She Sends Mixed Signals


professional daydreamer
pixiegirl said:
Not true. You can't generalize all men or all women. There are always exceptions.

There may be exceptions from a particular relationship or situation, but there is no one that can honestly say they have never played head games, whether it was intentional or not.


unixpirate said:
This week’s question comes from a guy who’s been getting mixed signals from a girl and can’t figure out if she’s interested :confused:
How old is this girl? Maybe she is still playing junior-high school dating games and is too immature?


New Member
crabcake said:
Why play games? :shrug: If she can't be straight with ya, move on. Life's to short to be on a never-ending episode of Jeopardy. :ohwell:


Just ask her, if she is interested she'll go out, if not, she will not. :shrug:

So, which forum member you interested in unix? :popcorn:


dustin said:
How old is this girl? Maybe she is still playing junior-high school dating games and is too immature?
Maybe, "He" is holding out to see which way she's going... Maybe, she's doing the same. Nobody wants to face rejection so, maybe they are playing it safe.

My advice take the leap! The worst she can say is no.


Cleopatra Jones
elaine said:
There may be exceptions from a particular relationship or situation, but there is no one that can honestly say they have never played head games, whether it was intentional or not.

We'll have to agree to disagree then. :huggy: Perception of intent, player/playee, all to gray for me.


Kain99 said:
Maybe, "He" is holding out to see which way she's going... Maybe, she's doing the same. Nobody wants to face rejection so, maybe they are playing it safe.

My advice take the leap! The worst she can say is no.
she could be a psycho ax murder that still likes you, so she is afraid if she gets you alone she will chop you up in little peices


dustin said:
she could be a psycho ax murder that still likes you, so she is afraid if she gets you alone she will chop you up in little peices
True.... However she could also secretly be a millionaire praying for Mr. Right! :lmao:


Working for the weekend
unixpirate said:
This week’s question comes from a guy who’s been getting mixed signals from a girl and can’t figure out if she’s interested :confused:
I will admit alot of women are emotionally flip about what they want, though I have seen some men the same way. Life is too short, if someone does not know what they want, :howdy: bye bye. I seen many divorces because one spouse finally "found themselves" and now know what they want, and it is not their spouse.


Kain99 said:
True.... However she could also secretly be a millionaire praying for Mr. Right! :lmao:
thats why youre supposed to sneak through their tax paperwork and find their W-2's DUH!


harleygirl said:
I will admit alot of women are emotionally flip about what they want, though I have seen some men the same way. Life is too short, if someone does not know what they want, :howdy: bye bye. I seen many divorces because one spouse finally "found themselves" and now know what they want, and it is not their spouse.

That could have not been put any better. It sucks for the spouce that gets left alone.


unixpirate said:
This week’s question comes from a guy who’s been getting mixed signals from a girl and can’t figure out if she’s interested :confused:
Mixed signals nothin'. When 2 people click, nothing can stop them. :smoochy:


But wait, there's more...
harleygirl said:
I seen many divorces because one spouse finally "found themselves" and now know what they want, and it is not their spouse.

They should be like Bill Hendrickson and just get another wife or two. :yay:


CageKicker Extraordinaire
dustin said:
she could be a psycho ax murder that still likes you, so she is afraid if she gets you alone she will chop you up in little peices

My kind of girl :yay:

Since a few people pointed out the obvious response and you didn't say much, what's the problem with just asking?

Not to sound like more of an a****** than I am, but things don't go anywhere if you just sit around with your thumb up your a** wondering what's next.


off the shelf
Chain729 said:
My kind of girl :yay:

Since a few people pointed out the obvious response and you didn't say much, what's the problem with just asking?

Not to sound like more of an a****** than I am, but things don't go anywhere if you just sit around with your thumb up your a** wondering what's next.


and tell us who she is.... :popcorn: