Sick Bastard...


Super Genius
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
O'Reilly seems to think it's OK to molest kids though.
Where did he say anything even resembling that? While we're at it, where is anybody saying that the boys were molested? Last I heard, there was no evidence of sexual molestation in this case.


New Member
While we're at it:

From the January 18 edition of Westwood One's The Radio Factor with Bill O'Reilly:

O'REILLY: OK. So, there you go. And I think Miss [Oprah] Winfrey handled it very well. You know, you just don't want to push the kid, who's obviously traumatized. And I think she handled it as well as anybody could handle it. Now, I can't say the same for the View ladies.

You've gotta understand how this goes down. The View ladies don't watch The O'Reilly Factor or listen to The Radio Factor. They don't do it. What they do is go on the Internet, and they go to -- particularly Joy Behar and Rosie O'Donnell -- to a place called Media Matters, which is a far-left swamp pit. A disgusting website that just attacks people with whom they disagree and takes things out of context all day long.

For example, they'll take an hour discussion we do here on The Radio Factor, and then they'll transcribe two minutes of it and leave out all the other stuff. So the total context of the remarks, never know 'em. And it's a cheap game. They've been doing this for years. And everybody with any intelligence knows it. But still, you have people going on there and using this stuff, and it's just one of the bad parts about living in America and being in the media.


O'REILLY: When I was growing up, I can't imagine that any of my friends or myself or anybody -- because, you know, it never happened and nobody's ever -- but we were pretty tough kids at age 11. Now, this kid, I don't how he was brought up. I don't know anything about him. All right? And the line about Rosie O'Donnell, "You know why? Because he has a pierced lip."

You know, all of that just shows Miss O'Donnell's -- what word --

LIS WIEHL (co-host): Be nice.

O'REILLY: Bias? Is that all right?

WIEHL: That's OK. Yeah.

O'REILLY: You know, yeah. I couldn't care less if the kid has a pierced lip. But this is what they throw out there, all right, making it a political situation.

From the January 18 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor:

O'REILLY: Oprah told her audience there were ground rules for the interview and she could not ask Shawn on camera why he didn't try to escape from Devlin. Off camera, apparently he told her he was too scared to leave the predator.

This case has captivated the entire country and is now becoming political. The far-left smear websites have vilified me for raising questions about the situation, and, predictably, the View ladies took the bait.

[begin video clip]

BEHAR: Bill O'Reilly has said that he does not believe in the Stockholm syndrome. You know, this kid who was kidnapped in Missouri -- isn't it Missouri? Yeah. He says that --

ELISABETH HASSELBECK (co-host): That it rarely happens.

BEHAR: -- that it rarely happens. He doesn't believe -- he thinks that the kid basically was free to roam around and could have gone home and, "Why didn't he?" Almost like blaming the kid. I think it's really abominable.

O'DONNELL: Yeah. Do you know why he thought that?


O'DONNELL: Because the kid has a pierced lip.

[end video clip]

O'REILLY: Well, it's completely absurd. But what else is new? Cutting through all the nonsense, the bottom line on this story is that Shawn Hornbeck fell victim to evil, pure evil. And every American parent should use this case to instruct their own children on how to confront evil, because sooner or later, they will have to. Simplistic stuff like Stockholm syndrome and the like get us nowhere.


O'REILLY: Wait a minute. Can you point to one sentence that I said that placed blame on him? I consistently said he was a victim.

JANE HALL (assistant professor in the School of Communication at American University): I think you said, "Why didn't he escape when he could?" And I think you also said --

O'REILLY: That's not blaming him, Jane.

HALL: -- he might have enjoyed.

O'REILLY: It's doing the job. My job is to be a journalist.

HALL: I think you also said he might -- wait, didn't you also say he might have enjoyed the life and liked not going to school? If -- I mean, that's on a website. Maybe it is not the whole story.

O'REILLY: Of course it's not the [unclear]. And it's ridiculous. I raised the question that there was an element of captivity that the boy just talked about, Bernie [Goldberg, author], where he didn't have to go to school. He didn't have to do anything but sleep and play video games. And, again, that was my reporting. And that's true. I haven't said one thing that isn't true.

From the January 18 edition of ABC's The View:

BEHAR: Bill O'Reilly has said that he does not believe in the Stockholm syndrome. You know this kid who was kidnapped in Missouri -- isn't it Missouri? Yeah. He says that --

HASSELBECK: That it rarely happens.

BEHAR: -- that it rarely happens. He doesn't believe -- he thinks that the kid basically was free to roam around and could have gone home and, "Why didn't he?" Almost like blaming the kid. I think it's really abominable.

