Skins / Cowboys...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
just? He's been mentioned in every Redskin offensive play. Trent will learn from this...I hope

Well, that one play, he gave him the stutter and trent about fell over and never touched him. :lol:

If we're going to go anywhere, we gotta be able to play with and beat the best so, bring 'em on!


That is one of the things I dislike about the 3 -4 and having your OLB up on the/close to the line. they get blocked out a lot.


Nothing to see here
Haslett just seems to have people in the right place and time and just let them make plays.


The thing I like about Haslett is that he reached his level of incompetence as a head coach and knows it..Now he's happy being a great defensive coordinator.