Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott Shows True Segregationist Colors

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You know...

...he was a democrat back then, right? He grew up.

Wanna talk about Al Gores dad and all the other democrats who voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964?


Asperger's Poster Child
Re: You know...

Originally posted by Larry Gude
...he was a democrat back then, right? He grew up.

Wanna talk about Al Gores dad and all the other democrats who voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

Here's the infamous Southern Manifesto that Thurmond spearheaded: I don't see Gore Sr.'s name on there, but that doesn't mean he wasn't a foe of desegregation.

I don't see this as a Dem vs. Rep issue, partly because Strom led the way for Souther Democrats to switch parties. The issue is that Jim Crow was almost as evil as slavery, and it was legally and morally indefensible. From reading the manifesto, it's clear that the whole "state's rights" argument was baloney. The manifesto repeats the old saw about "We were living in perfect harmony with our Negro brothers until these outside agitators came in and stirred things up." Oh, please!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Just got an education about what Lott actually said and the context in which it was said and I think it's time for him to get gone. I never liked him anyway, because of his lack of leadership during the impeachment hearings. Now I like him even less, if that's possible. It's hard to make the case that his comment was meant as a joke. It reflects poorly on the whole Republican party when we have a Majority Leader who makes comments like that.

It's fringers and weak-minded individuals that give BOTH parties a bad name. Lott gave us all a black eye - time for him to step down. Who's up after Lott? Would it be Don Nickles?


Sorry Vrai, but I think the only weak-minded individual in all this is you. :biggrin: I completely disagree with the call for Lott to step down and here's why:

1. Lott never said that we should bring back segregation or that getting rid of segregation laws was a mistake. Those ideas can be read into those comments by someone who wishes to make that case, but that's not what he said. The Democrats who are carping about Lott's comments are the same ones who had no problem accepting direct comments, be they "Himeytown" or "I never had sex", or "It depends on what your definition of is is." I heard one Lib commentator complaigning that Lott used the words "disgarded policies" instead of something harsher in his apology. Please... let's get real. These are just the noises of people looking for an issue anywhere they can find one.

2. The only groups that are making this an issue are the Dems and the Blacks, and these groups vote against Republicans 90% of the time. What good would losing Lott do? Would it net the Republicans more of the Black vote? Hell no!

Lott's comments only give us a black eye if Republicans allow them to. Have we learned nothing from the Clinton era? Taking the high road and falling on your sword doesn't make you look any better. I would prefer to see Lott start shooting back at the Blacks. Even if the Dems and Blacks are correct, and Lott's comments were as they say they were, why isn't Lott entitled to his opinion?

The bottom line is, as we learned from Clinton, as long as Lott continues to deliver the goods there isn't anybody that's going to give a rat's behind about these comments in two years. Lott should stay. If Lott leaves the Dems will still vote for the Dems, the Blacks will still vote for the Dems, and the Republicans will just show that they are gutless.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Weak-minded? Gosh, no one's ever called me THAT before :lmao:.

Sorry, Bru - even if Lott didn't mean the obvious by his comment, he should step down simply because he doesn't know how to keep his foot out of his mouth. And his half-a$$ed "apology" didn't cut it with me. He's got some 'splainin' to do. And Bush should make a strong statement that the government doesn't condone racism in it's leaders instead of that "vote of confidence" he gave Lott.

Makes no difference to me that the Dems have excused bad behavior in their candidates. I'm not going to do that. I don't like Lott anyway and this was just the last straw for me.


Football season!
One thing I do disagree with is the notion that only dems and blacks are against Lott with this one.. Many from his own side have expressed their concerns over what has happened.. Sounds to me like someone who was vocal during the dem screw ups is suddenly on the defensive and doesn't know quite what to do.


Dancing Up A Storm

Originally posted by Larry Gude

I can think of two people who work for this administration who are probably smarter than their boss and they both have more pigment than him to boot.

Secretary Powell and Director Rice.

These people are world class; character, accomplishment and dignity. I would vote for either one of them for my President which would make then the second and/or third black person I would have voted for for President, after Alan Keyes.

Now, the tough part for Bush bashers (Reagan bashers, et al) is accepting the intelligence and quality inherent in someone who is neither afraid of working with someone smarter than themself and the confidence to do so by choice.

:cool: I've been reading and hearing about this last paragraph more and more lately. When is the last time a president in our land had the wisdom, shrewdness, and the confidence in their fellow man - like these two excellent people, to have the courage to utilize their skills as President Bush has done?



