Skins / Cowboys...



Offense did not win that game.

True that...

And for all the sore Dallas fans.:poorbaby:..a little quote from the late great John McKay....On his team's blocking strategy: "Hold when you're at home and don't hold when you're on the road."



They call me ... Sarcasmo
True that...

And for all the sore Dallas fans.:poorbaby:..a little quote from the late great John McKay....On his team's blocking strategy: "Hold when you're at home and don't hold when you're on the road."


That was a 1st degree assault not a hold :lol:


Football addict
Fat Al needs to be a starting end
We don't "need" him. Sure, it would be nice to have him play at his full potential. Personally, I don't want him on the field if he's not playing to his potential. He's the most talented. He has no fight, however.

I'd rather stick Lorenzo Alexander in there. Almost every time he was in the game he was getting a push. That guy has been a true lunch pail blue collar player and worthy of more playing time.


Football addict
Wondering why Phillips didn't over-rule Garret on the play to end the half?

Why didn't he?

Partly because he was talking to other defensive coaches about how "stupid" -- Phillips' word -- the Redskins were for initially deciding to decline a penalty on the previous play. The Redskins then took the penalty, and Garrett stuck with the Hail Mary call he'd sent in when it looked like Dallas would be on its 46, not the 36.

I don't care who ya' are, that's funny right there!:lmao: news: Remorseful Cowboys look to put miscues vs. Redskins in past


No Longer the Kid
We don't "need" him. Sure, it would be nice to have him play at his full potential. Personally, I don't want him on the field if he's not playing to his potential. He's the most talented. He has no fight, however.

I'd rather stick Lorenzo Alexander in there. Almost every time he was in the game he was getting a push. That guy has been a true lunch pail blue collar player and worthy of more playing time.

Lorenzo is playing LB though, not DL, and your right, Alexander busts' his ass for this team, and plays well no matter where he is put...

But when it comes to Fat Al, him playing at 75%, is still better than Kedric... I am not a big Haynesworth fan/supporter... but to me, you still need to put your best players on the field, and to be competitive week in, week out, he needs to be on the field for this team..


Football addict
Lorenzo is playing LB though, not DL, and your right, Alexander busts' his ass for this team, and plays well no matter where he is put...

But when it comes to Fat Al, him playing at 75%, is still better than Kedric... I am not a big Haynesworth fan/supporter... but to me, you still need to put your best players on the field, and to be competitive week in, week out, he needs to be on the field for this team..
Nope. Lorenzo is playing LB and DL, he's just listed as a linebacker.

Golston and Vonnie Holliday are considered DE's. Kemoeatu is getting pushed around a bit but I'm hearing good things about Anthony Bryant whom is their third string depth guy. Supposedly Bryant has been their best nose tackle in practice. Whomever is in the NT position, it's going to be a learning experience. When I heard about the 3-4 implementation I knew the defense would be good but there would be a learning curve; see Green Bay early last year. If the nose tackle learns and excels at the position, the linebackers won't get lost in the wash. Against Dallas, our linebackers were getting lost in the wash often.

So, this team needs to find one or two guys who can excel at the position. I'm not sure if Haynesworth is that guy by his own admission. He's a one gap rush the passer player and not a two gap consistent run stuffer.
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Nothing to see here
But when it comes to Fat Al, him playing at 75%, is still better than Kedric... I am not a big Haynesworth fan/supporter... but to me, you still need to put your best players on the field, and to be competitive week in, week out, he needs to be on the field for this team..

I've said it before, AH has no love for the game, he may go 100% on one play, 25% on the next..get tired and fall down, stretchered off the field then back a couple minutes later. His attitude on Sunday showed he is gonna be a distraction all year, get rid of him.


My Sweetest Boy
But when it comes to Fat Al, him playing at 75%, is still better than Kedric... I am not a big Haynesworth fan/supporter... but to me, you still need to put your best players on the field, and to be competitive week in, week out, he needs to be on the field for this team..

Nope, because it's more than him playing at 75% on the field. He's a cancer...get rid of him. He doesn't give a crap. Cut him, let him take his $21 million and pout somewhere else. If they keep him, it's going to eat away at the chemistry of the way to avoid it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Agreed; bye, bye Albert. Sad to have met y'ah! You got paid, good for you. C'yah!

No need to cut him. Trade him to the Jags for a 7th rounder and a ham sammitch.


My Sweetest Boy
Agreed; bye, bye Albert. Sad to have met y'ah! You got paid, good for you. C'yah!

No need to cut him. Trade him to the Jags for a 7th rounder and a ham sammitch.

Last night Czabe was talking (blathering, really) about starting the media campaign to ditch Albert...wants to get everyone onboard to complain loudly and push Danny to get rid of him. :lol:


No Longer the Kid
I've said it before, AH has no love for the game, he may go 100% on one play, 25% on the next..get tired and fall down, stretchered off the field then back a couple minutes later. His attitude on Sunday showed he is gonna be a distraction all year, get rid of him.

I honestly don't think he is going to be a distraction... when he was being a baby, he was by himself, no other player went over to try and get him in the huddle, or try to cheer him up... They let him sit in the corner and basically pout it out... Which, I was glad to see.

Somehow, the situation needs to be fixed, because he has the talent in him to be great, and play at a high level every snap, just need to find a way to get him to do it. (I thought the 21mil would have been it) but I think, being he is diva, his feelings are hurt, and the only way to end it all is to just throw him out at DE, and tell him to blow someone up, and knock out the QB for a game or two... Once he is happy doing that, work him into the nose roll more and let him make plays...

We can't just cut the guy or we would have, we want to much in return to trade him right now, which I don't blame our FO for.. It's all a mess with his situation, I don't think the end is going to work in our favor, so we might as well get what we can out of his over paid ass!

Nope, because it's more than him playing at 75% on the field. He's a cancer...get rid of him. He doesn't give a crap. Cut him, let him take his $21 million and pout somewhere else. If they keep him, it's going to eat away at the chemistry of the way to avoid it.

We still owe him more money, so it's not that simple, it would still hit us in the cap one way or the other(not sure how it works if they strike next year). Thus is why we need to trade him, IF we could trade him, the other team would only owe him about 6mil a year for the remainder of his contract, which, if he plays to his potential, is a super helleva deal for a top tier DT in the NFL now adays.... (yes, they all make too much damn money!!!)


My Sweetest Boy
so we might as well get what we can out of his over paid ass!

How do you propose they do that? He has talent, he just doesn't care.

Funny, last night they were comparing him to Stubblefield. Then they said, least Stubby appeared to be a nice guy. :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
We still owe him more money, so it's not that simple, it would still hit us in the cap one way or the other

I don't think you're accepting the basic premise; he is a LOSS. Even if they pay him every last dime to sit at home it is BETTER than having an uncommited person on the team.

Forget the money, just as though he'd taken the field, blown his achilles and was gone for good. He is a loss. Does not want to be here.

Think of what it says to the fans and the players and the coaches; the money does NOT matter around here (finally). Winning does. Being commited does. You wanna come here, get paid, sit on your ass because you fooled us into thinking you wanted to win? Fine. You won. Go sit on your ass at home. You don't wanna be here, we don't want you here.