O'DONNELL: Yeah. Do you know why he thought that?


O'DONNELL: Because the kid has a pierced lip.

BEHAR: Is that -- what that's got to do with anything? First of all, the kid was kidnapped at gunpoint. Now we know that the guy had a gun. OK.

O'DONNELL: And he also had kiddie porn on his computer.

BEHAR: The guy is a perv and a pedophile.

HASSELBECK: And even if this guy was -- because I believe O'Reilly compared this to the Smart case. And he said, you know, where she was, Elizabeth Smart was with -- you know, kind of surrounded by this guy at all times and kind of capped off and not able to go anywhere. He's saying this young man had some free area to roam.

And even if you have physical area to roam, if you know that the threat is there, that someone may harm your family. We don't know what this man said to him. He may harm his family or, "I'm gonna find you." And, "I found you once, I can find you again." That threat alone is paralyzing enough for someone who's held in captivity.

BEHAR: But he's basically indicting this kid and saying that the kid was -- he didn't have to go to school and he was a having a good time, and that's why he stayed, I don't think so. I think he's probably -- I'm just alleging this -- probably been raped by the guy and abused by the guy. And Bill O'Reilly is off-base, and he should apologize, in my opinion, to the parents and to the child. I really do believe that.

From the January 15 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor:

VAN SUSTEREN: Is that, first of all, you know, we don't know exactly -- we don't know all the facts. But don't forget that Elizabeth Smart likewise had an opportunity to leave and did not. She was on the public street. For some reason, when young people are picked up and taken under the influence of adults, they are very receptive to what the adults do. So I would not so quickly dismiss the Stockholm. And remember, he was a kid when he was picked up. He was 11.

O'REILLY: OK, but the difference in the Smart case, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that this guy was always hovering around the little girl. And she wasn't gone for the long period of time as this guy was.

Now. What we have learned, and this is why I don't believe in the Stockholm syndrome -- this guy, Shawn Hornbeck, gone four years, 11 to 15, authorities actually say he taunted his own parents on their website. He, you know, has got the piercings. He's -- I mean, this is a troubled kid, in my opinion.

VAN SUSTEREN: I wouldn't -- the piercings -- I mean, look, a lot of kids do piercings and don't do things like that. As far as the taunting goes on the website, I think what can be established is that someone on this particular login taunted the parents.

Now, was it done from this particular computer? If it was done from this particular computer, then that means either Michael Devlin did it, Shawn did it, or someone with access to the computer.

Olbermann on O'Reilly:
From the January 18 edition of MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann:

OLBERMAN: And as a commentator insists, a second victim did not escape because he was having a lot more fun than he did at home. That boy's parents reveal they believe their son was sexually abused. Why does the commentator still have a job?


OLBERMAN: It boggles the mind that, in 2007, a public figure can still blame the victim -- a victim who is a teenage boy -- and not lose his job over it. But Bill O'Reilly has told his audience that Shawn Hornbeck, abducted at age 11, more than four years ago -- rescued just a week ago -- never escaped because he didn't want to.

"The situation here for this kid looks to me to be a lot more fun than what he had under his old parents," O'Reilly said. "He didn't have to go to school; he could run around and do whatever he wanted." A lot more fun indeed -- like suffering sexual abuse at the hands of his kidnapper as Shawn Hornbeck's parents today said they believed happened.

We've all gotten a lot of amusement from Mr. O'Reilly's baseline idiocy, but this is reprehensible. It reeks of perversity and inhumanity. Simply put, Mr. O'Reilly no longer deserves any place on the public stage.



Super Genius
Let me break it down for you since you don't seem to understand. O'Reilly was discussing and giving his opinion on the psychology of kidnap victims. This has nothing to do with the morality of kidnapping which I am willing to bet everything I have that O'Reilly is not for kidnapping or thinks that it is any way ok to do.


Super Genius
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
O'REILLY: It's doing the job. My job is to be a journalist.

O'Reilly. Journalist. :killingme:killingme:killingme
Main Entry: jour·nal·ist
Pronunciation: -n&-list
Function: noun
1 a : a person engaged in journalism; especially : a writer or editor for a news medium b : a writer who aims at a mass audience



Dancing Up A Storm
I tune in the O'Reilly Factor now and again, and it seems as though he feels it's his job to raise every aspect of a case like this, rightly or wrongly. It's like he tries to cover every angle, every possibility that is going around in the gossip rooms.