Dancing Up A Storm

Originally posted by vraiblonde

I don't like Lott anyway and this was just the last straw for me.

:biggrin: Well, gee Vrai, why didn't you say so in the first place. I'm not thrilled about what Sen. Lott said, I think if he wanted to forward tribute to A 100 year old fart like Strom Thurmond, he could have chosen better words. However, I'm not at all sure he ought to be branded as a racist, and in turn be relieved of his seat as Senate Majority Leader.
The Democratic Black Caucus had to go back to, what was it, 1982, when he made another alledgedly insensitive remark to further their case. I wonder how many of us can count twenty years in between uttering phrases we wish we could have stiffled?



Ok first off Thurmond ran for president in 1948 so even if he had been elected and served two terms he would have been gone in 1958. Now segregation didnt end in the south until the late 1960's so how could have the segregation have benefited any more if Thurmond had been elected in 1948? Now if he ran for president in 1968 I could understand where he could have benefited segregation but the whole arguement makes no sense to me.

I think it was just a kind remark in tribute to Thurmond. Heck I can't think of any president, even a two term president that could solve problems 50 years in the future.


New Member
This whole thing has just completely snowballed. (And I brought this up before anyone else did:biggrin:) It turns out that our esteemed Majority Leader Lott was a member of the Ku Klux Klan for an extended period of time. There is a picture of him in his hood if you wanna see it. He has not severed all ties with the organization (five years ago he had a business meeting with KKK members to discuss Affirmative Action.) Now, I think that the Republicans would save themselves a lot more embarassment if the man would just resign.
I think Heretic said that there was no real big deal for Lott to say that because the blacks already vote for the Dems 90% of the time. This is true that the blacks vote heavily for the Dems but with something like Lott's statement in the media, black turnout could skyrocket at the polls. So instead of being say 20% of the electorate, they may be 25 or 30% of the electorate. This only helps my party. :biggrin:


endangered species
So let's see...

We judge Hillary for her comments and behavior in the past; we judge saddam Hussein by his words and deeds from the past; we judge Al Gore from his words and behavior from the past.

But when it comes to Trent Lott... hmmm.


Dancing Up A Storm
Re: So let's see...

Originally posted by MGKrebs
We judge Hillary for her comments and behavior in the past; we judge saddam Hussein by his words and deeds from the past; we judge Al Gore from his words and behavior from the past.

But when it comes to Trent Lott... hmmm.

MGKrebs::moon: :moon: :biteme: Willie Jeff and Hillary never, ever appologized for their mistakes, and besides, it wasn't just ONE or TWO times, there where scores of miscues!!



I really couldn't care less if Lott was out burning crosses with Byrd.:biggrin: The point is that once again the Republicans are running scared because someone has been "branded" as being bad by people who don't like us. If Byrd's history with the KKK is brought up, and he uses the word "******", there's no problem. But let a Republican do the same thing and he's labeled as sitting at Satan's side. All of this has nothing to do with racism or racial injustice, it's all about politics.

Does anyone actually believe that one African-American will switch from being a Democrat to a Republican if Lott steps down? This will be just like when Bob Livingston gave up the position of the Speaker of the House because of marital infidelity. His intention was to send a message that Republicans held themselves to a higher standard than Clinton, and Republicans actually thought that made a difference in the minds of Democrats. The message that was sent was that the Republicans have no stomach for fighting for their people, and this message was sent at a time when Democrats were staunchly defending... well... you know the story.:biggrin:

Vrai, you can talk about wanting to hold our leaders to the highest standards, and that's a fine thing. But remember that the Liberals don't worry too much about personal issues, just policy issues. And everytime that we let one of our leaders get taken down by rhetoric and inuendo from the Liberals, it gets just that harder to make a case Republicans to make their case and it's makes the party look just that much weaker. You can take the moral highroad, but remember that politics is usually travelled on the low road.

Lastly, I think that if Black leaders can publically state that they dislike Jews and whites, and Liberals can publically state that they dislike men, business leaders, non-greens, etc., then Lott should be able to have an opinion too.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Resign Senator Lott...

...time to say 'goodbye"


Lott's comments only give us a black eye if Republicans allow them to. Have we learned nothing from the Clinton era? Taking the high road and falling on your sword doesn't make you look any better. I would prefer to see Lott start shooting back at the Blacks.

