Skins / Cowboys...


No Longer the Kid
How do you propose they do that? He has talent, he just doesn't care.

Funny, last night they were comparing him to Stubblefield. Then they said, least Stubby appeared to be a nice guy. :lol:

Those are the guys who get hurt though, the ones on the field taking plays off (in a many of cases, not always, but normally)... So, just throw him out there, one way or the other, let him either kill himself getting beat up for not trying, or eventually he will try and make a few plays... hopefully :lol:

Fat Al is a nice guy.... you just gotta have a bucket of chicken, and a big ice cream bowl your willing to share :lmao:


No Longer the Kid
I don't think you're accepting the basic premise; he is a LOSS. Even if they pay him every last dime to sit at home it is BETTER than having an uncommited person on the team.

Forget the money, just as though he'd taken the field, blown his achilles and was gone for good. He is a loss. Does not want to be here.

Think of what it says to the fans and the players and the coaches; the money does NOT matter around here (finally). Winning does. Being commited does. You wanna come here, get paid, sit on your ass because you fooled us into thinking you wanted to win? Fine. You won. Go sit on your ass at home. You don't wanna be here, we don't want you here.


I understand what your saying, but sometimes, it is easier to makes these choices when it's someone else's money :lmao:

Danny needs SOMETHING out of it, just way to damn much money to #### down the toilet(again) when you ARE trying to change things.


My Sweetest Boy
I don't think you're accepting the basic premise; he is a LOSS. Even if they pay him every last dime to sit at home it is BETTER than having an uncommited person on the team.

Forget the money, just as though he'd taken the field, blown his achilles and was gone for good. He is a loss. Does not want to be here.

Think of what it says to the fans and the players and the coaches; the money does NOT matter around here (finally). Winning does. Being commited does. You wanna come here, get paid, sit on your ass because you fooled us into thinking you wanted to win? Fine. You won. Go sit on your ass at home. You don't wanna be here, we don't want you here.




My Sweetest Boy
Danny needs SOMETHING out of it, just way to damn much money to #### down the toilet(again) when you ARE trying to change things.

The SOMETHING should be that he FINALLY learned his lesson and leave the personnel issues to people who actually have a clue.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I understand what your saying, but sometimes, it is easier to makes these choices when it's someone else's money :lmao:

Danny needs SOMETHING out of it, just way to damn much money to #### down the toilet(again) when you ARE trying to change things.

IF he is trying to change things then, this would be one of the costs of change; eating the dough. As I say, pay him the gaurantee and trade him for what he's actually worth; chump change.

Albert won. he got paid. Better luck for us next time. He can get a 4th for him right now.





Nothing to see here
St. Czabe of Idiot.

Love the guy. :lol:

He's the first one to really speak out against the Danny, years ago, and took most of the arrows for it. Scored points with me.


I've gone 180 degrees on him, he's an acquired taste, tho he still jumps the shark on occasion. Now Andy Poley is on my wish he was gone list.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I've gone 180 degrees on him, he's an acquired taste, tho he still jumps the shark on occasion. Now Andy Poley is on my wish he was gone list.

Steve, to me, gleefully, jumps the shark every chance he gets. He's the kind of guy I'd LOVE talking to in a bar about sports. He's not afraid of sounding like an idiot, enjoys exploring endless 'what if's' and isn't concerned with acting like he's given things great thought but is actually just parroting CW. I find that interesting and fun. When I want insightful, intelligent thought
about football, I listen to Sonny. :notworthy:

Andy Pollen is there for Steve to kick. I enjoy Pollen trying to kick back. I love it when Andy goes off on some deep, meaningful thought and Steve kicks his soapbox out from under him. :lol:


No Longer the Kid
The SOMETHING should be that he FINALLY learned his lesson and leave the personnel issues to people who actually have a clue.

Correct, and I think he has done that, and even though Al may not be much for us right now, he can be dominant for someone else, and I think this is why he hasn't just been cut, or traded for a 7th rounder with a PB&J sammich :shrug:

IF he is trying to change things then, this would be one of the costs of change; eating the dough. As I say, pay him the gaurantee and trade him for what he's actually worth; chump change.
Albert won. he got paid. Better luck for us next time. He can get a 4th for him right now.

True, but not so much... Tampa offered him more money than we did. But on a football stand point, the Skins 'were' closer to being competitive/a winner than the Bucs, which 'supposedly', is what made up Al's mind... As for the chump change, a many of teams in the league would be after him QUICK if we just let him go. You can't denie the man's talent when he does play... (I know, he hasn't played for us, but thats not the point Im trying to make)

Larry Gude

Strung Out
True, but not so much... Tampa offered him more money than we did. But on a football stand point, the Skins 'were' closer to being competitive/a winner than the Bucs, which 'supposedly', is what made up Al's mind... As for the chump change, a many of teams in the league would be after him QUICK if we just let him go. You can't denie the man's talent when he does play... (I know, he hasn't played for us, but thats not the point Im trying to make)

I admire your courage in trying to argue in favor of Al. He's Wall Street. He's got his money. You tell me why he's not interested.



