Simple Yes/No Question

Do you have negative feelings or opinions on Muslims, Arabs, or North Africans?

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New Member
Tom and Mom, y'all should edit your posts like I did BC admin will not only ban the :loser: but also those who quote it..... FYI :yay:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Mikeinsmd said:
But all just happened to be Muslim?
No, not all were Muslim. I won't argue that many have been, but it isn't an exclusive phenomenon. Tamil terrorists in Sri Lanka aren't religious at all and the Chechen bombers weren't all Muslim either.

The commonality of the bombers is more directly related to a perception that they share of being dominated by outsiders in what to them is a hopeless struggle for independence. Many with strong religious fanaticism exploit those that feel this way and use religious messages to justify what they do but from what I read of Pape's study it is not a fundamental characteristic of the bomber, it is one of the group that recruits them.


Asperger's Poster Child
Ken King said:
The commonality of the bombers is more directly related to a perception that they share of being dominated by outsiders in what to them is a hopeless struggle for independence. Many with strong religious fanaticism exploit those that feel this way and use religious messages to justify what they do but from what I read of Pape's study it is not a fundamental characteristic of the bomber, it is one of the group that recruits them.
Yes. That was my point earlier about resentment.

As much as I dislike the views of extremist Christians such as the Dominionists, the threat they pose is to our freedom of conscience. The threat posed by extremist Islamists is to our lives and our security.

Still, on some level, I find some reward in knowing that the Islamists are scared of American culture. If they're not careful, they'll end up just like us--eating Big Macs, wearing Mickey Mouse ears, watching the Super Bowl (Yay Steelers!), enjoying freedom of religion and freedom of speech, treating women as full citizens instead of slaves and evil temptations, and most of all, not killing and rioting because of some dumb cartoon.

As Don and Mike put it today, if you're going to riot over a cartoon, it ought to be Family Circus.


Iron City
rocknroll said:
hey mike eat a d**k you dumbshit
I guess you were smoking when you said this. I hope so, otherwise you are showing your true childish ignorance. Please go away little boy and take your dope with you. Come back when you grow up.
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New Member
mrweb said:
I guess you were smoking when you said this. I hope so, otherwise you are showing your true childish ignorance. Please go away little boy and take your dope with you. Come back when you grow up.

you are always trying to act cool talking bullshit

and you are a complete nerd

the first time I posted here and I had written out a few paragraphs

you came into the thread and pointed out a ####ing preposition that I had left out

when I made the typo "high marijuana" instead of saying "high on marijuana"

you are pathetic enough to try to trash me for that

and you don't even know how to spell. you are retarded.

you don't even know "i" before "e" or any of that ####

you are not worthy of having a conversation with me. so ####


Iron City
rocknroll said:
you are always trying to act cool talking bullshit

and you are a complete nerd

the first time I posted here and I had written out a few paragraphs

you came into the thread and pointed out a ####ing preposition that I had left out

when I made the typo "high marijuana" instead of saying "high on marijuana"

you are pathetic enough to try to trash me for that

and you don't even know how to spell. you are retarded.

you don't even know "i" before "e" or any of that ####

you are not worthy of having a conversation with me. so ####

Your argument is so eloquently stated and well written. I admit defeat. :bawl: I am not worthy to be on the same thread as one so educated. I will study and learn from your writing skills and witty comments. I'll come back when I feel I am your equal. :coffee:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Rockhead does so well at capitalization and punctuation, too. Must be a valedictorian. :whistle:
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mv = margaritaville
rocknroll said:
you are always trying to act cool talking bullshit

and you are a complete nerd

the first time I posted here and I had written out a few paragraphs

you came into the thread and pointed out a ####ing preposition that I had left out

when I made the typo "high marijuana" instead of saying "high on marijuana"

you are pathetic enough to try to trash me for that

and you don't even know how to spell. you are retarded.

you don't even know "i" before "e" or any of that ####

you are not worthy of having a conversation with me. so ####
I do believe you may slight anger issues..........settle down.


Well-Known Member
I think the dingbat that started this stupid "poll" (who ever he was) eleven pages ago, is a race baiter.