

You just admitted that the people that voted for trump did so on his promise to havemexico pay for the wall. Not to add the costs of a wall to the national debt.

No one voted for trumps new plan to spend our money to build a wall.

And, if I remember correctly, Trump stated in one of the debates that it would be paid for through tariffs and other trade tactics. No reasonable person really believed Trump would go to Mexico and tell them "we are building a wall and you're going to pay for it. Cough up the billions!" I thought it was an absurd way of working it, but Trump is going to work to get that wall.

So a clean DACA bill for funding the wall. It’s called a compromise. If that is their starting point it should be easy to make a deal for the great deal maker :yay:

Except that democrats are refusing to compromise on it. It was just stated in the White House briefing that democrats agree to everything that is being proposed in the bill, except they refuse to vote for it.


Main Streeter
DREAM = Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act

DREAM has been introduced a number of times and not passed. That's where DACA, as an executive order, came in. The Dems couldn't get DREAM passed, so Obama just bypassed Congress, which if you recall caused quite a bit of consternation with the general public.

Yes, I understand that. As you said, the Dream Act was proposed and never passed. Therefore it doesn't exist. The only law or EO that has anything to do with the Dreamers is DACA.


Well-Known Member
Both sides, are you meaning R and D or House and Senate? To be clear the House passed the CR and has previously passed appropriation bills for all of the government, the Senate is where the problem lies and that ridiculous 60 vote rule that allows for holding everything up. Reid pushed it aside when he needed too, why not eliminate it completely?

As in R and D.

It's not anything new, but they both have shown they are willing to hold the govt. (thus, its workers and contractors) hostage to politically grandstand.


Well-Known Member
And, if I remember correctly, Trump stated in one of the debates that it would be paid for through tariffs and other trade tactics. No reasonable person really believed Trump would go to Mexico and tell them "we are building a wall and you're going to pay for it. Cough up the billions!" I thought it was an absurd way of working it, but Trump is going to work to get that wall.

Except that democrats are refusing to compromise on it. It was just stated in the White House briefing that democrats agree to everything that is being proposed in the bill, except they refuse to vote for it.


Trump went to Mexico and told them, and when they told him no REPEATEDLY he asked their president to at least stop saying they won’t pay for it. But you are right, no reasonable person would have believed Mexico is going to pay for the wall. The. There is trump

And what are the dems saying about the GOP? Of course they are each painting the other side as the bad guy.
Did trump tell Lyndsey and Mitch what he will sign yet?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
To make it even more of a broad brush stroke, both sides are willing to hold up funding our govt. in order to get their way.

Except that one side wants to fund, you know, *our* government and the other side wants to fund some other government's citizens.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
As in R and D.

It's not anything new, but they both have shown they are willing to hold the govt. (thus, its workers and contractors) hostage to politically grandstand.

Explain to me, please, Mr. Libertarian, why you believe our US government has an obligation to fund illegal immigration with our hard earned tax dollars? And why lawmakers refusing to do so are "grandstanding"?

It's always interesting to me how you proclaim yourself a "Libertarian" while squarely hitting all the ProgDem talking points.


Well-Known Member
Except that one side wants to fund, you know, *our* government and the other side wants to fund some other government's citizens.

Negative. One side wants to fund the govt. AND add billions of dollars for a wall to do so. The other side wants to fund the govt. AND add millions of dollars for DACA. Neither side wants to fund govt. by itself and work out issues later.

Explain to me, please, Mr. Libertarian, why you believe our US government has an obligation to fund illegal immigration with our hard earned tax dollars? And why lawmakers refusing to do so are "grandstanding"?

It's always interesting to me how you proclaim yourself a "Libertarian" while squarely hitting all the ProgDem talking points.

Maybe if you spent less time projecting what you want to believe and spent more time reading what I type, there wouldn't be any confusion.

I never, ever, said the role of the govt. is to "fund illegal immigration".


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Negative. One side wants to fund the govt. AND add billions of dollars for a wall to do so. The other side wants to fund the govt. AND add millions of dollars for DACA. Neither side wants to fund govt. by itself and work out issues later.

That wall is within the government's constitutional responsibilities - "provide for the common defense". Giving money to foreigners who are living here illegally, not so much.

I never, ever, said the role of the govt. is to "fund illegal immigration".

By equating our national defense and border security with funding illegal immigration, you most certainly are saying exactly that. *I* am not the one who is confused here, dear.


Well-Known Member
That wall is within the government's constitutional responsibilities - "provide for the common defense". Giving money to foreigners who are living here illegally, not so much.

By equating our national defense and border security with funding illegal immigration, you most certainly are saying exactly that. *I* am not the one who is confused here, dear.

Earmarking additional tens of billions of dollars to fund a campaign promise of Trump should NOT hold up funding the govt. As much I enjoy seeing the govt. shut down, Congress has a job to fund the govt. That funding should not include riders that funnel billions for something that is not essential to govt. functions. Be it a wall or whatever else.

