...3rd graders do you, we, suppose said something mean or hateful sometime in May? How about April? What do you figure we're up to in June, so far?
How many things do you think kids have said, nation wide, that, had they actually 100% meant it, that, in hindsight, we parents would be like WHY WEREN'T WE TOLD????????????? Heads must roll!!!! That could have been another (your worst fear here)!!!!
And, just for kicks, how many 3rd garders shot anyone of late? Ever? Now compare that number to how many 'threats' were issued. Uh oh. We don't know how many, do we????
I love that one ---->
So, with this nationwide crisis of threatening 8 years olds, what should the SOP be? Immediate lockdown and haz mat roll out? Grievance counselors for all? SWAT with squirt guns and chicken nuggets? Call all parents to drop what they are doing and come rescue Hortense and Sigmund from the evil designs of their psychotic classmates, drug addict parents, inept administration and thoughtless teachers?
How about every time a kid threatens another, we stop school and spend the rest of the day printing handouts that must be signed and returned the very next day notifying all and everyone that Lil' Timmy has promised to kill Bobby with a gun?
And hold a community meeting that night, every time, that EVERY parent MUST attend or they will be called BAD parents on web blogs, for all to see.
I wonder, as I sit here contemplating how the terrorists have mobilized our very children, right before our eyes, just how many horrible things my kids have heard, said and been told over the years that I never heard one peep about? I wonder how many bullets I've dodged, so to speak, an never known a thing about it?
I really like that one ------>
My God, it could happen. It has happened. It will again. It could be happening right now and I'm acting like I don't even care!!!?!??!?
It has a name; Catastrophic thinking.