Sheila Jackson Lee


American Beauty
PREMO Member
From the turnover on her vp staff, I'd say anyone with intelligence is getting out of Dodge with regards to working for her.
No doubt.



Power with Control
And to me she's just - *yawn* - another ignorant obnoxious Democrat yelling inanities because she thinks "Orange man bad!" is a legit political point. People ask who votes for these durhards, and the answer is voters who are just like them. Dumber than a rock, also vicious and obnoxious. Making up for their lack of intelligence with volume and aggressive physical gestures.


They were either pushed through school by puppetmasters, or this is an act they put on to get ghetto scum and white supremacist Democrats to vote for them. I mean, look at the ignorant subhumans on Tik Tok and Twitter - someone has to represent those people in Congress, might as well be Jasmine Crockett.

Came here to say this. Like Hillarys "aint no ways tired" and hot sauce bullshit.

Edit: This does NOT apply to Kamala......... she earned her degree he oldest profess.... I mean fashioned way.......

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Just heard that she is back on the campaign trail for her Congress seat.


Well-Known Member
She baffles me. She graduated Yale. JD at U of Virginia Law. By all rights she shouldn’t be as openly STUPID as she has repeatedly shown over the years.
Perhaps this is why?

NEW HAVEN, Conn. — Nearly 80% of all grades given to undergraduates at Yale last academic year were A’s or A-minuses, part of a sharp increase that began during the coronavirus pandemic and appears to have stuck, according to a new report.

The mean grade-point average was 3.7 out of 4.0, also an increase over pre-pandemic years.

The findings have frustrated some students, alumni and professors. What does excellence mean at Yale, they wonder, if most students get the equivalent of “excellent” in almost every class?


Well-Known Member
Perhaps this is why?

NEW HAVEN, Conn. — Nearly 80% of all grades given to undergraduates at Yale last academic year were A’s or A-minuses, part of a sharp increase that began during the coronavirus pandemic and appears to have stuck, according to a new report.

The mean grade-point average was 3.7 out of 4.0, also an increase over pre-pandemic years.

The findings have frustrated some students, alumni and professors. What does excellence mean at Yale, they wonder, if most students get the equivalent of “excellent” in almost every class?
Yes but - she went there fifty years ago. It makes sense if grade inflation has been the norm for decades.

I DO know - from two friends who went - that MIT undergrad grades are inflated. They both said that the hardest part about MIT - was getting IN. That the school’s attitude towards you is, look we know you’re smart because you made it here. We’re not flunking you out.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Question is will the animals reelect her again? What idiot would work for the pos?
That Government teat. What else can she do? Suck on that teat.
Without a staff to do her job for her she would be lost.
Who would hire her to be their lawyer. Even the most stupid of the people who vote her in office would know better than that.
Her greatest asset to her getting elected in her district is her race-----------------and she knows it.

Now call me racist for saying that, but before you do tell me what she has ever done to prove her worth ,give me some great bill she has proposed or gotten passed. She belongs to the greatest racist organization since the Ku Klux Klan and that is the Black Congressional Caucus.


DEI - pays well.

I know there is a thread on this somewhere on this forum talking about this but this is the latest on Claudine Gay.

Harvard University President Claudine Gay Copied Entire Paragraphs From Others’ Academic Work and Claimed Them as Her Own
Yep, independent media got ahold of her thesis and it is not good.

I have been following Doctor Carol Swain for years and she, a black woman, has come out and said "if Gay was a white man, he would have already been fired."

Claudine Gay needs to resign.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Question is will the animals reelect her again?

Sure they will, unless someone even stupider and more corrupt runs - then Houstonites will vote for that person. They are very much like NYers and Baltimorons, not to mention Chicagoans and the residents of every other big city ghetto. Whoever will **** them over hardest, that's who they'll vote for.


Oh WOW! I highly respect Carol - have for many, many years.
I posted earlier what she said, left to run errands, returned and the first thing in my X feed was this tidbit.



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
If plagiarism is good enough for Joe Biden it should be good enough for Claudine Gay.
Harvard President Claudine Gay In Hot Water For Plagiarizing Large Sections Of 'Mein Kampf'



PREMO Member
DEI - pays well.

I know there is a thread on this somewhere on this forum talking about this but this is the latest on Claudine Gay.
