She is at a loss


my war
I can draw up, I think, my ideal 'her' at this point but, she's a composite.

Me too...

I'd like to think the older the you get the more you know better. So a 21 year old me wouldn't enter the same relationship as the 33 year old me. Maybe the key is getting together later after you've learned some lessons versus how long you've known each other.
I hate to bust your bubble but it's been my observation that the older you get remaining single the more set in your ways you are and the more inconvenienced and resentful you get having to accommodate someone into a lifestyle/schedule that you've grown accustomed to and don't forget the older the folks you date are the more baggage they bring to the table that you have to navigate around or accommodate.

Jumping in too young is most certainly a concern, but so is waiting too long. Disclaimer: the "waiting to long" part doesn't apply to those that have already done the married, long term shacking up thing and are on round 2, 3, 4, etc. because they are already passed that hope of settling down in "till death do us part" bliss.

It's also been my observation that adding kids from previous relationships into the mix brings a certain level of discontented hell no matter how fond you are of the other peoples kids.


I hate to bust your bubble but it's been my observation that the older you get remaining single the more set in your ways you are and the more inconvenienced and resentful you get having to accommodate someone into a lifestyle/schedule that you've grown accustomed to and don't forget the older the folks you date are the more baggage they bring to the table that you have to navigate around or accommodate.

Jumping in too young is most certainly a concern, but so is waiting too long. Disclaimer: the "waiting to long" part doesn't apply to those that have already done the married, long term shacking up thing and are on round 2, 3, 4, etc. because they are already passed that hope of settling down in "till death do us part" bliss.

It's also been my observation that adding kids from previous relationships into the mix brings a certain level of discontented hell no matter how fond you are of the other peoples kids.

I can see this. You become more set in your way of doing things, in having things a certain way, etc.

Kids can complicate things. I approach relationships differently now because of my kiddo.


Well-Known Member
I agree with JeJeTe, I think a lot depends on your age rather then how long you've known the person. We all did stupid stuff in our teenage years and today wonder how in the hell we lived to be this age. What your looking for in someone in your 20's will probably not be the same thing your looking for in your 40's.


New Member
It's been my experience that it is better to thoroughly know someone before tying the knot. Same applies to entering a relationship. I don't believe one can get to know someone in 8 months. JMO
And I know there are exceptions to the rule.

Especially when there are kids involved and still living in the home


Do you like apples?
What your looking for in someone in your 20's will probably not be the same thing your looking for in your 40's.

Unless you're going through a mid-life crisis and you're chasing after a hot 20-something just like you did back in your 20's.

Also, it seems there are a lot of actors/actresses in their 40's/50's which are dating/married/hooking up with younger partners. Remember Demi with Ashton, Doug Hutchison with Courtney Stodden, etc. When they were younger they dated people the same age as them but now they're rockin' the cradle. Maybe they feel it's a way to try and feel young again? :shrug:


Do you like apples?
Oh stop. Most men don't age well either, so they are dating younger men for the same reason older men chose to date younger women.

did you mean "Most women don't age well either,..."?
cuz men dating younger men is clearly different than men dating younger women. :whistle: :lol:

When I said it's a way for them to feel young again, I suppose that has a figurative meaning (they personally feel younger) AND a literal meaning (they just want to "feel" someone young).
:banana: :killingme

Frankly, what people do behind closed doors or under the covers is up to them, as long as no laws are being broken. Hey more power to the 40 something that can bang the hot 20 something. In the end though, most of those relationships are only physical and those rarely ever last.
did you mean "Most women don't age well either,..."?
cuz men dating younger men is clearly different than men dating younger women. :whistle: :lol:

When I said it's a way for them to feel young again, I suppose that has a figurative meaning (they personally feel younger) AND a literal meaning (they just want to "feel" someone young).
:banana: :killingme

Frankly, what people do behind closed doors or under the covers is up to them, as long as no laws are being broken. Hey more power to the 40 something that can bang the hot 20 something. In the end though, most of those relationships are only physical and those rarely ever last.
No, I said exactly what I meant. I just think you are missing my point. My point is that women chose younger men for the same reason men chose younger women. You don't think the 50ish-or so old man is choosing the 20-something because she is easy to talk to and has the same taste in music?