Sex After Separation



Two friends of mine did alot near Chalk Point... beggining of the year was good - tail end sucked...

I know it was hit or miss in Cobb Island...

Right now they are cat fishing and pulling some cows out of the water - I can give you the scoop on where if you want to try your luck at it. I'll e-mail 'ya later... :buddies:

10-4..I heard the crappie were bitting up that way too.


Have you done that before?

I remember when I was little catching frogs in a jar to feed my dads pet Bass. :lmao:

are you kidding?
i'm from the sticks of missouri...we have even had bb gun wars


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This is what happens to kids who don't have to wear a sign - they end up on the internet asking everyone how soon after leaving their husband can they have meaningless sex.



CageKicker Extraordinaire
Now that is a different story altogether!! :drool:

Nice double standard. :yay:

Why is it that if a guy wants sex from a woman the woman thinks he's a pig, but if it's another woman the woman is OK with that? I hate hyprocrisy.


Of what? :shrug:

And you can't tell me it's not hyprocritical. :duh:

Women see men as pigs, only out for one thing.........women see other women as being; beautiful, Affectionate, caring, knowing exactly "what to do with the whisker biscuit"

correct me if I'm wrong ladies :coffee:
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24/7 Single Dad
Women see men as pigs, only out for one thing.........women see other women as being; beautiful, effectionate, caring, knowing exactly "what to do with the whisker biscuit"

correct me if I'm wrong ladies :coffee:
:smack: PIG !!!!

:gossip: unless they're wearing the same dress :lol:


Women see men as pigs, only out for one thing.........women see other women as being; beautiful, effectionate, caring, knowing exactly "what to do with the whisker biscuit"

correct me if I'm wrong ladies :coffee:

Now I feel dirty.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Women see men as pigs, only out for one thing.........women see other women as being; beautiful, effectionate, caring, knowing exactly "what to do with the whisker biscuit"

correct me if I'm wrong ladies :coffee:

I see what you're saying, but I'm not jealous. I just understand that women that have that view are irrational idiots.