Should I ‘settle’ now or hold out for Mr. Right?




you should never need to be with someone out of love....settling is for losers....if you don't love this guy, then let him will only be harder if you continue this relationship.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I saw a great shirt at the Tiki Bar this season:

I may not be Mr. Right
I'll f**k you until
he shows up.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Life should be like a Disney movie, where you're out walking your dalmatian and another dalmatian falls in love with her, and that dalmatian's owner just happens to be the perfect guy for you. And the dogs have cute alliterative names, like a soap opera super-couple or something.

Sigh. Romance.


Well-Known Member
Life should be like a Disney movie, where you're out walking your dalmatian and another dalmatian falls in love with her, and that dalmatian's owner just happens to be the perfect guy for you. And the dogs have cute alliterative names, like a soap opera super-couple or something.

Sigh. Romance.



Infinite Impetus
Hey it might not get any better for her.. There are no 'mr. rights' who have every single quiality that you want.. Pick what attributes (pos and neg) that you can see yourself living with.


But wait, there's more...
...if he stays, that means she was right for him, yes?

Nah ... do the words "cheaper to keep her" ring a bell? Divorce is too damn expensive these days, and those alimony and child support payments are enough to make one paying them opt to suck on a gun barrel. That's why I said "poor bastard". :ohwell:
Romance only happens on TV and in books. It's :bs:

Wrong. My dad was playing pinball at the Chesapeake Ranch Club when he spotted my mom walk in with her sister and two other girlfriends. He did a double take and told his best friend, Jack... "I'm going to marry that woman." He spent the rest of the afternoon and into the evening watching her and finding opportunities to talk and be with her. Later in the evening he stole a kiss. My mom said it was unlike any other kiss she ever had. It was the "bells, whistles and fireworks" kinda kiss you thought was only in tales. It scared the hell out of her and she spent the rest of evening trying to avoid him... it's a great story complete with her jumping on a horse name Lady and him jumping on a steed chasing after her. When he finally convinced her to give him a phone number he was smart enough to pass it by her sister. Her sister busted her out and said, "That's not our number. That's Chuck's number." and then proceeded to give him the correct number. He called faithfully for 3 months before she finally accepted a date with him... the rest is history. They were married for 40 years by the time my dad died. There are tons of romantic little stories they have from those 40 years. I keep swearing I'm going to get my mom to scrapbook them so that they don't get lost over time.

So yes, Vince. Romance can be the real deal.


New Member
Well this does not sound like true romance that will last into a 40year marriage. What are the odds that she has proposed this question to her "better" half?


New Member
My mom and dad's first date, my mom hated my father. It was raining and he walked out of the restaurant with his own umbrella up over his head and didn't even look back to realize that she wasn't following (because she had no umbrella) until he got to his car. Then he let her in the passenger side of the car and proceeded to slam the door shut before she had her leg in the car door.

He called her for months afterwards and she kept hanging up on him.

She finally accepted a second date because he was funny and persistant.

They were married for 20 years.

First impressions....ya never know.


Luvin Life !!!
Life should be like a Disney movie, where you're out walking your dalmatian and another dalmatian falls in love with her, and that dalmatian's owner just happens to be the perfect guy for you. And the dogs have cute alliterative names, like a soap opera super-couple or something.

Sigh. Romance.

I was watching the same movie this morning. :yahoo: 101 Dalamations with :Glen Close: :killingme


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
My Mom was working at the Silver Star diner, and my Dad was stationed at the airpark. He popped in for breakfast one morning and she was his waitress. They got to talking and he asked her out.

Two years later, they gave birth to me! :diva: