Should the Father's Feeling be considered in the case of an abortion?

Should the Father's Discision be as Important as the Mother's?

  • Yes the Father's decision in the Abortion Should be considered.

    Votes: 16 72.7%
  • No the Father's decision should have no bearing on the abortion

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • Have the Abortion done, but sterilize the woman to prevent further need for abortion.

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • Have the Abortion done, but sterilize the man to prevent further need for abortion.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sterilize both the mn and woman to prevent further need for abortion.

    Votes: 1 4.5%

  • Total voters

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
How does a moment or two of animalistic enjoyment entitle a man to determine if a woman he knocked up will suffer with nine months or so of hormonal imbalance, crankiness, swollen ankles, confusion, worry, and fear of the unknown that accompanies a pregnancy and the birth of a child?

If the male wants to have any say then he should marry the woman before sampling the fruit. At least then there is a partnership and decisions should be shared.

My personal view is that I think abortions are wrong, but I will not speculate as to the reasons that a woman might want one, even if it is only a matter of convenience for her. It is her body and I think she should be allowed to make the medical decisions that impact her.

If you can force a woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy what’s next, making me give a kidney or an eye to someone just because we have matching tissue types and I have two? Let God play God and the rest of us should mind our own business.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Ken King
How does a moment or two of animalistic enjoyment entitle a man to determine if a woman he knocked up will suffer with nine months or so of hormonal imbalance, crankiness, swollen ankles, confusion, worry, and fear of the unknown that accompanies a pregnancy and the birth of a child?

If the male wants to have any say then he should marry the woman before sampling the fruit. At least then there is a partnership and decisions should be shared.

My personal view is that I think abortions are wrong, but I will not speculate as to the reasons that a woman might want one, even if it is only a matter of convenience for her. It is her body and I think she should be allowed to make the medical decisions that impact her.

If you can force a woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy what’s next, making me give a kidney or an eye to someone just because we have matching tissue types and I have two? Let God play God and the rest of us should mind our own business.
Well said :clap:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by TIGGER6035
abortion is murder. Anyone who has an abortion should but in jail. A life is a life, That's all to it.
No Tigger, our laws say it is not murder, no more than a miscarriage is manslaughter.

TWLs wife

New Member
Originally posted by Ken King
No Tigger, our laws say it is not murder, no more than a miscarriage is manslaughter.

Then it should only be used in rape. I know it's womens choice wrong or right. To me I think it is wrong & a sin.


Originally posted by Ken King
How does a moment or two of animalistic enjoyment entitle a man to determine if a woman he knocked up will suffer with nine months or so of hormonal imbalance, crankiness, swollen ankles, confusion, worry, and fear of the unknown that accompanies a pregnancy and the birth of a child?

If the male wants to have any say then he should marry the woman before sampling the fruit. At least then there is a partnership and decisions should be shared.

My personal view is that I think abortions are wrong, but I will not speculate as to the reasons that a woman might want one, even if it is only a matter of convenience for her. It is her body and I think she should be allowed to make the medical decisions that impact her.

If you can force a woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy what’s next, making me give a kidney or an eye to someone just because we have matching tissue types and I have two? Let God play God and the rest of us should mind our own business.

Exactly... Let God play God and the rest of us should mind our own business and keep the decision to abort a child where it belongs, in God's Hands. Some considered Christ as illegitimate, even his Earthly Father did until the Archangel came to him in a dream. Some still do consider Christ as being illegitimate.

No one knows the God's Plan for a child but God. What gives the woman, man or anyone else the right to interfere in what is as natural as death like the birth of a child?

Why does a woman, man or anyone else have the right to kill another human being regardless of their age because that person is an inconvenience and not be considered a murder or an accomplice to a murder? I mean do we murder our parents when they become elderly and become an inconvenience? Do we murder someone who is sick and has become an inconvenience? Why don't we just kill everyone who has become an inconvenience either on us or society? Because it is immoral and illegal. We as a society give more rights and justice to the murder then to an innocent child whose only wrong was to become an inconvenience..

No, sorry Ken, but I do not buy the any reason to end the life especially the life of an innocent unborn child. I just don't buy it.. There is no justification in abortion.. There are those who can try to justify such an act as abortion, but it is BS (Bull Stuff)!


Originally posted by TIGGER6035
Then it should only be used in rape. I know it's womens choice wrong or right. To me I think it is wrong & a sin.

Tigger this may not be fair but look at Justice. I mean look at him the way a loving parent could and tell me that even if he was the product of rape, knowing what you know now, could you have aborted him? Of course that is a rhetorical and you have no need to answer it here, but there are many Justice's out there who are the products of rape. Is that justification to kill them all? Another rhetorical that you have no need to answer.

The rest of you girls here who have babies, look at them and think of how many just like them are torn apart simply because they are an inconvenience to the women carrying them. Think of the women who are also having abortions simply because they have no desire to have others form a moral judgement on them.

As I said, there is not Justification to kill the sick, elderly or the unborn.. Such action is in the hands of God.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by zuchick
Exactly... Let God play God and the rest of us should mind our own business and keep the decision to abort a child where it belongs, in God's Hands.
Oh rats! You beat me to it. :lol: Ken, I can't believe you walked into that.

But my original opinion still stands and has nothing to do with our goofy laws or God or any of that stuff.

TWLs wife

New Member
Originally posted by zuchick
Tigger this may not be fair but look at Justice. I mean look at him the way a loving parent could and tell me that even if he was the product of rape, knowing what you know now, could you have aborted him? Of course that is a rhetorical and you have no need to answer it here, but there are many Justice's out there who are the products of rape. Is that justification to kill them all? Another rhetorical that you have no need to answer.

The rest of you girls here who have babies, look at them and think of how many just like them are torn apart simply because they are an inconvenience to the women carrying them. Think of the women who are also having abortions simply because they have no desire to have others form a moral judgement on them.

As I said, there is not Justification to kill the sick, elderly or the unborn.. Such action is in the hands of God.

I think your right on that. I also am glad I had two misscarriages with my x husben. If I had the babies with my X, they would probly be crack addiacks. Then the lord took care of me & those babies.


Originally posted by TIGGER6035
I think your right on that. I also am glad I had two misscarriages with my x husben. If I had the babies with my X, they would probly be crack addiacks. Then the lord took care of me & those babies.

You see, ya just gotta Trust in the Lord and His Plans for us and those we care for.

They say that the future wil judge us on how we treat our prisoners.. I say we will be judged on how we treat the innocent.


New Member
Originally posted by Ken King
No Tigger, our laws say it is not murder, no more than a miscarriage is manslaughter.

A miscarriage manslaughter?:confused: Something you have no control over is manslaughter?


New Member
No one's feelings should be considered. It's wrong. People get all caught-up in the politics/liberal/women's right/thingy.... There is not in between, it's either right or wrong. Abortion is wrong!

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I didn’t step into anything Vraiblonde, if God can allow wars and other forms of violence that take place between humans and all of his other creations, then he certainly can allow a woman to abort. Those that cause either of these won’t be judged until their judgment day.

Zuchick, you say “exactly” and then add your condemnation to something that the Lord obviously didn’t interfere with or prevent, so why should you? Are you more knowing and powerful then the Lord? You speak of his plan, so why not lay it out for all of us to see, since you are apparently an expert.

If God didn't want a woman to abort one would think that he would communicate that to her via her conscience and she would have a change of heart. It is my belief that he allows us to walk our own path for which we will either be rewarded or pay dearly later. Condemning others in his name is an equal sin that I will not partake, thus the minding of our own business.


Originally posted by Ken King
I didn’t step into anything Vraiblonde, if God can allow wars and other forms of violence that take place between humans and all of his other creations, then he certainly can allow a woman to abort. Those that cause either of these won’t be judged until their judgment day.

Zuchick, you say “exactly” and then add your condemnation to something that the Lord obviously didn’t interfere with or prevent, so why should you? Are you more knowing and powerful then the Lord? You speak of his plan, so why not lay it out for all of us to see, since you are apparently an expert.

I sure did say exactly, but I was merely quoting and agreeing with you, just expanded on your words. Me condemn something? Don't think so. For me to condemn would be for me to make a judgement and I am not in a position to judge anyone or anything.

