

Steve said:
No. Pixie still thinks size matters. The rest of the thread is boring. :snooze:
I was gonna say "If anyone knows penises it would be Pixie" but that sounded bad so I didn't say it.


New Member
Qurious said:
How important is it to you in a relationship?

Let me explain: :popcorn:

She's fat.

His manhood is small.

People are either divorcing over this or cheating on one another.

Talk to me, im listening. :coffee:
Hmmm I think that if you are truely in love with someone then whether they are fat or have a small penis does not lets explore more into the situation, a man meets a woman and she is 5'0 and weighs 100 pounds and they get involved, fall in love and then 4 years down the road she weighs 200 pounds, and the man is no longer attracted to her. or vice versa, a women meets a fit man and he gains 100 pounds. In that case I think the size does matter because you can not help what you are and are not attracted to. There are men that find flat asses and flat chess attractive whereas others find big breast and a butt attractive. And then theres the ones that like the 100 pounds over weighters.


muwha8 said:
Hmmm I think that if you are truely in love with someone then whether they are fat or have a small penis does not lets explore more into the situation, a man meets a woman and she is 5'0 and weighs 100 pounds and they get involved, fall in love and then 4 years down the road she weighs 200 pounds, and the man is no longer attracted to her. or vice versa, a women meets a fit man and he gains 100 pounds. In that case I think the size does matter because you can not help what you are and are not attracted to. There are men that find flat asses and flat chess attractive whereas others find big breast and a butt attractive. And then theres the ones that like the 100 pounds over weighters.

They just need legs like i like


New Member
Oh yeah and dougster sorry its not you, just thought it might be cause the guy said his name was doug but his friends called him dougster :lmao:

either way I hear you good looking so... :yay: way ta b