AndyMarquisLIVE said:
OK, I'm done with my Bill bashing.
Wow... I wish I'd been here while this was going on. I watch the "Factor" 3 or 4 nights/week, and I often agree with him. Not because I am an O'Reilly drone, but because I appreciate his analysis. And I do oftentimes disagree with him in some way or another.
Most of those quotes were misrepresented. You simply wrongly interpreted what was said. Furthermore, your labeling O'Reilly a "sick bastard" is truly uncalled for.
As ylexot alluded, O'Reilly is an
op-ed (read: opinion) journalist. He is
supposed to give his perspective, so he can be as unfair and unbalanced as he wants. He freely says this several times a week.
I have welcomed even your analysis of various forum topics lately, Andy... but sometimes you do head off the deep end.