No Longer the Kid
I admire your courage in trying to argue in favor of Al. He's Wall Street. He's got his money. You tell me why he's not interested.


I can't. I can only argue/debate over why we can't just #### can the fellow :ohwell:

If someone paid me the money he makes, I'd cut the grass, paint the field, clean the stadium, the parking lot, do the laundry, hell, I'd even clean the bathrooms after each game, and I would do it all with a smile on my face :lol:


My Sweetest Boy
Hey old are you? 30 ish or younger, right?

You barely remember "when." I think that's why you accept Albert's behavior..even a little. Back in the glory days, you PLAYED...or you were gone. How I long for the past. :sigh:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I can't. I can only argue/debate over why we can't just #### can the fellow :ohwell:

If someone paid me the money he makes, I'd cut the grass, paint the field, clean the stadium, the parking lot, do the laundry, hell, I'd even clean the bathrooms after each game, and I would do it all with a smile on my face :lol:

Kid, no you would NOT.

Look, if someone paid you to clean the stadium, $10 a seat, one at a time, and then paid you to do the laundry, $100 per uniform, one at a time, and then paid you to do the bathrooms, $10 a pisser, one at a time then, you'd do it. Right up to the point where you said "Huh. I got $20 million in the bank. I don't much feel like cleaning toilets today."

Or running sprints. Or laying off the pizza. Or lifting. Or watching film. Or, in Albert's case, simply showing up.

This is why TARP was a stupid mistake and should have been easy to see, should be easy to understand. When you pay someone ahead of time, in full, beyond their wildest dreams, it's amazing anyone finishes a job.

Albert can not help it if Snyder was stupid enough to guarantee him that much money. Before the job was done.



No Longer the Kid
Hey old are you? 30 ish or younger, right?

You barely remember "when." I think that's why you accept Albert's behavior..even a little. Back in the glory days, you PLAYED...or you were gone. How I long for the past. :sigh:

I'll be 27 in December :hrmph: :lol:

Riggo was a pre-madonna... but he is still one of the most, if not the most beloved Skin of all time... :shrug:

Though, once he finally did show up, he played his ass off, I understand that... My point though, is there has been pre madonnas even back in the glory days :ohwell:


No Longer the Kid
Kid, no you would NOT.

Look, if someone paid you to clean the stadium, $10 a seat, one at a time, and then paid you to do the laundry, $100 per uniform, one at a time, and then paid you to do the bathrooms, $10 a pisser, one at a time then, you'd do it. Right up to the point where you said "Huh. I got $20 million in the bank. I don't much feel like cleaning toilets today."

Or running sprints. Or laying off the pizza. Or lifting. Or watching film. Or, in Albert's case, simply showing up.

This is why TARP was a stupid mistake and should have been easy to see, should be easy to understand. When you pay someone ahead of time, in full, beyond their wildest dreams, it's amazing anyone finishes a job.

Albert can not help it if Snyder was stupid enough to guarantee him that much money. Before the job was done.


You basically just straight described one of the owners biggest problems with the collective bargaining agreement... They want to cut down on these
guaranteed contracts and how crazy they are getting...

But if you told me, I'm guaranteed 50mil-ish, with a chance to make upto 100mil, my ass would clean that stadium like I said I would :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You basically just straight described one of the owners biggest problems with the collective bargaining agreement... They want to cut down on these
guaranteed contracts and how crazy they are getting...

But if you told me, I'm guaranteed 50mil-ish, with a chance to make upto 100mil, my ass would clean that stadium like I said I would :yay:

I will take your word for it. And then I would ask you to re-read your first paragraph.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'll be 27 in December :hrmph: :lol:

Riggo was a pre-madonna... but he is still one of the most, if not the most beloved Skin of all time... :shrug:

Though, once he finally did show up, he played his ass off, I understand that... My point though, is there has been pre madonnas even back in the glory days :ohwell:

There is Christian Adolph Jergensen

And then there is everyone else. :buddies:


My Sweetest Boy
I'll be 27 in December :hrmph: :lol:

Riggo was a pre-madonna... but he is still one of the most, if not the most beloved Skin of all time... :shrug:

Though, once he finally did show up, he played his ass off, I understand that... My point though, is there has been pre madonnas even back in the glory days :ohwell:

Sheesh..see, there's the dang're just a baby. You don't even know what a prima donna is. :lmao:


No Longer the Kid
Sheesh..see, there's the dang're just a baby. You don't even know what a prima donna is. :lmao:

(It's how you spell crap when your bouncing back an forth between to many damn pages :roflmao:)

Now leave me alone :neener:

PS- Please refer back to whatever thread it is I made my:

I'm not the brightest CROWN in the box

comment :lol:


Nothing to see here
You basically just straight described one of the owners biggest problems with the collective bargaining agreement... They want to cut down on these
guaranteed contracts and how crazy they are getting...

But if you told me, I'm guaranteed 50mil-ish, with a chance to make upto 100mil, my ass would clean that stadium like I said I would :yay:

Its not the contracts that are the problem..its only the bonuses that are guaranteed.