Should the Father's Feeling be considered in the case of an abortion?

Should the Father's Discision be as Important as the Mother's?

  • Yes the Father's decision in the Abortion Should be considered.

    Votes: 16 72.7%
  • No the Father's decision should have no bearing on the abortion

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • Have the Abortion done, but sterilize the woman to prevent further need for abortion.

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • Have the Abortion done, but sterilize the man to prevent further need for abortion.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sterilize both the mn and woman to prevent further need for abortion.

    Votes: 1 4.5%

  • Total voters


New Member
It's only a matter of time before the abortion laws are changed. They will be and Roe v. Wade will be overturned.


Originally posted by ceo_pte
It's only a matter of time before the abortion laws are changed. They will be and Roe v. Wade will be overturned.

Yup and then the backdoor clinics will open again with the non-sterile equipment and women will be dying from infection. What would that accomplish then?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by ceo_pte
I'm not judging! But what part of "thall shall not kill" is open to interpretation?
I guess it depends on the wording of that commandment in the bible you use. For me the word is murder and not kill.
It's only a matter of time before the abortion laws are changed. They will be and Roe v. Wade will be overturned.
Really, well if that is the case then so be it, but they have withstood many challenges and are still standing. I guess you are waiting for a change in the make up of the Supreme Court and a hope that they will strip away at the 4th Amendment protections.


Originally posted by Ken King
Well get the laws changed, if you think you can. And then look at the can of worms you have re-opened. Will your new laws require further intrusion by the government were women that become pregnant will be required to register so that the outcome of said pregnancy can be tracked and any offender punished for the death of the yet to be life? I guess you prefer women that for whatever reason don’t want a child or out of medical necessity to head to the backrooms and alleyways to get it done.

Don't forget the trip to the ER where they will be required to tell someone how they got sick and then face charges for murder.

I am in no way contradicting myself. I personally think it is wrong, but who am I to judge what someone else chooses to do in this regard. I’ll leave that to you. It is their choice whether or not they carry a child to fruition and the consequences of doing so are left for them to endure. I am pro-choice, but that doesn’t mean that I would choose abortion.

Pro-Choice is Pro-Abortion. The purpose of Pro-Choice is to allow abortion.. Okay it is to allow the woman the right to choose abortion which boils down to abortion.. Either you are for abortion or against it. If you are against Abortion then the Pro-Choice Issue in null. You can not straddle the tight rope called Abortion unless you are trying to be Politically Correct which means that you are falling in line with those who are so afraid to say anything that may step on toes even if they need their toes stepped on.. Take a stand man and don't allow Politically Correctness neuter you.. Either you are for the Murder of the Innocent or against it.. There is no middle ground here because it is all Black and White.. No greys, just Black and White.

Myself, I stand against the Murder of the Innocent which states I also stand against Pro-Choice. I still call negros Colored People and Native Americans Indians. I am not offended when someone calls me a Hunk, White Man, Hillbilly or even when someone calls me a foreigner. And yes I still open and hold door for women though I've been chewed out and even slapped for doing so. I will even spank or scold a youngin, regardless of whose they are, if they need it. Oh BTW, I have never in 51 years of life been accused of being Politically Correct to my knowledge.

Take a stand Ken.


Originally posted by zuchick
Take a stand man and don't allow Politically Correctness neuter you.. Either you are for the Murder of the Innocent or against it.. There is no middle ground here because it is all Black and White.. No greys, just Black and White.

Take a stand Ken.
:popcorn: pssst Ken, use some of those words you used on me way back. I am partial to "sniveling" :lmao:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by zuchick
Pro-Choice is Pro-Abortion. The purpose of Pro-Choice is to allow abortion.. Okay it is to allow the woman the right to choose abortion which boils down to abortion.. Either you are for abortion or against it. If you are against Abortion then the Pro-Choice Issue in null. You can not straddle the tight rope called Abortion unless you are trying to be Politically Correct which means that you are falling in line with those who are so afraid to say anything that may step on toes even if they need their toes stepped on.. Take a stand man and don't allow Politically Correctness neuter you.. Either you are for the Murder of the Innocent or against it.. There is no middle ground here because it is all Black and White.. No greys, just Black and White.

Myself, I stand against the Murder of the Innocent which states I also stand against Pro-Choice. I still call negros Colored People and Native Americans Indians. I am not offended when someone calls me a Hunk, White Man, Hillbilly or even when someone calls me a foreigner. And yes I still open and hold door for women though I've been chewed out and even slapped for doing so. I will even spank or scold a youngin, regardless of whose they are, if they need it. Oh BTW, I have never in 51 years of life been accused of being Politically Correct to my knowledge.

Take a stand Ken.

Zuchick, why is it that I have to say anything more then what I have for you to understand my position? For the wife and I, if we were still able to have children, it would be a no-brainer the child would be born. However, I know others that do not feel the same and for them the choice is theirs. That makes me pro-choice, which for me means that one can choose to or not choose to have an abortion, it in no way makes me pro-abortion. I think I have clearly stated this so that anyone with even a modicum of intelligence could understand it.

This has nothing to do with political correctness and your attempt to skew it in such direction. Because you are unwilling to see that there might be a viable reason to have an abortion doesn’t mean that others can’t see a reason. More importantly it is none of your business as it is solely a personal matter that doesn’t need busybodies like yourself interjecting their beliefs upon.

I could care less what names you call people but let me clearly state that if you ever placed your hands upon one of my children or grandchildren not only would you face charges of assault but you would also face me and man to man I would impress upon you to never touch anyone else’s child again. What in this world gives you the right to do such a thing and who do you think you are? Is that enough of a stand for you, you pompous @ss.


Originally posted by Ken King
Zuchick, why is it that I have to say anything more then what I have for you to understand my position? For the wife and I, if we were still able to have children, it would be a no-brainer the child would be born. However, I know others that do not feel the same and for them the choice is theirs. That makes me pro-choice, which for me means that one can choose to or not choose to have an abortion, it in no way makes me pro-abortion. I think I have clearly stated this so that anyone with even a modicum of intelligence could understand it.

This has nothing to do with political correctness and your attempt to skew it in such direction. Because you are unwilling to see that there might be a viable reason to have an abortion doesn’t mean that others can’t see a reason. More importantly it is none of your business as it is solely a personal matter that doesn’t need busybodies like yourself interjecting their beliefs upon.

I could care less what names you call people but let me clearly state that if you ever placed your hands upon one of my children or grandchildren not only would you face charges of assault but you would also face me and man to man I would impress upon you to never touch anyone else’s child again. What in this world gives you the right to do such a thing and who do you think you are? Is that enough of a stand for you, you pompous @ss.

So now you call names? (LOL) Why am I not surprised? You also seem to have taken this discussion personally..

But anyway.. So it is alright with you to allow a murderer to roam the streets? Murder is Murder wheither it is committed inside or outside the womb.

Now considering you have resorted to name calling because you have internalized this discussion, I do not feel a need to discuss Murder with you any further.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by zuchick
So now you call names? (LOL) Why am I not surprised? You also seem to have taken this discussion personally..

But anyway.. So it is alright with you to allow a murderer to roam the streets? Murder is Murder wheither it is committed inside or outside the womb.

Now considering you have resorted to name calling because you have internalized this discussion, I do not feel a need to discuss Murder with you any further.
I would call anyone that would make such a stupid comment a pompous @ss, it was generic at best and I see as such a good chrictian that you have no problem swatting another's child.
Also it is only murder if the state says it is, not you. I guess you are both judge and jury now even if you say you don't judge anyone.

Get a life and good day to you.


Originally posted by zuchick
I still call negros Colored People and Native Americans Indians. I am not offended when someone calls me a Hunk , White Man, Hillbilly or even when someone calls me a foreigner.
Take a stand Ken.
:killingme :killingme :killingme


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Katie
Yup and then the backdoor clinics will open again with the non-sterile equipment and women will be dying from infection. What would that accomplish then?
I think women would once again take the necessary precautions to not get pregnant. My World Alamanac says that 50% of high school girls are sexually active. This is WAY up from, say, 1960. Why? Is it because birth control and abortion are readily available, so there are fewer consequences?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Ken King
Also it is only murder if the state says it is, not you.
That's not true. The state can say abortion isn't murder until it's blue in the face but that doesn't make it true. It just means that they've decided it's justifiable homicide. But, justifiable or not, it's still homicide.


Originally posted by IM4Change
I'm sure that doesn't happen very often.

The Hunk I am refering to is like Hunk not Hunk. (LOL)

Na, Hunk is short for Bo-Hunk which is a derogative for someone who has a Slavic sounding name.. At one time the people from where I was raised thought everyone with a Slavic sounding name was Hungarian.

But then I am still called Hunk which implies I'm pretty.. Of course I'm the one doing the calling these days..

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
That's not true. The state can say abortion isn't murder until it's blue in the face but that doesn't make it true. It just means that they've decided it's justifiable homicide. But, justifiable or not, it's still homicide.
Murder - the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought. Until such time as it is determined when life begins the current laws are that it isn't until after birth. So in essence it is not the taking of a life. I am not saying this is right or wrong just what it currently is.

For me I think a great point to decide when it is no longer a lump of tissues and is actually a life is at quickening (to reach the stage of gestation at which fetal motion is felt). After that point if it is aborted I could reasonably believe and agree that it is murder (unless for a viable medical necessity where there is no hope of saving both the mother and child), but our laws aren't stated as such and until they are it is neither murder nor homcide.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
That's not true. The state can say abortion isn't murder until it's blue in the face but that doesn't make it true. It just means that they've decided it's justifiable homicide. But, justifiable or not, it's still homicide.

It amazes me how some people can not understand that regardless of what it is called, it is still taking a life.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Ken King
So in essence it is not the taking of a life. I am not saying this is right or wrong just what it currently is.
Well, the law's wrong because abortion is certainly the taking of a life, unlawful or not. And it's certainly premiditated.

But that's neither here nor there to me. I'm pro-abortion and would like to see more of these crackheads take advantage of their rights. I'd rather Andrea Yates had aborted her children rather than drown them systematically. I'd rather that numbnuts hunter had aborted his son rather than mistake him for a hog and shoot him to death.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Well, the law's wrong because abortion is certainly the taking of a life, unlawful or not.
And as I've heard you say before, tell it to your Congressman. Get them to change the laws because that is all we have to go by.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Ken King
Get them to change the laws because that is all we have to go by.
No way! Then all these crackhead Mommies will be spawning all over the place!!!


New Member
Originally posted by Ken King
Murder - the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought. Until such time as it is determined when life begins the current laws are that it isn't until after birth. So in essence it is not the taking of a life. I am not saying this is right or wrong just what it currently is.

For me I think a great point to decide when it is no longer a lump of tissues and is actually a life is at quickening (to reach the stage of gestation at which fetal motion is felt).

As for the quickening part, not all women feel the baby at the same stage as others? So, I don't that's to good of an idea. Someone needs to go to one of those websites and look at the babies at different stages and see where it begins to look like a baby and thats the point where abortions should not be performed.