Should you wait?

Before or after marriage if love is involved?

  • If they love each other its ok.

    Votes: 27 48.2%
  • Hellz no wait until marriage.

    Votes: 15 26.8%
  • Other.

    Votes: 10 17.9%
  • Not sure...

    Votes: 4 7.1%

  • Total voters


This Space for Rent
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Should you wait?

Originally posted by janey83
lol, cute.

yeah, I know about the "love" deal..and several guys have talked me into stuff because they "loved" me and would say all the time "and when we're married..." and I was too happy and gullible to believe otherwise.

Small, non-sarcastic point here (amazing for me I know) -

It wouldn't have mattered if you did or didn't with those guys, it wouldn't have helped or hindered marriage plans either way.

I have heard cliche after cliche in this thread thrown about. There is no way to know if its real based on your sexual activities. Plain and simple. No hidden secrets of love. No special feeling of being thrown from a high dive into a pool of karmic bliss as you roll around together by waiting till your wedding night or doing it now (either way).

It happens if it happens. Plain and simple. It sometimes even happens when one party or the other (or both) aren't even wanting it to happen. (This paragraph refers to love and not sex)

Do it if it feels good and right to each other. Don't do it if it does not feel good and right to each other. But don't think it matters a crap one way or the other on whether you will wind up married happily one day with a white picket fence and 2.6 children. That is up to a host of other issues.

Despite the quote, this was not directed solely at Janey. It was an op/ed in following of all the above.


Football addict
Originally posted by janey83
did that happen to you? :confused:

I've only had to deal with roommates coming home late.

Nope. I've only been caught doing one thing. The gal was under the covers and I didn't care if they knew.:lol:


This Space for Rent
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Should you wait?

Originally posted by BuddyLee
Well I think you just need to wait it out this time. Wait a good while before you do something just because some guy said he loved you. If I ever do that in the next few months you better give me a good frying pan to the head. I know I can't love someone in just a few months. I know I really really like you but I cannot love you just yet.

you can love someone in a week or years. Don't think of love as a timeframe either.

Youth.. :rolleyes: j/k


This Space for Rent
Originally posted by SmallTown
where is chasey when you need her?

All this talk of Buddy getting it on with someone got your thrills up? Personally, I find him a little skinny to get excited over.



Football addict
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Should you wait?

Originally posted by FromTexas
you can love someone in a week or years. Don't think of love as a timeframe either.

Youth.. :rolleyes: j/k

I know this FT. I know for a fact that I will not subject myself to love in this amount of time. I mean if love happens it happens but even if it does happen I don't think I'd tell the gal if it was after going out for a week or even a month or two. That's just me.:shrug:


Twenty Something
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Should you wait?

Originally posted by FromTexas
whether you will wind up married happily one day with a white picket fence and 2.6 children. That is up to a host of other issues.

:confused: actually I'm hoping for a natural wood fence, and 3 children...


Football season!
Originally posted by FromTexas
All this talk of Buddy getting it on with someone got your thrills up? Personally, I find him a little skinny to get excited over.


No, i was talking about getting chasey's point of view to get another chick's input


Twenty Something
Originally posted by BuddyLee
Nope. I've only been caught doing one thing. The gal was under the covers and I didn't care if they knew.:lol:

not to scare you...but if my dad saw you under my covers, your parents might never find your remains.


Football addict
Originally posted by FromTexas
All this talk of Buddy getting it on with someone got your thrills up? Personally, I find him a little skinny to get excited over.


Give me a few more years of my college catoring charm and I'll pump up a few more pounds. A steady diet of steak and cheese and beer will do me well.:bubble:


Football season!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Should you wait?

Originally posted by janey83
:confused: actually I'm hoping for a natural wood

Yea, those viagra commercials just don't seem right


Football addict
Originally posted by janey83
not to scare you...but if my dad saw you under my covers, your parents might never find your remains.

And this is why I will hardly ever do anything over at your dwelling.:wink:


Football season!
Originally posted by janey83
not to scare you...but if my dad saw you under my covers, your parents might never find your remains.

Buddy... Tip - Don't get the jimmy waxed and janey's place.


Football addict
Originally posted by janey83
:shrug: what about when I have the house to myself?

I will have to know for sure. We will also have to set up an alarm for when they pull onto the street before they get to your neighborhood street a trip wire will do us quite well.


Set Trippin
It's hard to answer this question for someone else. I myself do not think you have to wait for marriage, but then again I will not sleep with someone that I do not have intense feelings for. That's just the way I am built. I know I will take a few shots for that remark, but oh well.

To me, sex is so much more than a physical act. It is a bonding, where 2 become 1...

Should you wait for marriage? I don't know, only you and your partner know the answer to that question...

While developing a relationship you have more important things to worry about than sex...