Simple Yes/No Question

Do you have negative feelings or opinions on Muslims, Arabs, or North Africans?

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vraiblonde said:
"Jewish" is both an ethnicity (corrected) and a religion. "Muslim" is only a religion. If you live in an Arab country and do not practice the Muslim faith, you are simply an Arab.

I am not sure about the ethnicity part since there are:

...Black Jewish ( i.e. Whoopi Goldberg )
...German Jewish
...Italian Jewish
...Polish Jewish
...Russian Jewish
:elaine: :flowers:
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Midnightrider said:
Just replace the word muslims with blacks, and terrorist with "rapists and murderers"
Uh...I'm disgusted by blacks who support their criminal element, too. :jet:

Where do you think dislike for a specific group comes from? Do you think people just make it up out of thin air? NO. They observe a pattern of behavior for the group, then observe the other group members' reaction to it, and form an opinion from there.

I'll bet you $10 that nobody on this forum thought a thing about Muslims one way or the other until after 9-11, when we were treated to video footage of Muslims cheering in the streets because their buddies managed to kill over 3,000 of us.

You can look back over threads from that time period and you'll see that there was no ethnic stereotyping from the masses. But the more and more we see, the more and more we believe.


New Member
those "curly cues" are called peyos

and they are only one of the dozens of ways you could identify someone as a jew

but you wouldn't know that, because as you said, you've never been able to identify a jew by their appearance


Set Trippin
vraiblonde said:
Uh...I'm disgusted by blacks who support their criminal element, too. :jet:

Where do you think dislike for a specific group comes from? Do you think people just make it up out of thin air? NO. They observe a pattern of behavior for the group, then observe the other group members' reaction to it, and form an opinion from there.

I'll bet you $10 that nobody on this forum thought a thing about Muslims one way or the other until after 9-11, when we were treated to video footage of Muslims cheering in the streets because their buddies managed to kill over 3,000 of us.

You can look back over threads from that time period and you'll see that there was no ethnic stereotyping from the masses. But the more and more we see, the more and more we believe.
Perception is reality... The media is a big helper here...:roflmao:


rocknroll said:
Saying that Muslims aren't a race would be like saying Hitler wasn't racist.

That's the stupidest effing thing I've ever heard. Jews belong to a race - even if they don't practice Judaism, they're still Jews. Ever hear of "Jews for Jesus", f'rinstance?

Muslims practice a RELIGION.

Plain and simple.

If you wanna lump all Semetic people into a group and call them Muslims, be my guest, but I'm telling you right now Muslims aren't a race.

Check out Indonesia.
Check out "Nation of Islam" and Louis Farrakhan.

rocknroll said:
I'm not even going to begin wasting my time arguing that one.

Of course, you're not. Because you got NOTHING.

You're entire premise is flawed, and this entire thread is stupid.


professional daydreamer
rocknroll said:
those "curly cues" are called peyos

and they are only one of the dozens of ways you could identify someone as a jew

but you wouldn't know that, because as you said, you've never been able to identify a jew by their appearance

Keep posting. Just when I think you couldn't possibly get any more stupid, you prove me wrong. :lmao:

ps...I don't give a flyin' #### what they're called. I'm not jewish.


rocknroll said:
those "curly cues" are called peyos

and they are only one of the dozens of ways you could identify someone as a jew

but you wouldn't know that, because as you said, you've never been able to identify a jew by their appearance

Actually.. you can't .. period.

You can't tell the different between the appearance of Polish Jewish and Polish Catholic .. same with Irish Catholic and Irish Prostestant ..


professional daydreamer
mainman said:
Do you have appliances on your front porch that work? :confused:

I don't have working or broken appliances anywhere outside of my house, the lawn is only 2 inches long, and all of my vehicles run and leave the driveway at least once a month.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SeaRide said:
I am not sure about the ethnicity part since there are:

...Black Jewish ( i.e. Whoopi Goldberg )
...German Jewish
...Italian Jewish
...Polish Jewish
...Russian Jewish
:elaine: :flowers:
Then what do you call a person who was born to Jewish parents but does not practice the Jewish faith?

Hint: They're called Jewish.



Set Trippin
elaine said:
I don't have working or broken appliances anywhere outside of my house, the lawn is only 2 inches long, and all of my vehicles run and leave the driveway at least once a month.
Just checking...

No auto parts in the tub?

Has your hairdo ever got caught in a ceiling fan?


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
Uh...I'm disgusted by blacks who support their criminal element, too. :jet:
thats my point, you are disgusted by the ones that support the criminal element, but wouldn't say blacks as a group support crime b/c you and i both know that most don't.
I am sure its the same with muslims, but we dont see a lot of the peaceful side of muslims in the news because it isn't nearly as good of a story.

vraiblonde said:
Where do you think dislike for a specific group comes from? Do you think people just make it up out of thin air? NO. They observe a pattern of behavior for the group, then observe the other group members' reaction to it, and form an opinion from there.

thats true, as is the stuff about 9/11, but we can't judge a whole race or religion- whatever we want to call it- by the actions of a few.
there were what 12 or 13 hijackers, and including them and people loosely attached to the 9/11 attack (planning etc) there might have been 30 who knows, doubtful it was more than 100. I just don't see how we can judge from such a small sampling.

BTW, nice to debate with someone instead of flinging S***



otter said:
And you identify them how??

They're the ones who don't have to take the cigarette out of their mouth to tell the cop to kiss their ass.

They also show you their belt-buckle when you ask for their ID.


Well-Known Member
elaine said:
You say that as if this thread was deserving of serious discussion. :lmao:
its one of the more deserving ones i've seen.

Better than having a serious discussion about what you are going to or did eat for lunch, or some of the "copied from fark" links that get posted