If God didn't want a woman to abort one would think that he would communicate that to her via her conscience and she would have a change of heart. It is my belief that he allows us to walk our own path for which we will either be rewarded or pay dearly later. Condemning others in his name is an equal sin that I will not partake, thus the minding of our own business.

whose to say God doesn't communicate with the one about to commit a murder vai their conscience. But again it is about Free Will ain't it?

I am not wise enough to know God's Mind as to His Will or His Plan which is why I pray that I do God's Will throughout my life. I change what I can and leave the rest to Him.. And again you suggest a judgement on my part "Condemning others in his name is an equal sin that I will not partake" I make no judgement of anyone, merely calling a Murder a Murder.. If it looks like an abortion, smells like an abortion and acts like an abortion then it most likely is a murder. This is not a judgement I make, merely an observation.


Originally posted by ceo_pte
No one's feelings should be considered. It's wrong. People get all caught-up in the politics/liberal/women's right/thingy.... There is not in between, it's either right or wrong. Abortion is wrong!

Everyone is trying all they can to be Politically Correct regardless of how wrong something may be. I agree with you 100% Abortion is wrong which makes those who support such an act in Error. I mean if it smells like a skunk call it a skunk. If it is murder call it murder. I can remember a time when abortion was considered as murder.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Zuchick, your hypocrisy abounds this morning. You do condemn them as murdering without knowing the facts, you place your religious beliefs above the law of the land, and you have judged by saying it is murder.

All I have said is that I believe a person should be able to decide for herself whether or not she wants to have an abortion. I have said I don’t agree with abortion, but as our laws make it legal who are we to say otherwise.

Back to your instigating initial question, what if the father of said fetus doesn’t want the child? Should a woman be forced to have an abortion even if she doesn’t want to? After all, for you he has equal standing.


Originally posted by Ken King
Zuchick, your hypocrisy abounds this morning. You do condemn them as murdering without knowing the facts, you place your religious beliefs above the law of the land, and you have judged by saying it is murder.

Nope, I make no judgements. Murder is murder wheither you kill an adult or the unborn. And you bet I'm placing my religious beliefs above the law. Any law that would say it is okay to murder and unborn child it a law that should be removed from the Books and as God Wills, it will be.

All I have said is that I believe a person should be able to decide for herself whether or not she wants to have an abortion. I have said I don’t agree with abortion, but as our laws make it legal who are we to say otherwise.

Now you are contradicting yourself, first you say that a woman has the right to decide to have or not to have an abortion and then you say you don't agree with abortion.. Why don't you simple make a stand one way or the other? I mean if you disagree with Abortion, you can not play the Politically Correct Card and say that you believe a woman has a choice. Well, you can, but not without contridicting yourself.

Back to your instigating initial question, what if the father of said fetus doesn’t want the child? Should a woman be forced to have an abortion even if she doesn’t want to? After all, for you he has equal standing.

Then ask the Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Brothers and Sisters then ask the Institutions that care for unwanted children. There is never a reason for murder unless it is in the act self defense.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Well get the laws changed, if you think you can. And then look at the can of worms you have re-opened. Will your new laws require further intrusion by the government were women that become pregnant will be required to register so that the outcome of said pregnancy can be tracked and any offender punished for the death of the yet to be life? I guess you prefer women that for whatever reason don’t want a child or out of medical necessity to head to the backrooms and alleyways to get it done.

I am in no way contradicting myself. I personally think it is wrong, but who am I to judge what someone else chooses to do in this regard. I’ll leave that to you. It is their choice whether or not they carry a child to fruition and the consequences of doing so are left for them to endure. I am pro-choice, but that doesn’t mean that I would choose abortion.


New Member
Originally posted by Ken King
Zuchick, your hypocrisy abounds this morning. You do condemn them as murdering without knowing the facts, you place your religious beliefs above the law of the land, and you have judged by saying it is murder.

All I have said is that I believe a person should be able to decide for herself whether or not she wants to have an abortion. I have said I don’t agree with abortion, but as our laws make it legal who are we to say otherwise.

Back to your instigating initial question, what if the father of said fetus doesn’t want the child? Should a woman be forced to have an abortion even if she doesn’t want to? After all, for you he has equal standing.

I'm not judging! But what part of "thall shall not kill" is open to interpretation?