She Sends Mixed Signals


"Don't hate the player, hate the game". That is a quote I will never get out of my head from my single-trying-to-find-Mr-Right days. I learned that you have to be honest and straight forward with whoever you are trying to date. Screw the head games. Life is too short. Find out what she wants and decide if that's what you want. Or if you are not what she wants then atleast you know. Like somebody else already said, the worst she can say is no.


100% Goapele Head!
elaine said:
Dating is about deciding if you want to spend the rest of your life together.

That's not why I date... I date because t's fun and exciting, I like getting to know a man because he seems enjoyable. Now that I am older I don't think about spending the rest of my life with someone. I think of marriage even less and any thoughts of a future with a man only leads to whether or not I am willing to shack with him.

I know I am on some different stuff but I thought we all were on the same page with that. At our ages fairy tale love stories are non-existent. Someone RIPPED the heck out of my innoncence and I haven't been able to imagine a love story since.

However, I did think about ALL of those nice and decent guys I turned away because they were too good boyish and they wanted to be so lovey dovey and cater to my every whim as my "boyfriend" when all the while I wanted the handsome, popular dude that all the other women had (at one time) or wanted and I was willing to pursue him by any means necessary hoping that once I reeled him in he would see that I was the perfect one for him (which he didnt) and choose me as his wife.

I looked back on all of that and was like, hmm... I haven't seen a good boy in years they must all be married by now and here I sit with my heart's innocence completely ruined. I don't know if I will ever see love in that light again. I can't remember the last time I was really, really press to be with one man that I thought was ALL of that.

Any women feel me on this?
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Finishing last
Angel said:
"Don't hate the player, hate the game". That is a quote I will never get out of my head from my single-trying-to-find-Mr-Right days. I learned that you have to be honest and straight forward with whoever you are trying to date. Screw the head games. Life is too short. Find out what she wants and decide if that's what you want. Or if you are not what she wants then atleast you know. Like somebody else already said, the worst she can say is no.

I hate that quote. Without the players there is no game!!!

Just my 2 cents!


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Love the easy ones...

unixpirate said:
This week’s question comes from a guy who’s been getting mixed signals from a girl and can’t figure out if she’s interested :confused:

...there are NO mixed signals from women; she is NOT interested. If she were, you'd, or, the guy, would know. So, the only other question is, are you, or he, the guy, interested, which, obviously, you/he are or would not have asked the question. Move on.


Larry Gude said:
...there are NO mixed signals from women; she is NOT interested. If she were, you'd, or, the guy, would know. So, the only other question is, are you, or he, the guy, interested, which, obviously, you/he are or would not have asked the question. Move on.


The last couple of girls I dated, came up to me and asked me out, thank God for the 21st Century, if she hasn't made a move, move on.......


New Member
Larry Gude said:
...there are NO mixed signals from women; she is NOT interested. If she were, you'd, or, the guy, would know. So, the only other question is, are you, or he, the guy, interested, which, obviously, you/he are or would not have asked the question. Move on.


This being an age of independant, assertive women who go for what they want and speaks their minds....I think that anyone who hasn't clue'd you in that she wants to inspect your :banana: could only view you as asexual. That's just the way it is..


fttrsbeerwench said:

This being an age of independant, assertive women who go for what they want and speaks their minds....I think that anyone who hasn't clue'd you in that she wants to inspect your :banana: could only view you as asexual. That's just the way it is..
So you wanna bang or what?