Ski Bug


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
For most, it's recreation... I wouldn't consider it a sport.
For serious skiers who compete in Olympic style competitions... I'd say it's a sport.

Same for me with golf. Some call it the "rich man's sport" cuz you gotta pay out $20-$40 every time you play (on a nice course). I play golf on weekends occasionally, and though I might be "competing" with those that I play with, I see it as more of a recreational activity. Now my dad... he plays in leagues. When he's playing in a league, it's sport. When he's playing with me, it's recreation.
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workin hard said:
Done it once and my instructor told me to go inside before I hurt myself :sad:

did you have to buy all the matching clothes and accessories? How bout beer? did you spend a lot of money on beer? Did you look goofy?
nomoney said:
did you have to buy all the matching clothes and accessories? How bout beer? did you spend a lot of money on beer? Did you look goofy?
You have to buy all matching stuff or you just don't match and thats not fun. Don't like beer but I spend money on liquor and yes I prolly do look like a tard...


Right Where I Belong
nomoney said:
did you have to buy all the matching clothes and accessories? How bout beer? did you spend a lot of money on beer? Did you look goofy?
I looked dorky in the ski clothes. Drank lots of beer. Maybe that is why I kept taking everyone else out around me.:shrug:


Yo Gabba Gabba
I love it and am in NO WAY rich. I go as often as I can, which isn't very often because I'm so poor. But it does get expensive cause your boots and skis have to match your coat and pants and don't forget the hat gloves and scarf too. You have to buy special socks so that you don't have circulation problems and some people wear helmets. Then you have to buy all your own alcohol and stuff and it can get up to $120. It's definitely a rich man's sport, that's why I only go once a year. I just can't afford to go any more than that. I'm so poor and my dad and the morals I was raised with won't let me find another way to make money. He says that skiing is vain because everything has to match.


Right Where I Belong
Ehesef said:
I love it and am in NO WAY rich. I go as often as I can, which isn't very often because I'm so poor. But it does get expensive cause your boots and skis have to match your coat and pants and don't forget the hat gloves and scarf too. You have to buy special socks so that you don't have circulation problems and some people wear helmets. Then you have to buy all your own alcohol and stuff and it can get up to $120. It's definitely a rich man's sport, that's why I only go once a year. I just can't afford to go any more than that. I'm so poor and my dad and the morals I was raised with won't let me find another way to make money. He says that skiing is vain because everything has to match.


Pitty Party
workin hard said:
Does all your stuff have to match when you do that :confused:

No way.. Jeans, warm jacket, gloves, maybe goggles.

Just don't fall :otter: Hour snowboarding, hour in the bar, hour snowboarding, hour in the bar. hour in the bar, hour in the bar..

You get my drift. :lol:

Mine does tho............. :smoochy:


unixpirate said:
No way.. Jeans, warm jacket, gloves, maybe goggles.

Just don't fall :otter: Hour snowboarding, hour in the bar, hour snowboarding, hour in the bar. hour in the bar, hour in the bar..

You get my drift. :lol:
Heck....why don't you just snowboard with a beer in your hand? :lmao:


Pitty Party
KCM said:
:yeahthat: So I don't have to be rich to snowboard.:dance:

Cheaper then renting ski's.
Think of it this way and I do ski. Been for 30 yrs and I'm 29. :lol: I have two pairs of ski's but took up snowboarding and haven't went back..
With skiing, you have two feet doing two different things. (or wants too)
With snowboarding, you have two feet doing the same thing and going in the same direction.
Try it, you'll love it.


Lessons anyone?