


Did you miss my "do the DACA" comment? My post wasn't meant to suggest we shouldn't grant some sort of legal status to those already here. They are here and aren't going anywhere.

My point is... Do DACA, do comprehensive immigration reform and stop the flood. I do believe most Americans are for this. I find it impossible to believe that the vast majority of Americans are for keeping our borders wide open.


Well-Known Member
Did you miss my "do the DACA" comment? My post wasn't meant to suggest we shouldn't grant some sort of legal status to those already here. They are here and aren't going anywhere.

My point is... Do DACA, do comprehensive immigration reform and stop the flood. I do believe most Americans are for this. I find it impossible to believe that the vast majority of Americans are for keeping our borders wide open.

Anyone who believes our borders are "wide open" is being ridiculous.

I walked from Germany, acorss the street, into Switzerland. That's a wide open border.


Anyone who believes our borders are "wide open" is being ridiculous.

I walked from Germany, acorss the street, into Switzerland. That's a wide open border.

Apples to oranges.

There literally is nothing stopping people from coming into this country illegally. How many examples have you heard someone being deported 5, 6, 7, 8 times and coming back again. Unlike you going to Switzerland and having no intention of staying there, people are illegally crossing our southern border to stay here or funnel drugs.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Well... We could always send the Mexicans across the Swiss and German borders.


New Member
Anyone who believes our borders are "wide open" is being ridiculous.

I walked from Germany, acorss the street, into Switzerland. That's a wide open border.

While I agree with the sentiment of your first sentence, the reason you can cross freely from Germany to Switzerland is because of the Schengen Agreement, a scheme in which signatory nations gave away border sovereignty. Many of them are regretting that now and are ignoring the agreement.


Well-Known Member
Apples to oranges.

There literally is nothing stopping people from coming into this country illegally. How many examples have you heard someone being deported 5, 6, 7, 8 times and coming back again. Unlike you going to Switzerland and having no intention of staying there, people are illegally crossing our southern border to stay here or funnel drugs.

I'm sure there are examples of that, but by in large, there are numerous border crossings (fencing, cameras, drones, helicopters, boats, agents, ATVs, etc.), immigration checkpoints within 100 miles of the actual border, there are hundreds of thousands of illegals sent back every year. Are there lapses? Sure, but to say "There literally is nothing stopping people from coming into this country illegally" is a bit exaggerated.

While I agree with the sentiment of your first sentence, the reason you can cross freely from Germany to Switzerland is because of the Schengen Agreement, a scheme in which signatory nations gave away border sovereignty. Many of them are regretting that now and are ignoring the agreement.

I understand the difference and why, just pointing out the difference between a true open border and ours.


Well-Known Member
, but to say "There literally is nothing stopping people from coming into this country illegally" is a bit exaggerated..

Hard to judge if there are in fact, people who have entered here illegally - been deported - and re-entered MANY times.
It's not that there's nothing, but it is clearly ineffective overall.


Well-Known Member
Hard to judge if there are in fact, people who have entered here illegally - been deported - and re-entered MANY times.
It's not that there's nothing, but it is clearly ineffective overall.

:lol: What?

It's not hard to judge, like, at all.

If someone says "there's literally nothing stopping them", that would mean that there is literally nothing along the border. We all know that to not be true, regardless how any of us feel about the effectiveness of what's there.

One could argue that if it's so bad, maybe throwing more money at it won't actually fix anything, but that gets in the way of the whole border wall discussion.


Well-Known Member
:lol: What?

It's not hard to judge, like, at all.

If someone says "there's literally nothing stopping them", that would mean that there is literally nothing along the border. We all know that to not be true, regardless how any of us feel about the effectiveness of what's there.

Umm. Right. Kinda think we're talking about the same thing. Taken literally, it IS false. Taken for its effectiveness, it's true.
If your home security system alerts you to only a tenth of the break-ins, it almost might as well not be there.

When someone says you have no chance to win Powerball, obviously it's false, because someone does win.
But the odds are so far against YOU, YOUR chances are pretty much zero.

