their hateful beliefs. I'd really love to shut those idiots up, and affirmative action is not the way to do it. Affirmative action assumes that ALL white employers, if left to their own devices, will forever be racist in their hiring. That's really depressing. If you believe an entire system is gamed against you, isn't it more satisfying to make something of yourself despite all that? I want to see the Colin Powells and the Robert Johnsons and Stanley O'Neals flaunt their success in front of the racists and say, "Bite me!"

One thought on black culture--I can think of plenty of examples from white culture that are just as degrading as the ho & pimp attitude. How about Jackass, Tom Green, the Farrelly brothers, Cannibal Corpse, South Park and WWF? Or even most daytime soap operas, where man-stealing is the name of the game?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Trents lot...

...I'm up to speed on what Lott said and the context he said it in.

He should resign as majority leader because we will never hear the end of it.

For those of you who we will never hear the end of it from: Don't EVER check up on what is said at the Grid Iron party in March or any other heavy duty social engagment that the elite go to. It gets a lot more bawdy than this, from all sides.

I haven't figured out how to hold him responsible for what he said in 1948 but I'm sure the new Keepers of the Moral Flame will let us know what to do.