Settle a fight



Angel said:
I personally wouldn't give two craps what the SO's Ex thinks. The SO shouldn't give a crap either.

Yeah... but M did give D a gift see... and maybe she thought long and hard about it see.. so maybe... Vria should have given one of those fake half shoulder hugs or something :shrug:

river rat

Christy said:
Second, the shrug from the ex indicates the manipulation of Larry, the "see, look at how wonderful I am, I tried to be nice to your wife and she was mean" :tantrum: :jameo:

I would say it was rude of the ex to do the shoulder shrug, thus creating a mountain out of a molehill. JMO :shrug:

Good observation

Larry Gude

Strung Out
We don't go to that...

BS Gal said:
What has the counselor said?

Personally, I think Larry is wrong. Why should you drop what you are doing to greet her? She's his ex, not yours.

...counselor because Vrail hates her guts and thinks she sucks. At least that is my perception based on what she has said. I have her full blessing to go but, I stopped going out of respect and loyalty to Vrail.


Larry Gude said: worry to much. It ain't about her feelings, it's about an obvious, to me, out of charcter moment. Trust me, when Vrail's really pizzed she's threatened to leave me and hopes I get back together with the ex for eternity.


So in otherwords... you are worried about your ex's wellbeing and feelings because you feel you and DJ's are in jeopardy? :shrug: Kind of like a backup :shrug: Sometimes Larry... relationships are all about a plunge and stuff... Admittedly I don'tknow about this...I bolted the times I was engagged because of this but... maybe that's what is a little scary for you :huggy: :shrug:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
No, we've been arguing off and on SINCE Christmas about this. He says I am not a person who wants to hear the truth because I disagree with him that I was rude to his ex-wife.

PS, just before he stomped out of here, he assured me that THE MAJORITY of people would think what I did was rude.


...and I was WRONG. It is not a metaphysical FACT that she WAS rude.

It is my PERCEPTION that she was and it is my perception that any one of you would have observed this tender moment and said "Huh, Vrail must be pizzed at her!" Or 'that was rude. She gave you a present and you couldn't be bothered past waving? What's the story!"

Or some similar response or...PERCEPTION.

If I'd done it and said it wasn't rude Vrail would have said "BULL####".

It is also my perception that Vrail knows it was a bit rude and she feels guilty about it or it would never come up again.

It was, again, my perception, one of those "I wasn't rude to her and the reason I was is because she let me down and hurt me first"

To which I say "I know that. I was freaking married to her. All I'm saying is that you were rude (my PERCEPTION) and it is only of note because A, I know you and that was out of character and B, it was Christmas morn and C, she gave you a gift and D, she seemed, my perception, to take it as being blown off."

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Penn said:
I think you did fine.

Did she indicate that she wanted to converse with you?

Otherwise, you did what most folks would have expected of you; acknowledged an aquaintance(however strained), and you were aptly courteous to her.

What more was expected? Drop the phone, and get down on both knees and pay homage? :lmao:


...objective person enters the fray.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Imagine that?

dems4me said:
Well Vria, maybe I posted too soon... there's two sides to every story...

What next? Differing 'perceptions' of what constitutes 'rude'?

Maybe we can hire some actors and make it a reality show? Y'all can vote on who was wrong and who was right and we'll have prizes and stuff?


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
What next? Differing 'perceptions' of what constitutes 'rude'?

Maybe we can hire some actors and make it a reality show? Y'all can vote on who was wrong and who was right and we'll have prizes and stuff?

Will it be performed at the same theatre as Agnes of God?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

jazz lady said:
Good grief! :rolleyes: He doesn't want to hear an opinion other than his and won't even CONSIDER another opinion obviously. :dork:

Oh, you going to have so much fun showing him this. You should have made it a poll, too. :lmao:

...yeah, right. That's mean. I'm never wrong.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
In counseling...

vraiblonde said:
There's no "side" - there is only a difference of opinion as to whether or not I was rude to his ex.

I don't think he cares one way or the other how I treat his ex. It could have stopped at a simple difference of opinion, but then Larry had to up the ante by saying I'm a person who doesn't like hearing the truth because I won't "admit" that what I did was rude. And it's become an ongoing quarrel.

This is the sort of #### that goes on at our house. :rolleyes:

...Vrail made a point of saying she likes it straight, no bull ####. Had I done what she did in the same circumstances and claimed it was not rude, it is my percpetion that Vrail would have said "Bull####".

Then, she would havce started a thread saying "Larry doesn't like it when I point out things he does that weren't so nice. In fact, he was rude the other day to ex. On Christmas no less. She even gave him a gift! And he's like turning his back, ignoring her..."

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Because we're...

Mousebaby said:
I got a question, whats the point of arguing about something so silly in the first place. I couldn't handle it if my husband and I argued over such mundane stuff. JMHO :shrug:

...sick, twisted idiots in need of counseling.

Next question.