Shop with a Cop


New Member
Has anyone heard about this program called Shop with a Cop? A police officer called me and said he wanted to take my son shopping for school supplies this weekend. He said they have been doing this for a few years, and it would cost me nothing. I am kinda new here, but this sounds like a great thing. He told me they would be in police cars and would have identification. Anyone know?


They do have Shop with a Cop here in St Mary's, but I didn't think it was for school supplies, but rather for Christmas.


professional daydreamer
marybek said:
Has anyone heard about this program called Shop with a Cop? A police officer called me and said he wanted to take my son shopping for school supplies this weekend. He said they have been doing this for a few years, and it would cost me nothing. I am kinda new here, but this sounds like a great thing. He told me they would be in police cars and would have identification. Anyone know?

Never heard of it. Creepy. You could end up with smcop. :twitch:


New Member
cattitude said:
You are kidding, right? this a hoax? The guy said they started out at Christmas, but expanded it. I called him back and he is a detective. I think it's legit.


marybek said: this a hoax? The guy said they started out at Christmas, but expanded it. I called him back and he is a detective. I think it's legit.

I posted a link to it..


Little ol' Me
mainman said:
But where would they get her number and how did they know she had a son? :shocking:

If you read the linkie it says they are getting names from some of the local public schools..


New Member
marybek said:
Has anyone heard about this program called Shop with a Cop? A police officer called me and said he wanted to take my son shopping for school supplies this weekend. He said they have been doing this for a few years, and it would cost me nothing. I am kinda new here, but this sounds like a great thing. He told me they would be in police cars and would have identification. Anyone know?

Yes this is a real program that will be taking place this weekend. Read your pm for information about the detective who is running the program.


New Member
My daughther went two years ago and both are going this year. My daughter said that the cops wife was with them because he didnt know about girls clothing. Its legit and she had a good time


Set Trippin
sanchezf said:
If you read the linkie it says they are getting names from some of the local public schools..
Thanks Nasty, but I am too busy laughing at chuck norris to read the linkie...:roflmao:


New Member
elaine said:
I wouldn't let my kid do this. Too many flakes on the force.
Good! We wouldn't want to take your kid. This is something for good kids! With a parent like you who has no respect for the police, i'm sure it's reflected in your childs attitude. Don't worry though, I am sure someday your little darling will get the opportunity to ride in one of our cars.