Shanahan turns down Redskins coaching job


Active Member
Gruden/Shanahan/Cowher = not coming to Washington. Maybe you'll get a former head coach like Martz who probably will never get another chance anywhere else. Otherwise, mid-tier coordinator. The way things are going, the Skins are a career killer right now. Unless the coach can bring on a new GM and they have total control of the franchise, you won't get someone who is OK with Snyder wasting big money on bad talent that they're forced to play.

Beta, No good coach is going to come in mid-season. They know they have a very slim chance of turning things around. One thing I can say is money talks and we will see who will be lured by it.


Nothing to see here
Beta, No good coach is going to come in mid-season. They know they have a very slim chance of turning things around. One thing I can say is money talks and we will see who will be lured by it.

and Beta assumes a coach will bring a GM?? Thats backwards..:lol:


Damn they cut Mason. It was nice to see a hungry young guy finally make the team after busting hump and impressing during 2 preseasons.

Hell he was as effective as Portis :shrug: I figured there was an Easterns Motors commercial in his future.


My Sweetest Boy
Damn they cut Mason. It was nice to see a hungry young guy finally make the team after busting hump and impressing during 2 preseasons.

Hell he was as effective as Portis :shrug: I figured there was an Easterns Motors commercial in his future.

I saw that earlier...thought he was a positive in a sea of negatives.


Nothing to see here
Damn they cut Mason. It was nice to see a hungry young guy finally make the team after busting hump and impressing during 2 preseasons.

Hell he was as effective as Portis :shrug: I figured there was an Easterns Motors commercial in his future.

According to the Sports Reporters, he has whiffed on blocks/blitzes more than he has run the ball. He was in early for KC, badly missed picking up a blitz and then sat for the rest of the game.


New Member
who's fault is it the coach's, players, or management. I believe we have great players I like jason cambell always have I seem like the only person that likes him he's good he doesn't have time. I blame it on jim zorn now he just stands there not calling plays he need's to be fired.:banghead:


Active Member
Damn they cut Mason. It was nice to see a hungry young guy finally make the team after busting hump and impressing during 2 preseasons.

Hell he was as effective as Portis :shrug: I figured there was an Easterns Motors commercial in his future.

I liked him too. They let go of Alridge also to bring back Wynn? Another one who's over the hill. :bigwhoop: Then they sign an O-lineman from Cincinatti who's 30. Can't we get some younger players? Yes, I know 30 isnt that old, but in football years it is. :rolleyes:


My Sweetest Boy
Excerpts from Brian Mitchell's radio show....interesting..

22202, Washington, D.C.: Hi Brian, Thanks for coming on. Just a quick question: if the Redskins are stripping Zorn of playcalling duties, why don't they give them to the Offensive Coordinator instead? Since he has been in the offense since the summer, it seems like the better option.

Brian Mitchell: Well, the reason is because two weeks ago we heard that Shem Lewis was just coming in to be eyes. They already had plans.

The reason the Redskins didn't give Mitchell or Sherm Smith, the offensive coordinator, those duties is because the Redskins don't operate the way a typical team does.

Do you think Bob Kraft would come down and strip play calling from Belichick? No way. Would Rooney do that to Cowher or Tomlin in Pittsburgh? No way.

Look at other teams, and who's been worse than us in the past 10 years? The Lions, probably. Heck, the Cardinals have been to the Super Bowl. The Bengals have been in the playoffs and are sitting at 4-2. That's the problem with this team, it's not improving and getting closer to other teams. It's making tons of money, but it's not competitive.

The fans want to see more Lombardi Trophies. They want to see what this regime can do. I see those trophies every year, and it pisses me off because I know there's no chance we're going to get to another one next year.


Depressed in D.C.: BMitch,

What would your reaction be if you were in the Redskins locker room and your head coach had just had his playcalling duties taken away from him by a personnel executive (Cerrato) that most people consider to be a joke to begin with? Is it possible for Zorn to walk back into that locker room today and have any authority?

Brian Mitchell: I would look at the reaction of my head coach. That's going to decide whether we were going to continue to follow and support our coach or not.

This was the same situation we had with Norv Turner. When they came into the locker room and berated him after that loss to Dallas, he basically lost our respect. When you hear that a snake was in the locker room at Redskins Park, the players are talking about Vinny.

That should tell Snyder right away that he has the wrong guy.

Fredericksburg, Va.: B-Mitch would you like to provide some insight as to why it appears that so many of the great Redskins players of the past including yourself have not become part of the new regime to help right this once great dynasty?

It appears from my viewpoint that many players have gone to lengths to distance themselves from this ownership/management group.

Do you see any circumstances under which this would change?

Brian Mitchell: We're not distancing ourselves, the ownership is distancing us. People like me that aren't going to be bullied by anybody aren't allowed to be around.

I was at the radio station that the owner owns, and I'm not there anymore. I speak my mind about the team. Think that's a coincidence? They said it was the economy, but Tony Kornheiser is back there now, and I think he's making more money on that show than Brian Mitchell was ...

There's a lot of people who played for the Redskins who would love to bring it back, and they're not given the opportunity.

Washington, D.C.: The Redskins have allowed Clinton Portis to perform while being injured? Shouldn't they allow Anthony Aldrige the opportunity to play rather than keep the "fresh rookie" on the bench?

Brian Mitchell: I don't know how to respond to this, becuase Portis seems to be able to do whatever he feels like. I feel like if you're not practicing every day, you shouldn't be allowed to play.

We've seen he had the one big run. You play like you practice. A lot of guys are playing like they practice: They're laying down, getting beat because that's what they do in practice, taking a day off. What's a day off? It looks to me more like a volleyball team or badminton team rather than a gladiator football team to me a lot of times.

Today guys are given starting positions. Put the fear back in these players and they'll have to work for it. As much as I blame Vinny Cerrato or Jim Zorn, I blame the players just as much. Because they've got to go out and perform.

Silver Spring, Md.: B-Mitch,

I'm not sure if everyone knows or not, but you're not just a former Redskin, you're a fan like the rest of us so you're criticism is out of love for the team.

With that said, what is the most substantial and influential move the Redskins can make at this moment to improve the team going in to next weeks' Monday night game against the hated Eagles?

Brian Mitchell: The most substantial move they can make this week? Oh my lord. You know what, they already have made a move that has hurt the team. If they would have come out and given Jim Zorn some type of vote of confidence that would have helped.

That would have helped breed togetherness in the team. But right now you have separation in the team, because some guys get favoritism. It has been affecting people's play, believe me.

more at the link...

Brian Mitchell: Redskins Woes, the Joe Gibbs Era and More -


Active Member
who's fault is it the coach's, players, or management. I believe we have great players I like jason cambell always have I seem like the only person that likes him he's good he doesn't have time. I blame it on jim zorn now he just stands there not calling plays he need's to be fired.:banghead:

I think the O-line theory was proven when Collins was put in the game on Sunday. Nevertheless, Jason Campbell makes awful decisions even when given time to throw the ball. He lacks the confidence to be a franchise QB. He holds the ball too long. You are not always going to get an open receiver and sometimes you have to just make a judgement to throw the ball anyway. I don't even care if he throws an interception anymore as long as he throws the damn ball instead of holding it! :tantrum:


Can you ping me now? Good
Damn they cut Mason. It was nice to see a hungry young guy finally make the team after busting hump and impressing during 2 preseasons.

Hell he was as effective as Portis :shrug: I figured there was an Easterns Motors commercial in his future.

Mason had two bad qualities. He was young and was only making the minimum........Snyder only likes them when there 35+ and in need of millions.


According to the Sports Reporters, he has whiffed on blocks/blitzes more than he has run the ball. He was in early for KC, badly missed picking up a blitz and then sat for the rest of the game.

That would do it. :ohwell: Especially when the line stinks your RB's have to pick up first penetration.