I have to admit, some of the "what ifs" he raised about the Shawn Hornbeck kidnapping circumstances made me feel a little uncomfortable. We really don't know crap about what happened in those 4 years, and I think Greta Van Sustren was right: we ought to wait until the facts come out, however long it takes.

Sure, you might wonder why he never tried to escape Devlin's home, but like O' Reilly did say - he was an 11 year old kid. The guy might have scared the hell out of him enough, where he was afraid to try.

But that's it; we don't know enough about it yet.


New Member
ylexot said:
Main Entry: jour·nal·ist
Pronunciation: -n&-list
Function: noun
1 a : a person engaged in journalism; especially : a writer or editor for a news medium b : a writer who aims at a mass audience

FOX, News. :killingme

Here's one of the giant falfel's greatest hits:
From the September 14 broadcast of Westwood One's The Radio Factor with Bill O'Reilly:

O'REILLY: Bush to address the U.N., says we must be steadfast in battling terrorism. I'm sure all the U.N. people fell asleep. They don't really care about anything over there at all. I just wish Katrina had only hit the United Nations building, nothing else, just had flooded them out. And I wouldn't have rescued them.

O'Reilly has previously described "[m]any, many, many" hurricane victims who did not evacuate New Orleans as "drug-addicted ... thugs."And another one:

From the November 8 broadcast of Fox News' The Radio Factor with Bill O'Reilly:

O'REILLY: Hey, you know, if you want to ban military recruiting, fine, but I'm not going to give you another nickel of federal money. You know, if I'm the president of the United States, I walk right into Union Square, I set up my little presidential podium, and I say, "Listen, citizens of San Francisco, if you vote against military recruiting, you're not going to get another nickel in federal funds. Fine. You want to be your own country? Go right ahead."

And if Al Qaeda comes in here and blows you up, we're not going to do anything about it. We're going to say, look, every other place in America is off limits to you, except San Francisco. You want to blow up the Coit Tower? Go ahead.

The 210-foot Coit Tower was dedicated in 1933 and contains a museum and murals that depict working life in 1930s California.


New Member
Remember the Attack on Christmas?
The bronze goes to Bill O'Reilly. He has solidified in his status as this generation's Joe McCarthy. Just like the "Red Baiter," he now has his own list. His website reads: "The following media operations have regularly helped distribute defamation and false information supplied by far left Web sites." The list: the New York Daily News, the St. Petersburg Times, and MSNBC! You call it defamation, Bill. We call it precise quotes from your show.

The runner-up: Bill O'Reilly. On the Today show, no less. Now how the hell did that happen? Says, quote, "These pinheads running around going, 'Get out of Iraq now,' don't know what they're talking about. These are the same people before Hitler invaded in World War II that were saying, 'Ah, he's not such a bad guy.' " Watch. That will turn up tomorrow on his list of defamations.

But tonight's winner: Bill O'Reilly! You know this whole attack on Christmas nonsense that he made up? Some sort of fantasy in which the liberals are coming to your town to force you and your family to not call it Christmas anymore? The fantasy that we can't say "Merry Christmas," but you can only say "Happy Holidays"? The thing designed to stir up religious hatred and paranoia in this country? Guess what they're selling over at the Fox News online store? The Fox News "Holiday" ornament! And the O'Reilly Factor "Holiday" ornament. Who is trying to change "Merry Christmas" into "Happy Holidays"? Bill O'Reilly, that's who. Today's worst person in the world!
> Excerpt from the book "Worst Person in the World," source: Media Matters for America.
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Super Genius
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
Hey, most of these are Bill's very own quotes.
So? I've been trying to discuss and you just go off in some other direction...just like forestal.


New Member
ylexot said:
So? I've been trying to discuss and you just go off in some other direction...just like forestal.
I hate Bill O'Reilly, and to say he is a legatimate journalist is just insulting to all the journalists out there.

It's no wonder his ratings are so high, people tune in to see what irrational thing he'll say next. :killingme

I used to like Bill :shrug:


Super Genius
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
I hate Bill O'Reilly
That much I figured out :rolleyes:
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
and to say he is a legatimate journalist is just insulting to all the journalists out there.

It's no wonder his ratings are so high, people tune in to see what irrational thing he'll say next. :killingme

I used to like Bill :shrug:
He's as much of a journalist as Keith Olberman :shrug:


New Member
ylexot said:
He's as much of a journalist as Keith Olberman :shrug:

Olbermann is at least fair and balanced. OK, send the red.

And would it be fair to say I've criticized Olbermann when he's said something that is irrational or being too liberal? For the record, I think he leans left but is not as liberal as FOX NOISE Channel makes him out to be.
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