

My Freak!
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How many kids does a woman have to have before its like throwing a hot dog down a hallway?


czygvtwkr said:
How many kids does a woman have to have before its like throwing a hot dog down a hallway?

It depends on the woman, I've seen some that are like doing a coffee can and they didn't have the first child and then I've met some that were goodentight with three kids and no C section. :shrug:


Hate to be serious in the midst of all this jockularity... but -- Having a partner who gets really big translates into "unhappiness." Kinda makes the spouse feel unloved and like a huge loser.

I get the divorce thing, even though it's really sad.

That's just my two cents... What the He!! do I know?


Lem Putt
rack'm said:
It depends on the woman, I've seen some that are like doing a coffee can and they didn't have the first child and then I've met some that were goodentight with three kids and no C section. :shrug:

Good to know you've met some and seen some. Maybe one day you will actually git some!


Kain99 said:
Hate to be serious in the midst of all this jockularity... but -- Having a partner who gets really big translates into "unhappiness." Kinda makes the spouse feel unloved and like a huge loser.

I get the divorce thing, even though it's really sad.

That's just my two cents... What the He!! do I know?

I watched a show on bypass surgery yesterday while waiting for an appointment. They had a bunch of obese people and one was this woman who was nearly 500 lbs. and she got that way after she was married gaining nearly 300 lbs. :faint:

Her husband and to wipe her with wipes to clean her because she could not get in and out of the bath tub or shower. It was nasty watching him slide the wipes in her folds.

I realize "happily ever after" but damm that is an awful lot to expect of anyone no matter how much you love them, to take care of somebody who has self inflicted limitations and heath issues because of obesity. :ohwell:
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Lem Putt
Vixen said:
I watched a show on bypass surgery yesterday while waiting for an appointment. They had a bunch of obese people and one was this woman who was nearly 500 lbs. and she got that way after she was married gaining nearly 300 lbs. :faint:

Her husband and to wipe her with wipes to clean her because she could not get in and out of the bath tub or shower. It was nasty watching him slide the wipes in her folds.

I realize "happily ever after" but damm that is an awful lot to expect of anyone no matter how much you love them, to take care of somebody who has self inflicted limitations and heath issues because of obesity. :ohwell:

He must have had to feed her also, so I don't feel any pity for him. Just say no to Big Macs!


MMDad said:
He must have had to feed her also, so I don't feel any pity for him. Just say no to Big Macs!

You would think he feed her Big Macs, but he didn't. If you are laying around all day, fat, tired, not doing anything, you don't need much food to maintain a fat overgrown body. I just do not understand how anyone doesn't realize they are getting huge. At 300 lbs, she had to look in a mirror at some point and say "holy shiat I don't have junk in the trunk, I have a warehouse back there." :shrug:


I bowl overhand
MMDad said:
He must have had to feed her also, so I don't feel any pity for him. Just say no to Big Macs!
I saw a VERY similar show, except the stupid bastoard husband WANTED a fat woman that he had to take care of... to the point of getting her SO fat she couldn't get out of bed anymore.. >1000 pounds.

There is a name for those guys but I can't remember..


itsbob said:
I saw a VERY similar show, except the stupid bastoard husband WANTED a fat woman that he had to take care of... to the point of getting her SO fat she couldn't get out of bed anymore.. >1000 pounds.

There is a name for those guys but I can't remember..

That is sick. So basically, they wanted Jabba the Hutt waiting for them when they got home. :duh: Wierdos