They're out to get us
Beta, No good coach is going to come in mid-season. They know they have a very slim chance of turning things around. One thing I can say is money talks and we will see who will be lured by it.
I was talking about in the off-season. Nobody comes mid-season, it's always an interim promoted from within.

and Beta assumes a coach will bring a GM?? Thats backwards..:lol:
Not assuming, just speculating possibilities. It can happen and has happened before. If the coach is able to make enough demands, he can bring in a GM for personnel decisions. It would be the same as the coach actually being given GM priviledges, without having to do the work. That exists, right? Exactly.

Point being, the current setup for the Skins is bad. Whether the coach brings in a GM or a good GM is hired that the coach likes, something along those lines needs to happen before a top coach goes to Washington. Oh and Snyder needs to let go of the cookie jar. Why is it that some owners that do too much don't realize they are not only killing their teams, but hurting their own income? Stop screwing with the professionals!

who's fault is it the coach's, players, or management. I believe we have great players I like jason cambell always have I seem like the only person that likes him he's good he doesn't have time. I blame it on jim zorn now he just stands there not calling plays he need's to be fired.:banghead:
Management brings in the players. If the players were mediocre then you can't fault them for playing to their ability. The coaches can't be faulted if they can't bring players to play beyond their ability.

I think the key issue is management. Sure, the coaching staff sucks to some extent, but even if the play calling was better, I don't think the Skins would do well. The line isn't very good, so you need a strong RB. Portis isn't that type of RB. He needs a hole to work with before he can make people miss. The WRs are speedy guys. Speed guys typically need to go deep and outrun the coverage. You can't outrun the coverage if the QB is about to be sacked after a couple seconds dropping back. The Skins don't have good route runners or large bodies at WR, so they lose the aspect needed considering the blocking they have. Oh and a scrambling QB would probably help too.

So basically given the state of the OL, you have a bunch of square pegs trying to fit into round holes. Coaching can only get you so far before you need to upgrade talent and get more diverse skill players.

I think the O-line theory was proven when Collins was put in the game on Sunday. Nevertheless, Jason Campbell makes awful decisions even when given time to throw the ball. He lacks the confidence to be a franchise QB. He holds the ball too long. You are not always going to get an open receiver and sometimes you have to just make a judgement to throw the ball anyway. I don't even care if he throws an interception anymore as long as he throws the damn ball instead of holding it! :tantrum:

The decision to draft Campbell in the 1st round was one of the dumbest things I've seen in a long time (though the Bucs QB might be just as bad). The kid had 1 solid season after 3 horrible ones and suddenly he's a 1st round QB? What about the 3 bad seasons in college? He had 2 top notch RBs to take the heat off of him plus a great OL and a great defense. Well gee, no wonder why he had a successful season!

To be fair to Campbell, he hasn't been terrible, but this should have been expected. He was only good in 1 scheme in college and he needs a similar scheme with a similar set of talent around him to be successful. He can be a fine QB if he has a superior offense, but so can plenty of guys. Oh and he was much better than Collins, so I can understand why they're starting him again this week.


Active Member
I was talking about in the off-season. Nobody comes mid-season, it's always an interim promoted from within.

Not assuming, just speculating possibilities. It can happen and has happened before. If the coach is able to make enough demands, he can bring in a GM for personnel decisions. It would be the same as the coach actually being given GM priviledges, without having to do the work. That exists, right? Exactly.

Point being, the current setup for the Skins is bad. Whether the coach brings in a GM or a good GM is hired that the coach likes, something along those lines needs to happen before a top coach goes to Washington. Oh and Snyder needs to let go of the cookie jar. Why is it that some owners that do too much don't realize they are not only killing their teams, but hurting their own income? Stop screwing with the professionals!

Management brings in the players. If the players were mediocre then you can't fault them for playing to their ability. The coaches can't be faulted if they can't bring players to play beyond their ability.

I think the key issue is management. Sure, the coaching staff sucks to some extent, but even if the play calling was better, I don't think the Skins would do well. The line isn't very good, so you need a strong RB. Portis isn't that type of RB. He needs a hole to work with before he can make people miss. The WRs are speedy guys. Speed guys typically need to go deep and outrun the coverage. You can't outrun the coverage if the QB is about to be sacked after a couple seconds dropping back. The Skins don't have good route runners or large bodies at WR, so they lose the aspect needed considering the blocking they have. Oh and a scrambling QB would probably help too.