THAT is why he should resign. If we, as conservatives start to act like democrats, choosing the low road, then principle is gone and we'll just vote for whoever does, what?

I'm sure you don't mean shooting back at conservative blacks like Armstrong Williams, who worked for Strom Thurmond, was present to hear Lotts comments and was stunned.

Lott falling on his sword is not the same as the whole party and everything we stand for slitting our collective wrists.

Whether Lott meant what he said or not is not relevant. What is, is this; should a person that, well, that stupid, be in a leadership position in the party that doesn't just pay lip service to equality?

We have an Achilles heel and it is the hope on the left that we are what Lott describes, that the perception, never mind the facts, can be sold.

Having higher standards has lead to Clarence Thomas, Colin Powell and Condi Rice being in positions of real power in our nation though real inclusiveness.

Lott stains the success we are building.


Ahhhhh... Larry.... exactly what success are we building? If Republicans had not come out in force this past election it would have been a sweep for the Dems. Blacks are still voting 90+% Democrat, so what "success" are we having?

You guys that think that Lott stepping down will end this are on some good drugs.:biggrin: The minute Lott stops fighting and steps down, for the good of the party don't you know, he's going to be labeled a racist. After all, "if he wasn't guilty why did he quit" will be the question on every Liberal's lips. And once that happens he'll be the poster boy for every Liberal to attack Conservatives and Republicans. I would prefer that Mr. Lott stand his ground and tell these few people who are all up in arms to just go to Hell.


Football season!
Originally posted by Bruzilla
Ahhhhh... Larry.... exactly what success are we building? If Republicans had not come out in force this past election it would have been a sweep for the Dems. Blacks are still voting 90+% Democrat, so what "success" are we having?

You guys that think that Lott stepping down will end this are on some good drugs.:biggrin: The minute Lott stops fighting and steps down, for the good of the party don't you know, he's going to be labeled a racist. After all, "if he wasn't guilty why did he quit" will be the question on every Liberal's lips. And once that happens he'll be the poster boy for every Liberal to attack Conservatives and Republicans. I would prefer that Mr. Lott stand his ground and tell these few people who are all up in arms to just go to Hell.

I don't think him stepping down would make people consider his a racist.. His comments alone do that.
So, instead of doing the right thing and have him step down, you would rather him stay so the dems won't have a bashing boy? Pretty lame.. Mr. Lott did stand his ground.. He told us how he felt about this subject. It so happens his stance does not sit well with the American people.


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by Bruzilla
Ahhhhh... Larry.... exactly what success are we building? If Republicans had not come out in force this past election it would have been a sweep for the Dems. Blacks are still voting 90+% Democrat, so what "success" are we having?

You guys that think that Lott stepping down will end this are on some good drugs.:biggrin: The minute Lott stops fighting and steps down, for the good of the party don't you know, he's going to be labeled a racist. After all, "if he wasn't guilty why did he quit" will be the question on every Liberal's lips. And once that happens he'll be the poster boy for every Liberal to attack Conservatives and Republicans. I would prefer that Mr. Lott stand his ground and tell these few people who are all up in arms to just go to Hell.

:clap: :clap: Amen to that!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ya know, I would like to have our elected officials do the right thing, regardless of political whathaveyou. To me it's not about appeasing the lefties or making some racial point - it's about the Senate Majority Leader making inappropriate racial comments.

Bru, RIGHT NOW he's the poster boy for liberals to attack conservatives. I think the rest of us Republicans need to stand up and say, "You know what? We're NOT racists and we WON'T tolerate racism in our party leaders." It doesn't matter if it makes one single black person vote Republican or not - it's the RIGHT thing to do.

Politically, he just gave the lefties ammunition to say, "SEE! We TOLD you the Republicans were a bunch of racists!" How can we put the issue of race to rest if we allow our elected officials to keep it stirred up?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
... Bru, RIGHT NOW he's the poster boy for liberals to attack conservatives. ...

After Lotts gone the senate number will be down one majority member and they will pick another and take it further. I've reread his statement four times!

Where is there a racist statement anywhere in that text?

Lott should stay.

This is being taken out of context for political purpose only!

The Democraps Klansman, Robert KKK. Byrd, has said worse than anything any Republican ever uttered and they haven't seen fit to raise hell with him!

I detest Lott but I'd rather see him stay than give in to these piss-ants one more time. Screw 'em!
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