Sex as a weapon


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Kain99
Truth be told, I don't withold sex... Why cut my nose off to spite my face?
So you're turned on when you're mad at Biscuit? Okay, it's all becoming clear now.....


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by IM4Change
I'm sure you have been upset with your spouse at some point in your marriage that made you not in the mood.
But she said she does it anyway. Is it because she's just always in the mood, no matter how mad she might be?


Originally posted by vraiblonde
But she said she does it anyway. Is it because she's just always in the mood, no matter how mad she might be?
Biscuit and I have been married for 8 years. Together for 10. I am not always in the mood... I just do what needs to be done. I am not angry with this discussion.... I am just sad that so many of you are still living in the dark ages.

Withholding sex will always fail! It's a no win situation. If ya wanna hurt him, find another way! Get creative! Dayum! Crossing your legs went out with the dark ages. :frown:


New Member
There are SOME women in this world who use sex as blackmail.

But MOST women need to be emotionally turned on before they can get sexually turned on. Most women don't get aroused if they are angry, so it's no hardship to her to cut the man off. She doesn't purposely intend to punish the man by withholding sex, she's just not interested. The effect is the same on the man. Most men cannot understand this because it is not a requirement for the woman to be aroused for the sex act to be accomplished. Some men cannot even tell the difference. :rolleyes:

In the case of the Dr. Laura caller, if this woman doesn't love her husband, resents him and isn't aroused by him, why would she want to have sex with him? Since she has had such a bad relationship experience, it is quite possible she would be turned off of intercourse for some time. She isn't punishing him, she isn't punishing herself by refusing sex. Dr. L is an idiot. Eventually, she will feel the need for sex and the emotional connection that goes with it, but until then there is always BOB.

And as far as BD's comment about closing your eyes and imaging someone else...BOB can take care of that too.


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by Kain99
Biscuit and I have been married for 8 years. Together for 10. I am not always in the mood... I just do what needs to be done. I am not angry with this discussion.... I am just sad that so many of you are still living in the dark ages.

Withholding sex will always fail! It's a no win situation. If ya wanna hurt him, find another way! Get creative! Dayum! Crossing your legs went out with the dark ages. :frown:

Now who in here said they withhold it? :confused: I'm so "confussed". :shocking:


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by vraiblonde
So you're turned on when you're mad at XYZ?

we youngin's call that a grudgephcuk ... :biggrin: :blushing: and it can be a good thing at times. :blushing: If you are mad at someone because of something that (in the grand scheme of things) is really freaking stupid, sometimes a good, rowdy knocking of the boots brings things back into perspective. what's really important ... that he was 10 minutes late getting home for a dinner you spent 2 hours preparing or the fact you are graced with eachother's presence in your lives? :shrug:

I'll take the grudgephcuk, tyvm, and wake up a happy woman! :cheers:

(note: the dinner scenario was the only thing I could come up with for something to be mad at ... replace it with the gripe of your choosing) :biggrin:


New Member
Originally posted by Kain99
I am not always in the mood... I just do what needs to be done.

*shutter* The thought of a women in this day and age having "duty sex" makes me cringe. Talk about Dark Ages.

Of course you don't have to be in the mood to have sex but the least the man could do is a little work to put you in the mood.


Originally posted by Lucy
There are SOME women in this world who use sex as blackmail.

But MOST women need to be emotionally turned on before they can get sexually turned on. Most women don't get aroused if they are angry, so it's no hardship to her to cut the man off. She doesn't purposely intend to punish the man by withholding sex, she's just not interested. The effect is the same on the man. Most men cannot understand this because it is not a requirement for the woman to be aroused for the sex act to be accomplished. Some men cannot even tell the difference. :rolleyes:

Lucy you are so fricking POP 101 you scare me! Ya wanna kow the downfall of the western world ... look at the shiat Lucy posts!

Shrink This! :razz:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Kain99
Lucy you are so fricking POP 101 you scare me! Ya wanna kow the downfall of the western world ... look at the shiat Lucy posts!
Why do you say that?


But wait, there's more...

if John Doe is coming to you looking for the nook, and you are ####ed at him, say, "Look John, you done ####ed me off. And I'm not super attracted to you at the moment enough to wanna knock boots. You want me, work me up baby and show me how sorry you are!" :cool:


Livin' Large
Originally posted by Lucy
...BOB can take care of that too.

Thats the problem with you women! . you are so insensitive it takes batteries to warm up those refrigerators!!! Men don't need it warm or heated! We just need it! If Kain ever pulled that shait on me- she'd be out the door. Maybe your men are pansies! Maybe you chicks just think you are way better than you actually are. Real men, takle no crap! Pull that shiat up in here! See what happens. :burning:


b*tch rocket
Re: compromise

Originally posted by crabcake
if John Doe is coming to you looking for the nook, and you are ####ed at him, say, "Look John, you done ####ed me off. And I'm not super attracted to you at the moment enough to wanna knock boots. You want me, work me up baby and show me how sorry you are!" :cool:

No need for the verbals in my household, we've been together long enough to know when to stay the hell away! :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Biscuit
Thats the problem with you women! . you are so insensitive it takes batteries to warm up those refrigerators!!! Men don't need it warm or heated! We just need it! If Kain ever pulled that shait on me- she'd be out the door. Maybe your men are pansies! Maybe you chicks just think you are way better than you actually are. Real men, takle no crap! Pull that shiat up in here! See what happens. :burning:
Now THAT explains a lot!

Thank you, Biscuit, for helping me to understand exactly what Kain meant by her posts.


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Why do you say that?

Have you noticed, vrai, that people get mad at me, they aren't very rational about it. They lash out without support for their disagreement. THAT is when I know I have come to the right conclusion.


Ok, some of the people here already know that last Friday I was pretty ticked off at the hubby. I left work earlier to come home and get some afternoon delight, but when I got home, I couldn’t find the hubby anywhere. I called his cell, paged him, checked around some of his relatives houses and I couldn’t find him. About 4 hours later, he called. He went shooting, but I felt he should have left me a message or a note letting me know where he was. He started bictching and whining that he is 35 years old and I’m not his mother. I just thought that if he was going to leave the house for that long period of time, without his phone, without his pager, he should have let me a note or a message at work. Well, after he pitched a fit, insisting he was right, I was so ticked that I was no longer interested in knocking boots. Now I ask you, was I withholding sex? :shrug:

If he would have started fondling me, I would have bit his hands off I was that mad. All I expected was a simple "I'm sorry that was wrong," but I never got it. Many know what my hubby does for a living so I had every reason to be worried.