So basically given the state of the OL, you have a bunch of square pegs trying to fit into round holes. Coaching can only get you so far before you need to upgrade talent and get more diverse skill players.

The decision to draft Campbell in the 1st round was one of the dumbest things I've seen in a long time (though the Bucs QB might be just as bad). The kid had 1 solid season after 3 horrible ones and suddenly he's a 1st round QB? What about the 3 bad seasons in college? He had 2 top notch RBs to take the heat off of him plus a great OL and a great defense. Well gee, no wonder why he had a successful season!

To be fair to Campbell, he hasn't been terrible, but this should have been expected. He was only good in 1 scheme in college and he needs a similar scheme with a similar set of talent around him to be successful. He can be a fine QB if he has a superior offense, but so can plenty of guys. Oh and he was much better than Collins, so I can understand why they're starting him again this week.

And exactly how many snaps do you think Collins has taken in practice recently? Don't count him out I'm sure Campbell will do something stupid again this week and Ol' Danny boy will pull him out again. (Sorry, I don't think for one second that was Zorn's decision).


A Salute to all on Watch
Campbell is just too slow at reading the defenses. At the snap of the ball the defense will change coverage and jason just can't seem to jump from receiver to receiver quick enough, doesn't make good decisions.


A Salute to all on Watch
Gruden/Shanahan/Cowher = not coming to Washington. Maybe you'll get a former head coach like Martz who probably will never get another chance anywhere else. Otherwise, mid-tier coordinator. The way things are going, the Skins are a career killer right now. Unless the coach can bring on a new GM and they have total control of the franchise, you won't get someone who is OK with Snyder wasting big money on bad talent that they're forced to play.

I think it will be Gruden or Holmgren, JMO


They're out to get us
And exactly how many snaps do you think Collins has taken in practice recently? Don't count him out I'm sure Campbell will do something stupid again this week and Ol' Danny boy will pull him out again. (Sorry, I don't think for one second that was Zorn's decision).
The 2nd team practices too, ya know. He may not have practiced with the 1st string, but that doesn't mean he won't get reps. The guy is old, it's not like he's your future anyway. The season is over. You either stick it out with Campbell and see what he can do, or you trade for another QB...nevermind, trade deadline passed...or you sign a practice squad QB and see if he can do a good job. Collins is useless at this point.

I think it will be Gruden or Holmgren, JMO

If they only care about money and their ego is SO BIG that they think they can turn around a team and build a legacy...otherwise, this is a death trap for a career. And Holmgren retired, good luck pulling him out.


Football addict
Why would he change his mind? No good coach wants to go to the Redskins. Sorry but it's not happening with the current setup. Like I said elsewhere, you'll get a coordinator that gets a promotion by becoming a head coach.
Sounds like you're talking out of your ass.:yay:

You mean, no good coach would want to come to the Redskins now. Next year is a different story, different chapter.


Football addict
Gruden/Shanahan/Cowher = not coming to Washington. Maybe you'll get a former head coach like Martz who probably will never get another chance anywhere else. Otherwise, mid-tier coordinator. The way things are going, the Skins are a career killer right now. Unless the coach can bring on a new GM and they have total control of the franchise, you won't get someone who is OK with Snyder wasting big money on bad talent that they're forced to play.
Thank you for your front office acumen.:pete:


Football addict
Point being, the current setup for the Skins is bad. Whether the coach brings in a GM or a good GM is hired that the coach likes, something along those lines needs to happen before a top coach goes to Washington.
Point taken. Who says that won't be changed in the off-season though?:eyebrow:

The Redskins organization is a bad one to date. The team isn't all that bad, however. The defense is a top 10 unit. The side of the ball you have to worry about is the offense, as usual.

The Redskins defense hasn't yeilded 28 points in 28 games straight. That is the longest streak currently in the NFL. Indianapolis, next best, has 14 straight.

So, the Skins job isn't a death trap necessarily. Especially if the innumerable amount of rumors about Vinny being canned come to fruition.
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