I really couldn't care less if Lott was out burning crosses with Byrd.
The point is that once again the Republicans are running scared because someone has been "branded" as being bad by people who don't like us. If Byrd's history with the KKK is brought up, and he uses the word "******", there's no problem. But let a Republican do the same thing and he's labeled as sitting at Satan's side. All of this has nothing to do with racism or racial injustice, it's all about politics.
Does anyone actually believe that one African-American will switch from being a Democrat to a Republican if Lott steps down? This will be just like when Bob Livingston gave up the position of the Speaker of the House because of marital infidelity. His intention was to send a message that Republicans held themselves to a higher standard than Clinton, and Republicans actually thought that made a difference in the minds of Democrats. The message that was sent was that the Republicans have no stomach for fighting for their people, and this message was sent at a time when Democrats were staunchly defending... well... you know the story.
Vrai, you can talk about wanting to hold our leaders to the highest standards, and that's a fine thing. But remember that the Liberals don't worry too much about personal issues, just policy issues. And everytime that we let one of our leaders get taken down by rhetoric and inuendo from the Liberals, it gets just that harder to make a case Republicans to make their case and it's makes the party look just that much weaker. You can take the moral highroad, but remember that politics is usually travelled on the low road.
Lastly, I think that if Black leaders can publically state that they dislike Jews and whites, and Liberals can publically state that they dislike men, business leaders, non-greens, etc., then Lott should be able to have an opinion too.