Sept. 10th Debate


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I watch it from the Bongino stream last night. Wife and I were disappointed with Trump. She did rattle him. The rally comment really stands out. Trump did not provide some direct answers either. He never said anything about how he'd deport 21 million illegals. I don't like the way, when answering a question, he goes off on a different subject and then circles back. (Bongino will be upset that Trump didn't followup why she left the Senate and went to the DNC on Jan 6th when explosives were found outside.) Wife and I were hoping to see a different Trump last night, but we got Rally Trump again.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
I watch it from the Bongino stream last night. Wife and I were disappointed with Trump. She did rattle him. The rally comment really stands out. Trump did not provide some direct answers either. He never said anything about how he'd deport 21 million illegals. I don't like the way, when answering a question, he goes off on a different subject and then circles back. (Bongino will be upset that Trump didn't followup why she left the Senate and went to the DNC on Jan 6th when explosives were found outside.) Wife and I were hoping to see a different Trump last night, but we got Rally Trump again.
I didn't watch the debate, bit can surmise, from the posts here and the split screen, kamala is unfit for anything other than a low level government job in one of our vast unneeded federal agencies. We really need to flush our beauracracy and start over.


Power with Control
Jokes, liberals simply don't get them.....



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I watch it from the Bongino stream last night. Wife and I were disappointed with Trump. She did rattle him. The rally comment really stands out. Trump did not provide some direct answers either. He never said anything about how he'd deport 21 million illegals. I don't like the way, when answering a question, he goes off on a different subject and then circles back. (Bongino will be upset that Trump didn't followup why she left the Senate and went to the DNC on Jan 6th when explosives were found outside.) Wife and I were hoping to see a different Trump last night, but we got Rally Trump again.
From the clips I've seen this morning, it didn't look like it was too bad considering he was debating three democrats at once.



Well-Known Member
I didn't watch much of it, but I was surprised that Kamala did as well as she did.
IMO the debate was politically neutral and did not change anyone's mind.

Kamala was loaded for bear and lied her ass off, Trump spent most of his time trying to correct her lies , which were many.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
What in the actual world is she talking about that people leaving his rallies early out of boredom?

First of all, he has rallies that people actually attend and are not staged. And of course, the numbers are much higher than any she's ever done.

Was this an actual thing before she brought it up last night as in is there a way to fact check this? But okay whatever, Kamala.🙄


Well-Known Member
May I clear up something. I'm actually kind of feeling sorry for Trump.

Trump keeps talking about abortion after birth. Trump is just confused about Partial Birth Abortion. It's not abortion after death. That would be murder. It's murder, harvesting of stem cells, but the baby is only partially birthed before the stem cells are harvested.

Jay Sekulow and Lou Dobbs, rightfully, had a real heyday over Partial Birth Abortion. Someone should explain it to trump so he can hold an intelligent conversation against the harvesting of stem cells.

The "after birth abortion" trump is talking about is when they baby is delivered just until the stem of the brain at the spinal cord is visible. The harvest is done... and then the baby is delivered "dead" labeled "stillborn". It was done... It's not done so frequently now.

Another disgusting thing that was going on when Partial Birth Abortion was becoming a business... is the sale of baby body parts. After they harvested the stem cells... well, they would sell the leftover baby parts. Gross... but very true.

I don't blame him for being all upset over Partial Birth Abortion. It's wrong. Republicans have been battling this plague since I ran for Commissioner. I left the democratic party for the republican part because the republicans were vocally against abortion and raged about Partial Birth and baby body part sales.

He sounds ignorant. He needs to go back and read the whole thing. Then he can make a real speech against Partial Birth Abortion instead of "after the baby is born" abortion. Someone should tell him. He sounds ignorant.

At any rate... I figured I'd stand up for trump on this one cause... it's not his fault he doesn't understand Partial Birth or baby body part sales... It's not his normal wheelhouse. It's disgusting and the description is really hard to sit through.

That's it and that's all... thanks for letting me clear that up for him. He's not as ignorant or cold-hearted as he can appear. He's just partially informed about Partial Birth.

Remember, I'm not democrat or republican... but I vote. And yes... I still don't like trump.



Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I watch it from the Bongino stream last night. Wife and I were disappointed with Trump. She did rattle him. The rally comment really stands out. Trump did not provide some direct answers either. He never said anything about how he'd deport 21 million illegals. I don't like the way, when answering a question, he goes off on a different subject and then circles back. (Bongino will be upset that Trump didn't followup why she left the Senate and went to the DNC on Jan 6th when explosives were found outside.) Wife and I were hoping to see a different Trump last night, but we got Rally Trump again.
Trump is still going to be Trump - no matter how well anyone thinks he did or not, he still got in a lot of licks and he was able to let her showcase HER style. I think the real eye opener was how Kamala is still limited to her "prosecutorial style". She likes to act like she's in command of it all, but her facial expressions showed otherwise. As far as Trump being just like in his rallies - I guess the same can be said for her. She prattles on and on in her accent du jour to whatever audience she's in front of and says the same things over & over. She repeats the lies about Project 2025, Jan 6th, Charlottesville, etc. etc. What did she say last night that was any different than anything she's said to date in any of her campaign events? I'm wondering what she studied a week about?! :lol:

She'll have her day today and maybe her few days. She's not ready for the long haul - she's not a worker bee. I think they'll be throwing her under the bus again soon.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Walz thanks the moderators for attacking Trump to help Kamala:

MSDNC praises mods for attacking Trump to help Kamala:

ABC should be put out of business. If I were a law maker I'd introduce the "Fairness in News Media Act" to get rid of this biased bullshit our so-called news media is peddling. Talk shows you bet - have fun. But straight news should be just that, not propaganda from political operatives.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Then he can make a real speech against Partial Birth Abortion instead of "after the baby is born" abortion. Someone should tell him. He sounds ignorant.

In fact Tim Walz literally just repealed a law to let babies born alive die if their womb provider doesn't want them:

Enacted in 2015, the Born Alive Infants Protection Act stated that "a born-alive infant as a result of an abortion shall be fully recognized as a human person, and accorded immediate protection under the law."

We can say that's a technicality, but in fact this Democrat VP candidate is saying unwanted babies born alive should be left to die. Perhaps Linsey Davis didn't know that, which makes her the dumbest news person on earth, but more likely she's lying because that's what Democrats do - they lie.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
In fact Tim Walz literally just repealed a law to let babies born alive die if their womb provider doesn't want them:

We can say that's a technicality, but in fact this Democrat VP candidate is saying unwanted babies born alive should be left to die. Perhaps Linsey Davis didn't know that, which makes her the dumbest news person on earth, but more likely she's lying because that's what Democrats do - they lie.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Trump is still going to be Trump - no matter how well anyone thinks he did or not, he still got in a lot of licks and he was able to let her showcase HER style. I think the real eye opener was how Kamala is still limited to her "prosecutorial style". She likes to act like she's in command of it all, but her facial expressions showed otherwise. As far as Trump being just like in his rallies - I guess the same can be said for her. She prattles on and on in her accent du jour to whatever audience she's in front of and says the same things over & over. She repeats the lies about Project 2025, Jan 6th, Charlottesville, etc. etc. What did she say last night that was any different than anything she's said to date in any of her campaign events? I'm wondering what she studied a week about?! :lol:

She'll have her day today and maybe her few days. She's not ready for the long haul - she's not a worker bee. I think they'll be throwing her under the bus again soon.
I just worry about the election hinging on 10-15% of voters, mostly wishy-washy independents, still undecided in the swing states. With Kamala's 'not terrible' performance last night, I don't think Trump did anything last night to lock them in. We'll see in the next round of polls later this week and next.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Trump is still going to be Trump - no matter how well anyone thinks he did or not, he still got in a lot of licks and he was able to let her showcase HER style. I think the real eye opener was how Kamala is still limited to her "prosecutorial style". She likes to act like she's in command of it all, but her facial expressions showed otherwise. As far as Trump being just like in his rallies - I guess the same can be said for her. She prattles on and on in her accent du jour to whatever audience she's in front of and says the same things over & over. She repeats the lies about Project 2025, Jan 6th, Charlottesville, etc. etc. What did she say last night that was any different than anything she's said to date in any of her campaign events? I'm wondering what she studied a week about?! :lol:

She'll have her day today and maybe her few days. She's not ready for the long haul - she's not a worker bee. I think they'll be throwing her under the bus again soon.
All night was bait, switch, divert. Lather, rinse, repeat.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't think Trump did anything last night to lock them in

His closing statement - if she wants to do all these things why hasn't she done them in the 4 years she's been in office - was a good one and something that should have been brought up by the *cough* moderators.

Sadly, most people vote based on who they want to be friends with or who they want to be their mommy/daddy. You can't talk issues with them because they don't care. They'll just come back with how pretty Kamala is and how lighthearted she is. You can't point out to them that she's already had a term and blew it - they don't care. Even if their own kid is strung out on drugs brought here by the Democrats' pet illegal aliens, or raped and killed by those illegals, they won't make that obvious connection because....they don't care. Kamala's hair looked great and she smiled a lot - THAT is all they care about.

And that's the funny thing about addiction: you know that if you take those drugs/drink that booze/eat that Twinkie you're going to be sorry and feel like hell later. But the temporary high you get is worth the extreme pain later. And so it is with Democrats. They like to get high on feelsy speeches from politicians, full of flowery words and happy thoughts. They'll pay for it later with inflation, crime, poverty, homelessness, child abuse, etc etc but they don't care because that temporary high is everything to them.

I can tell you right now Kamala will not do another debate despite the crowing of her social media people. She got lucky last night and I think her team knows it. They won't throw her out there again, and certainly not with Fox or anyone who might ask her important questions and expect her to answer them.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I can tell you right now Kamala will not do another debate despite the crowing of her social media people. She got lucky last night and I think her team knows it. They won't throw her out there again, and certainly not with Fox or anyone who might ask her important questions and expect her to answer them.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I just worry about the election hinging on 10-15% of voters, mostly wishy-washy independents, still undecided in the swing states. With Kamala's 'not terrible' performance last night, I don't think Trump did anything last night to lock them in. We'll see in the next round of polls later this week and next.
I have FNC on in the background and on the Harris Faulkner show, she was showing a panel and there was pollster who was showing a Graph of people who watched the debate (last night) and were reacting in real time. Try to find the Video of that segment - it was showing how R's, I's & even sometimes, D's were actually reacting in a positive way to points Trump made last night.

I have to answer phones on my job, so I missed a lot! But, I was getting the gist that overall reactions from Independents were favorable towards Trump.

Only time will tell, of course!