Throwing more money at the problem really depends on the will of who is doing it - if we have an administration that doesn't care if we let them in or not,
a million border agents won't accomplish anything. Obviously a strong border policy that is enforced - will work. And you can test this against any number of nations
around the world by crossing in to them illegally.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Just saying that Congress should pass a clean funding bill. Hash out DACA issues before March and hash out wall funding details at a later time. It's not a hard concept.
And that is what the House did, the only exception is it added in a 6 year extension for CHIP. No wall money, no DACA plan, no chain migration stoppage, no VISA lottery termination, nothing but a 4 week extension on spending at current levels (plus the CHIP extension).


Well-Known Member
What ultimatums have the republicans thrown up here? Trump campaigned on a wall. He's not yielding to this. He is, however, compromising on DACA. Imagine that! Trump is compromising; and you people on the left (particularly Trans) are accusing him of flip flopping. Feinstein demanded an "clean" DACA bill and deal with the other issues later; in phases. Given the history of democrats of reneging on their promises, why should the republicans give them a clean DACA bill? They are already willing to pass DACA; yet democrats refuse to meet the GOP half way with what they want.

The GOP is in the majority. The American people have spoken that they want what the GOP wants. The GOP needs to recognize this.




God bless the USA
Why are the pols that we elected to represent US, playing with our lives? I think this has gone on since the beginning in 1776, but I just don’t get it. What I do get is you have to be an egotistical person to even put yourself out there to even run for office. And, if you have good intentions, initially, you just get swallowed up by the swamp. It is like look at me; a throw back to high school. I know there are pols that truly are sincere in wanting to represent their constituents, but the majority are in it for themselves, and get caught up in the politics of it all; the perks, spotlight, etc. I have come to the conclusion that our gov is comparable to Hollywood. Not in SoMD, but in CA. God bless, America.


Well-Known Member
So then give him the wall. It's called compromise, and I understand the Democrats aren't used to having to do that but guess what? They gonna have to learn.

I'm inclined to say #### it, let the Dems shut down the government. Let them send the message loud and clear that they care more about criminals from other countries than they do about their own constituents. That will surely play well come election time.

It won't though, because Republican'ts (demonrat light) are too stupid, too inept, and/or too afraid to slam that message home on the campaign trail.


Well-Known Member
It won't though, because Republican'ts (demonrat light) are too stupid, too inept, and/or too afraid to slam that message home on the campaign trail.

The republicans couldn’t even keep their act together enough to be able to fully blame the democrats. They lost more GOP votes than they gained from the dems. I think they were 13 or 14 short of passing the CR even with a handful of dems voting for it.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
The republicans couldn’t even keep their act together enough to be able to fully blame the democrats. They lost more GOP votes than they gained from the dems. I think they were 13 or 14 short of passing the CR even with a handful of dems voting for it.

On the cloture motion it was a 5-5 flip, leaving them 10 short (final vote 50-49).


Well-Known Member
On the cloture motion it was a 5-5 flip, leaving them 10 short (final vote 50-49).

Hopefully the republicans can find a way to pay Graham and Flake back for their joining the democrats.
Hopefully Mitch McConnell has the balls to do it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Hopefully the republicans can find a way to pay Graham and Flake back for their joining the democrats.
Hopefully Mitch McConnell has the balls to do it.

Flake is out - he wasn't going to be re-elected anyway so he decided not to run again.

Graham is entrenched, so he's not going anywhere. Rand Paul probably same. I know nothing about Mike Lee.


I'm sure there are examples of that, but by in large, there are numerous border crossings (fencing, cameras, drones, helicopters, boats, agents, ATVs, etc.), immigration checkpoints within 100 miles of the actual border, there are hundreds of thousands of illegals sent back every year. Are there lapses? Sure, but to say "There literally is nothing stopping people from coming into this country illegally" is a bit exaggerated.

Fair enough.

It's still a problem that needs to be dealt with. Trump ran and was elected on building a wall. He either defaults on that promise and faces the backlash of that, or he gets it built and faces the backlash to that. For Trump this is a lose-lose :shrug: