Skins / Cowboys...


Nothing to see here
I'll be 27 in December :hrmph: :lol:

Riggo was a pre-madonna... but he is still one of the most, if not the most beloved Skin of all time... :shrug:

Though, once he finally did show up, he played his ass off, I understand that... My point though, is there has been pre madonnas even back in the glory days :ohwell:

Huge difference between AH and Riggo..Riggo consistently performed on the field when playing..AH doesn't know what its like to give 100% on 2 plays in a row.


I've gone 180 degrees on him, he's an acquired taste, tho he still jumps the shark on occasion. Now Andy Poley is on my wish he was gone list.

I like Czabe. I was angry when FSN replaced him with that idiot stephen Smith

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Its not the contracts that are the problem..its only the HUGE bonuses that are guaranteed.


It's all well and good to promise a guy gauranteed money. Maybe a million to sign. Maybe 2? Somewhere around there.

However, when a D line man pushing 30 in a career where you're lucky to make it to 28, with a history of being a ####tard already well established gets handed RETIREMENT money, what the hell do we expect?



Nothing to see here

It's all well and good to promise a guy gauranteed money. Maybe a million to sign. Maybe 2? Somewhere around there.

However, when a D line man pushing 30 in a career where you're lucky to make it to 28, with a history of being a ####tard already well established gets handed RETIREMENT money, what the hell do we expect?




New Member
The SOMETHING should be that he FINALLY learned his lesson and leave the personnel issues to people who actually have a clue.[/QUOTE]

I thought that "Danny-boy" as you all call him already turned the reigns over to Shanny and Bruce... Fat Albert was picked up before the most recent regime was brought in... :whistle:


Football addict
I honestly don't think he is going to be a distraction... when he was being a baby, he was by himself, no other player went over to try and get him in the huddle, or try to cheer him up... They let him sit in the corner and basically pout it out... Which, I was glad to see.
I don't believe he was pouting. Perhaps he was.:shrug:

Anyways, he's been isolated on the sidelines in a similar fashion since his Tenessee days. Supposedly he enjoys "being in the zone" and "getting his game face or attitude on".:lol: He doesn't like being bothered on game day.