Shop with a Cop


I wanna be a SMIB
marybek said: this a hoax? The guy said they started out at Christmas, but expanded it. I called him back and he is a detective. I think it's legit.

Are you on welfare or anything govment subsudized?


Stop Staring!!!!!
smcop said:
Yes this is a real program that will be taking place this weekend. Read your pm for information about the detective who is running the program.

Saw it in the Enterprise last week, Front page. Don't remember seeing anything about them calling you about it. But if SMCOP backs it up, it must be good. Still better safe than sorry, Get a Name and Badge number and confirm his envolvement with the program.


professional daydreamer
smcop said:
Good! We wouldn't want to take your kid. This is something for good kids! With a parent like you who has no respect for the police, i'm sure it's reflected in your childs attitude. Don't worry though, I am sure someday your little darling will get the opportunity to ride in one of our cars.

You're a POS, and I'm ashamed that you represent our police force.


Richard Cranium said:
smcop would drool at the opportunity to be unaccompanied with young boys in his squad car :lmao: :popcorn:

You re truly ####ed in the head..:yay: Carry on.

flippy cups

New Member
It's a legit setup run by the 7th District Optimist Club, whose member Joe Stanalonis is an assistant state's attorney and heads it up. They meet at Wildewood Center and drive with the cop to Wal-Mart to shop with the cop.


baileydog said:
Well, I dont think they would be taking Donald Trumps kid shopping for FREE school supplies.

I don't think Donald Trump lives in St Mary's, try reading the link or calling the police department and asking them what it's about.


I wanna be a SMIB
missperky said:
I don't think Donald Trump lives in St Mary's, try reading the link or calling the police department and asking them what it's about.

I did read it, like the part where it says to apply..families can apply for consideration to participate through the Web site of ADF Bingo, at

I would assume you need a certain low income to be considered. If not, Heck, Ill take some new threads.


New Member
Richard Cranium said:
That's probably not all :whistle:

To even have that thought of a child shows exactly what's on your mind. This is a great program where police officers volunteer their time to make things better for kids, who may have parents a little down on their luck. Nothing is good enough for you. You really are the scum of the earth!

Richard Cranium

New Member
smcop said:
To even have that thought of a child shows exactly what's on your mind. This is a great program where police officers volunteer their time to make things better for kids, who may have parents a little down on their luck. Nothing is good enough for you. You really are the scum of the earth!


I think it's a good program, done by good cops.

PS - that excludes you, Roscoe.