

Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Anyway, I'm pretty sure Schumer and the gang weren't going to vote for this spending bill no matter what was in it. The giveaway is how, in his speech afterward, he didn't say what the problem was, he just blamed Trump and said repeatedly that Trump was a bad guy and poor leader and blah blah blah. This shutdown is clearly on the shoulders of the Democrats and their partisan hatred of Trump.


New Member
"If there is a shutdown, I think it would be a tremendously negative mark on the President of the United States." - Donald J. Trump


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


Well-Known Member
"If there is a shutdown, I think it would be a tremendously negative mark on the President of the United States." - Donald J. Trump

“I believe in immigration reform. What if I persuaded my caucus to say I’m going to shut the government down, I’m going to not pay our bills unless I get my way. It’s a politics of idiocy, of confrontation, of paralysis.” - Chucles Schumer


Well-Known Member
Anyway, I'm pretty sure Schumer and the gang weren't going to vote for this spending bill no matter what was in it. The giveaway is how, in his speech afterward, he didn't say what the problem was, he just blamed Trump and said repeatedly that Trump was a bad guy and poor leader and blah blah blah. This shutdown is clearly on the shoulders of the Democrats and their partisan hatred of Trump.
Political gamesmanship. Obama got a government shutdown, so Trump is too.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


Well-Known Member
The battle then will no longer be between the Rs and Ds but rather Congress and the White House.

Should be fun. Get your :popcorn: ready.

The battle will always be between the R's and D's because it takes a law to extend DACA and only Congress can pass a law.
If the two parties agree Trump will sign what they send to him.

I have no doubts about that.
But is is their decision and Trump has them in a position where they have to sh1t or get up off the pot/


Main Streeter
Actually, the Congress doesn't pass laws. They pass bills. The president then signs the bill into a law.