DACA was scrapped in September. The wall doesn't exist. Neither of these things are needed for govt. to function.

You are clearly the one confused if you're making #### up.

Me: Pass a funding bill with nothing else.
You: "You want to fund illegal immigration!"
Me: "I didn't say that"
You: "You said it by equating (btw, that equating never happened, but who cares) national defense and border security with funding illegal immigration"

In what universe is what you said true? I'm not equating anything. Just saying that Congress should pass a clean funding bill. Hash out DACA issues before March and hash out wall funding details at a later time. It's not a hard concept.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Earmarking additional tens of billions of dollars to fund a campaign promise of Trump should NOT hold up funding the govt.

What do you think "funding the government" means? Be specific. Is it just federal employee payrolls, or do you think it's maybe national security matters as well? Like maybe the military? Like border security, perhaps?

Here's another question:

What do you think a "clean" bill might include? Again, please be specific.


Well-Known Member
... it was reported last week, that would add 26 billion to the bottom line

Even more of a reason.

What do you think "funding the government" means? Be specific. Is it just federal employee payrolls, or do you think it's maybe national security matters as well? Like maybe the military? Like border security, perhaps?

Funding govt. means funding everything that's been appropriated via Congress. A regular budget hasn't been passed in 20+ years, hence why we're talking about a Continuing Resolution (CR).

A CR is supposed to utilize pre-existing (i.e. last year's) appropriations. If Trump, the GOP, Dems, Dreamers, Smurfs, whoever, wants DACA or a wall, get it appropriated via Congress like they're supposed to. Don't tack it on to a CR that is intended to keep govt. funded based on last year's appropriations/govt. functions.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Funding govt. means funding everything that's been appropriated via Congress. A regular budget hasn't been passed in 20+ years, hence why we're talking about a Continuing Resolution (CR).

A CR is supposed to utilize pre-existing (i.e. last year's) appropriations. If Trump, the GOP, Dems, Dreamers, Smurfs, whoever, wants DACA or a wall, get it appropriated via Congress like they're supposed to. Don't tack it on to a CR that is intended to keep govt. funded based on last year's appropriations/govt. functions.

I understand what a CR is. I have already expressed my thoughts on our lazy ass Congresstards who don't do dick so that we have to go through this crap every single year.

You didn't answer my questions, though:

What do you think "funding the government" means?

What do you think a "clean" bill might include?

Be specific.


Well-Known Member
You didn't answer my questions, though:

What do you think "funding the government" means?

What do you think a "clean" bill might include?

Funding govt. means funding everything that's been appropriated via Congress. A regular budget hasn't been passed in 20+ years, hence why we're talking about a Continuing Resolution (CR).

I literally answered your question (not the edited question that was added as I just saw that).

What you fail to recognize is that you're asking my opinion of what the govt. should fund. My answer to that is very limited functions, but I'm not about to walk through every function of govt. or everything Congress has agreed to spend money on. Funding the govt. is simple. It's everything Congress has agreed to spend money on. A clean bill (i.e. a clean CR) funds govt. based on last year's appropriations.


Trump went to Mexico and told them, and when they told him no REPEATEDLY he asked their president to at least stop saying they won’t pay for it. But you are right, no reasonable person would have believed Mexico is going to pay for the wall. The. There is trump

I'm not suggesting that I believed any of the nonsense about Mexico paying for the wall; at least not directly. And I honestly don't care. I am for a wall and Trump seems to be the only president with the balls to get it done. I think it's a far better expenditure of our tax dollars than what DACA would cost us. A lot of Americans are fed up with people coming here illegally and committing crimes - everyone should be fed up with that. I fed up with illegals coming here with their children and using them as a ploy for legal status; and we end up paying for that too. Do the DACA, build the wall, stop the flow and be done with this nonsense. This battle has been fought my entire life. It's time to finally deal with it.


Well-Known Member
A lot of Americans are fed up with people coming here illegally and committing crimes - everyone should be fed up with that. I fed up with illegals coming here with their children and using them as a ploy for legal status; and we end up paying for that too. Do the DACA, build the wall, stop the flow and be done with this nonsense. This battle has been fought my entire life. It's time to finally deal with it.

I wouldn't be so sure of that.

The poll finds a record-high 83 percent of voters support setting up a system for all illegal immigrants who are currently working in the country to become legal residents, up nine points since last year. Just 14 percent say “deport as many as possible,” down from a high of 30 percent in July 2015.

Moreover, 63 percent of Trump voters favor granting Dreamers citizenship.

Trump voters, on the other hand, are pleased: 85 percent approve and 12 percent disapprove. Furthermore, they favor setting up a system to legalize undocumented immigrants working in the U.S. (65 percent), granting work permits (75 percent) and citizenship (63 percent) to Dreamers, and think it’s important Congress work on Dreamer legislation (60 percent).