Settle a fight


But wait, there's more...
vraiblonde said:
For all those years you've said you DON'T want me to socialize with her. So what is pissing you off now? That I didn't get off the phone and socialize with her.



I think the fact that you and Larry have custody of their children vs. her says something about the woman's character, and I don't know squat about her. But anytime the mother doesn't have custody of her kids, you know there's something not right about her, somehow. :bubble:

No offense Larry ... I'm just sayin' ... :shrug:


Midnightrider said:
its all about perceptions i guess. The important ones being larry's and the kids...
I know i try to be pleasent to my Ex, her boyfriend, and even her Ex-husband... at least when kids are around.

I can't tell you how many times i pleasently chit-chated with my Ex during a holiday exchange, while secretly wondering WTF she was doing acting like she was invited to my house.

HeII man I went and changed th Ex's husband's car battery cause he was too stupid to figure it out and was very pleasant the whole time except when the Ex wanted to give me directions. I had to ask her twice "Who is Efing this dog?"

I gotta say I agree with the UPS analogy

Larry Gude

Strung Out
No offense taken...

crabcake said:

I think the fact that you and Larry have custody of their children vs. her says something about the woman's character, and I don't know squat about her. But anytime the mother doesn't have custody of her kids, you know there's something not right about her, somehow. :bubble:

No offense Larry ... I'm just sayin' ... :shrug:

...and also irrelevent.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
Thank you.

I'll even give you a pass on the "...and I'm sorry I picked a fight with you about something so insignificant." But only because it's your birthday.


wandering aimlessly
Larry Gude said:
...they've had a few issues with each other including Vrail blowing up and screaming at her in front of the kids. So have I. It's been a messed up dynamic for some time.
You guys never posted about that fun. At least, not since I've been on here.

And I still say this is little stuff, don't let it become big stuff. :huggy:

Nanny Pam

vraiblonde said:
Thank you.

I'll even give you a pass on the "...and I'm sorry I picked a fight with you about something so insignificant." But only because it's your birthday.

Make up sex should be starting most any time now.....

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
Mmmm...I think it's rather significant when a spouse chooses to draw his sword and go to war over something as silly as this. It could have simply been a minor difference of opinion.

But it had to go to the next level because some people just like to up the ante, sling accusations and provoke a fight. :smile:

...there I was, drawing my sword, charging the windmill, all by my lonesome and there you were, all innocent, minding your own business, sucked, unwillingly, into the vortex of another terrible storm wrought by Larry's irrational desire to attack you over anything small thing. Why, 'it' had to escalate of it's own volition because, why, for it to be any other perspective would imply you, somehow, have something to do with this and, maybe, like having at a windmill or two of your own.


But wait, there's more...
Larry Gude said:
...and also irrelevent.

Not necessarily ... considering that the act you're accusing her of being rude involved the woman who is your ex-wife and mother of your kids. :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...there I was, drawing my sword, charging the windmill, all by my lonesome and there you were, all innocent, minding your own business, sucked, unwillingly, into the vortex of another terrible storm wrought by Larry's irrational desire to attack you over anything small thing. Why, 'it' had to escalate of it's own volition because, why, for it to be any other perspective would imply you, somehow, have something to do with this and, maybe, like having at a windmill or two of your own.
Okay, so it's NOT over, I see....


Larry Gude

Strung Out
There goes my perspective again...

vraiblonde said:
Thank you.

I'll even give you a pass on the "...and I'm sorry I picked a fight with you about something so insignificant." But only because it's your birthday.

...You rip into me and I just sat there and took it yesterday over this bull####, tried to just be there for you until you ####ing screamed for me to get the hell out and you're gonna give me a pass on ME picking the fight?

Nice gift.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...a Heineken. Put it on my tab.
Thanks...I could use a beer. :cheers:
My issue is I'm no more capable of just cutting my nuts off and *sulking off to my cage with a 'yes, dear, you're right dear, you're always right, dear*..." than I am of
quitting beer drinking.
You'd be much happier and have more drinking time if you learned the first *part* and then went off to your cage, bottle in hand. Seriously, it's good for the marriage. The money you save in counselor fees pays for YOUR BEER! :lmao:

Nanny Pam

Nanny Pam said:

Make up sex should be starting most any time now.....

It really looks like there is an underlying problem, here. (JMO)

I have to wonder if Vrai has another lover! :yikes:

Or maybe Larry has another lover, and he is ready to move on. :jet:

See how this is shaping up to those of us looking in.....

Kids..... :rolleyes:


I bowl overhand
Larry Gude said:

I guess the threesome is out of the question now eh?

Better luck next time Larry!!


Nanny Pam said:

It really looks like there is an underlying problem, here. (JMO)

I have to wonder if Vrai has another lover! :yikes: :lalala:

Or maybe Larry has another lover, and he is ready to move on. :jet:

See how this is shaping up to those of us looking in.....

Kids..... :rolleyes:

Christmas was almost two months ago. Thats a long time to let this stew before you let it out.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That makes about as much...

Nanny Pam said:

It really looks like there is an underlying problem, here. (JMO)

I have to wonder if Vrai has another lover! :yikes:

Or maybe Larry has another lover, and he is ready to move on. :jet:

See how this is shaping up to those of us looking in.....

Kids..... :rolleyes:

...sense as fighting over what is or is not rude. Does it figure we'd have time, or inclination, to do this stupid crap if we had cookies to tend to?

Answer; No.


You're all F'in Mad...
vraiblonde said:
Larry says this was rude. I say it wasn't.

Who's right? Or can it simply be a matter of opinion as to what is and isn't considered rude?

Are you sure that our opinions count? I mean we're a bunch of whacky forumites... :ohwell:

My vote is for not rude. But what took you so long to ask? :confused: